Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

& « a t e D E P A R TM E N T OF C IT IZ E N S H IP AND IMMIGRATION » N DI A K AFFAI RS BRANCH BAND COUHCIL RESOLUTION CANADA NOTE: The word* •‘From our Band Funds** must appear in all resolutions requesting expenditures from Band Funds. The Council of the........... . . . . ......................................................................................... ..Band o f Indiana, U \J * (Name o f Band) m the......... ....................... ^ .É r t u i U . c fk ^ L i . ....................................................... ................................... __Indian Agency, (Name o f Agency) in the Province of........ ................................................................. at a meeting, held (Name of Province In full) th l* ..... o n Full)" / (Month) Do Hwucay R s s o l v b ; ^ / / y X (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) ... (CounçHTor) (Councillor) ^ (Councillor) FO é HEADQUARTERS USE ONLY 1. TRUST 2. CURRENT BALANCES ACCT A. Capital B. Revenue $ $ 6. Recommended '■ , i i ' f t Date Authorized O fficer IA S -7 (Rev. 3 -63 ) > /y - X/?*/ & / (N am e of Place) ....A.D. 6 (Councillor) (Councillor) (C o im d b r) , t V. y .d 7 * (Coancillor) > .) 3. Expenditure Authority " 5. Source o f Fund» Indian A ct Sec. n Capital [ ] Revenue * / i r r . 7. Approved *• v ' /. Date «v * Director, Indian Affair» / ) r <f- i 7
CHIPPEWAS OF SARNIA RESERVE By-law Number / Being a By-law to authorize the carrying on of a municipal programme of recreation within the moanin'; of t he m;;uln t:; ons under the Department of Education Act. 1. The Council of Chippewa a o£‘ Sarnia enacts as follows: (a) A programme of recreation activities and services is hereby established for the residents of the Reserve. (b) The development of the .said programme of recreation shall be gullied, managed and coni no ! ,I od on behalf of the* Council of the Band by a committee! known as the Sarnia Reserve Recreation Committee. 2 * The s a i d Comm I l-.Lm s h a l l ho com p osed o f mcimber:; a p p o in t e d b y C o u n c i l a s f o l l o w s : AL members of the Council to hold office until their successors are appointed. /0 residents of the Reserve to hold office until their successors are appointed. 3 POWERS AND DUTIES OF THE COM .ÏTTBBS: Subject to the approval of Council (a) The Committee shall provide such services as will encourage and assist the development of optimum recreational opportunities to meet the needs and interests of the inhabitants of the Reserve. (b) The Committee shall encourage co-operation and co-ordination, in the community recreation activities and services» (c) The Committee shall provide advice and information as required to all groups, organizations and institutions carrying on recreation activities on the Reserve. (d) The Committee shall at all times keep the inhabitants of the Reserve aware of the recreation opportunities which are available and vail continually interpret to the public the-total community programme of recreation. (e) The Committee shall be responsible for all policies, rules and regulations relating to the administration of the programme conducted directly by that committee or its employees. (f) The Committee may appoint sub-committee and authorize such committee to operate in geographical or special interest areas and to provide such services as it deems necessary to assist these sub-committees in carrying on their activities. (g) The Committee may appoint recreation works on a part-time or a full time basis and shall bo responsible for assigning the duties and responsibilities of such persons. (h) The Committee is authorized to work Jointly with other municipal services in establishing, operating, improving and maintaining a supervised public recreation system of facilities and activities. (i) The Committee may solicit or receive gifts or bequests of money and services, to be applied in furtherance of the Sarnia Reserve programme of recreation.
s S - l 4 REPORTS AMD BUDGETS (a) On or before the first day of February each year, the Committee shall submit to the Band Council for audit, a statement of its financial affairs for the preceding year, (b) On or before the first day of March each year, the Committee shall submit and interpret to the Band Council, a detailed estimate of its budget requirements for the current year. (c) The Committee shall submit to Council an annual report of its activities and such other reports as may be required from time to time. 5* In carrying out the provisions of this By-law, the Committee .• .. shall at all times be the agent of the Sarnia Reserve and while acting bona fide v;ithin the limits of the authority of this By-lav/, neither the Committee nor any members there­ of shall incur any liability by reason of anything done or left undone by the Committee; provided however, that nothing in this paragraph contained shall authorize or empovrer the Committee to incur any debt, liability or obligation for ' which Sarnia Reserve shall become liable without having previously obtained the consent of the Council of Sarnia Reserve» PASSED IN COUNCIL THIS SIXTH DAY OF SEPTEMBER? 1966. S ign ed by Frederic!: Plain Chief Reynold vlillian : Councillor Gerald Maness Councillor Ray Roger Councillor T e l f o r d Adams S r . Councillor Ale:: Bird. Councillor
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