Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

r ~ -Xs ̂ C ouncil o f the Sispio:-; Bund o f Indians at a moctlr ; held " f t / f ^ u , ^ 2 £ J _________(date) maces tilt following by-la vf ] .irsuant to subsection ( l ) ( e ) and subsection ( l ) ( f ) o f Soc ion 32 o f the Indi .a Act, By-lav.- No. 10, ' f û '/ A by-lav/ to provide for - :e raising o f 'noney to defray the cost o f street lighl ing on the Kispiox Indian r.eserve y 1 in th; Province o f B ritish Columbia, 1, In th is by-law, (*) "Council o f the Band" means ti e Council o f the Kispiox Band o f Indians; 00 "male occupant" means any male person ordinarily resident on th e Reserve who has reached the fu l l ag>: o f 21 years; (c) "Reserve" means the Kispiox Indian lese.-ve #1; (d) Secretary o f the. Cc n c il" means the pe. son appiointed by the Council o f the Band or the purposes o f th is by-law, 2. The cost o f street lighting on the Uoserve shall be defrayed by an assessment to be levied upon a l l male occupants, ? , Th* Council o f the Band n> t later than the f i r s t day o f October in each year, shall prepare an estimate o f the amount o f money require.! to defray tho cost oi street lighting o; the Reserve fo r t ’.ie 12 months period following this datf , 0 4* The assessment o f each male occupant shall be determined by dividing the amount o f money estimated to paragraph 3 by the to ta l number o f male occupants* 5, The Secretary o f the Council shall, v/ithin fifte e n days a fter the Council o f the Band has determined the assessment o f each male occupant, send or give notice o f such assessment ir. the form prescribed by the Council o f the Band to each male occupant. 6, The amount o f the assessme it determined pursuant to paragraph 4 shall *, be paid by each male occupant to the Secretary o f the Council on or before the date specified in the notice o f asse smeut, 7 , Any male occupant who fa i l to pay the assessment in accordance rith paragraph 6 shall be gu ilty o f an of 'ence against th is ly-lav/ and the assessment or any part thereof remaining unpaid shall be recoverable on summary conviction* 1
. / O _ * 1 8. î.îonsys raised pursuant to t his by-lsff shall h? expended by the Council o f the Lana for the purposes o f defraying the cost o f street lighting on the Reserve. cs j - v,?; .
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