Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

November 14, 1988 Pertaining to land-use by-law. We hereby agree that we are in agreement with the above-noted by-law attached hereto. / / / j J C u / U Chief'Nora Bothwell / / f , C _ Councillor Penny Crowè Touncillor Glen V. Marsden
PROPOSED LAND-USE BY-LAW ALDERV1LLE INDIAN RESERVE WHEREAS THE Indian: Act empower the Councili Indian Bandi to pan by-lawi and Reiolutioni negulating the. uie Oj$ landi located on Indian Reienvei; AND WHEREAS THE DULY ELECTED Council oi the Indian Receive Aldenville wiihei to negulate 6u>e4o i lafâfy -ÿtQ a ̂ .n ^ in pant o£ the Band Iandi ai i e t out in th ii By-Law; THEREFORE the following By-Law in adopted and paaed by the Band Council, ai i e t out below. J. TITLE Thii by-law hall be known ai Land Uie By-Law Numb en ONE (/) fan the Indian Band o& Aldenville. 2. LANDS AFFECTED The landi a^facted by th ii By-Law ih a ll be the landi known ai Vimy Ridge and ai ihown in the Attached Schedule "A" to th ii By-Law. 3. DEFLATIONS The following defanitiom ih a ll apply in intenpneting th ii By- Law: "Finit Nation" ih a ll mean the Aldenville F init Nation. "Cottage" ih a ll mean a building uied fan necneational uie on yean nound neiidence. "Council" ih a ll mean the Council ofi the Aldenville F init Nation "Lot" ih a l l mean a iepanate pancel oi land ai e itab liih ed in the landi fa d ed in th ii by-Law. "Lot Fnontage" ih a ll mean the length ofi the lo t lying on a public noad in the Plan, but in, the caie o& a watenfaont l o t ih a l l mean the length ofi the lo t lying on the* waten. "Lot Depth" ih a ll mean the length otf the lo t lin e i manning at an angle to the lo t fnontage. "Walkway" ih a ll mean the land not a lio ted fan cottage lo t i
’'Occupant" ih a ll mean a peKion o>i peKioni who a ie member of the Ald.ew.iLte Nation and who have eltheK comtKucted ok occupy a cottage ok yeaK Kound K eildence ok aue tn the pKocea of comtKuct- tng a cottage tn Vtmy Ridge ai of NovembeK 1, 1987. "Vlmy fledge ih a tt mean the lundi i e t out tn Schedule "A" to th ti By-Law, being the lundi iu b ject to the land uie undeK th ti By-Law. "YaKd, FKont ih a ll mean the dtitan ce between any building on the lo t and the l in e e itu b ltih ed and the lo t p o n ta ge . "YaKd, ReaK" ihall mean the dtitance between any building on the lot and the lot line oppoitte the lot fKontage. "YaKd, Side" ih a ll mean th e dtitan ce between any building on the lo t and the l in e e itu b ltih ed ai the lo t depth l i n e t{ok that lo t . "YeaK Round Reildence" ih a ll mean a building uied foK yeaK Kound occupation ai a pKlnclpal K eildence In Vtmy Ridge. 4. PURPOSE OF BY-Law The puKpoie of th ti By-Law l i to peKmlt the Council to Kegulate development of Vtmy Ridge In an oKdeKly faihlon and In a manneK b en efic ia l to the Band ai a whole. In io doing the Council w ill have due KegaKd to_ the pKeient occupanti Vtmy Ridge In e ita b liih ln g lo t i and laying out ieK vlcei and land u ie . 5. GRANTING OF LOTS The following Kegulatlom ih a ll apply to the gKantlng of Klghti of occupation by way of C eK tlflca tei of P o a e a lo n [C eK tlflcu tei) undeK the Indian Act. At the time"of p a a ln g of th ti By-Law no iuch Klghti of occupation have been gKanted to the pKeient occupanti of Vlmy Ridge. a A ll pKeient occupanti of Vlmy Ridge ih a ll be fKee to apply to Council foK a C e it lf lc u te foK the landi on which'theiK cottage ok yeaK Kound Keildence l i pKeiently lo ca ted , togetheK with an aKea of land aKound iuch building In accoKdance with the lo t
6ize requirement6 o ̂ thi6 By-Law. I t 6hall not be ne.ce.66a.tiy for 6uch ex.i6ting occupant6 to comply with the. yard requirement6 e6tabli6hed by thi6 By-law in de6ignating their to t location. The. fin al location of a l l lo t linz6 6hall be. a6 determined by the. Council. Thi6 cottage and lo t cannot be 6old to another member unle66 the c e r t ific a te i6 in hi6/her po66e66ion. Any extra land above 70' x 70 not a lio ted to cottage lot6 w ill be u6ed a6 walkway6 to back lot6 on. lake. b. All pen.6on6 who are Band memben.6 and not yet occupants of Vimy Hidge may apply to the Council for the allocation 0)J a lo t in Vimy Ridge. The allocation of 6uch lot6 6hall be in the 6ole discretion of the Council, in any manner the Band Council may detenmine from time to time and 6uch allocation of lo t6 6ha ll be 6ubject to the provi6ion* of Section 6 of thi6 By-Law. c. The Council 6 hall not create any new lot6 in the 6tnip of land lying between the present Vimy Ridge Road and the 6hores of Rice Lake and only tho6e lot6 cheated prior to November 1, 7 957, 6hall be allocated to individual ownen.6, with the remainder of the land6 in thi6 6 tr ip remaining a6 general Band land6. In determining whether, or. not a lo t exi6tcd a6 of November 1, 1987, the Council 6hall consider the hit,tory and use of the lot6 a6 of that date. CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENT Upon any per6on not an occupant of Vimy Ridge a6 of November 1, 1987 being allocated a lo t by the Council 6uch per6on 6hall be notified in writing by mail and 6uch notice 6hall be deemed delivered on the day mailed to that per6on, who w ill then have a period of TWO (2) calend­ ar year6 from the date of 6uch notice to complete a clo6ed in 6truct- ure in compliance with the provi6ion6 of thi6 By-Law on the 6ubject property, fa iling which the Council 6hall not recommend the granting of a c e r t ific a te for that per6on who may then lo6e a l l right* to occupy or u6e the property and the 6aid lo t w ill revert back to the Council. In considering whether the lo t 6hall be allocated to another per6on, the Council may compen6ate e f f or t made by the original per6on granted the lo t in complying with the term6 of thi6 By-Law and any other rea6on* for non-compliance.
7. LOT REGULATIONS The. fallowing regulations shall apply to a l l lo t i in Vimy Ridge., whether occupied at the time oh the passing oh this By-Law on. allocated unden. the provisions oh this By-Law. LOT SIZE: 70 fa et faontage by 70 fa et depth. LOT USE: Cottage uàe and yean, nound residen tia l use only with permanent structure only and no tra ilers permitted on lo ts . No other uses oh lo ts w ill be permitted. MINIMUM COTTAGE SIZE: 400 Square faet. YARD REQUIREMENTS: Minimum Side Yard: 10 fa e t Minimum Front Yard: 25 fa et Minimum Rear Yard: 15 fa et SEPTIC SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS : Holding tanks oh a type and s iz e approved by the council faom time to time are the only permitted farm oh sewage dispos­ a l. All waste water and sewage generated on the lo t must enter the holding tank. Occupants must have th eir tank emptied and waste removed befare the tank reaches capacity. DRIVEWAY REQUIREMENTS: All driveways must run at right angles to the road giving access to each .lot and must be oh a suhhiclent depth to allow a l l vehicles visiting the property to be h^Hy removed om the public roadway. Drive way must be constructed h^rst. An IS" culvert is required on the East side oh the Vimy Ridge roadway on the h i l l side. LAND FILL AND SHORELINE ALTERATION: No hiH may be added to or removed hrom any lo t , nor may any shoreline alterations be made without the per­ mission oh the Council to such work being done. S. SURVEY FEES Each occupant oh Vimy Ridge as oh November 1, 19S7 and each person who may be allocated a lo t in Vimy Ridge shall pay to the Council a
(\ee not be bee le t t than $250.00 at a fee to o ffte t the admlnlttnatlve and tunvey cottt in the development and admlnittnatlon of Vimy Ridge. ENFORCEMENT The enfoncement of th it By-Law th a ll be a molten of Band concenn and any bneach of the By-Law th a ll be dealt with in ttaget, at followt: STAGE ONE ~ the penton alleged to be in bneach of the By-Law th a ll be tent a letten by ondlnany mail, telling oat the natune of the By-Law violation. Thit pent on th a ll then be given the oppontunlty to attend a meeting of the Band Council within 30 dayt of the mailing of the letten to explain hit on hen potition in negand to the alleged offence. If council i t not ta t it f ied with the explanation ( if any) pnetented, then th it matten w ill pnoceed to the next ttage. I f council i t ta t it f ie d that no offence hat been committed then no funthen action w ill be taken at th it time. STAGE TWO - The council th a ll be nequined to publith in the Band Newt letten on to cinculate to the genenal Band Membent hip in tome fathion, i t * t decition in negand to the alleged offence. I f the decition i t that an offence hat been committed and that funthen action thould be taken then the alleged offenden th a ll be given a peniod of 60 dayt to nectify the bneach. I f the bneach i t n ectified in th it peniod then no funthen action w ill be taken. I f the bneach i t not n ectified than the council w ill pnoceed to Stage Thnee. STAGE THREE - A change w ill be la id by elthen the Chief on any By-Law Enfoncement Offlcen on Special Conttable which the Council may have appointed. Thit change w ill be pnocetted thnough an appnopniate non-native count. In the event that th it Count thould convict the alleged offenden then the maximum fine can be $1,000.00 and Impnlton- ment fon a tenm not exceeding thlnty dayt on both, and the count can onden that the bneach of the By-Law be nectified . The Count't decition w ill alto be tent to the Band membenthip in the tame fathion at the't decition In Stage Two.
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