Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

Chronological No, 44 INDIAN AFFAIRS BRANCH H*Q, Reference BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION FILE NO. 471/3-10-9 NOTE: The words From our Band Funds must appear in all resolutions requesting expenditures from Band Funda, FOR HEADQU ARTERS USE ONLY COUNCIL OF THE CHIPPEWAS OF SARNIA BAND AGENCY LONDON DISTRICT PROVINCE ONTARIO PLACE BAND COUNCIL HALL hate Fourteenth July AD 19 seventy. . DAY MON'I'H YEAR DO HEREBY RESOLVE: WHEREAS the Council o f the Chippewas o f the Sarn ia Band deems i t expedient that a By-law should be passed to provide fo r the dem olition of such b u ild in g s s itu a te on the Reserve as co n stitu te a hazard fo r p ub lic sa fe ty . AND WHEREAS Section 80 o f The Indian A ct, R .S.C . 1950, Chapter 149 as amended, p ro v id e s that the Council may pass such By-laws as are therein provided. NOW THEREFORE, th is Council a By-law as fo llow s: 1. The Council, or it s duly appointed representative, may declare that any bunding, structure or other erection s itu a te on the Sarn ia Reserve c o n st itu te s a hazard to the safe ty o f the residents o f the Reserve. 2. The Council or i t s duly appointed representative sh a ll by no tice in w r it in g to the person or persons owning such b u ild in g , structure or other e re c t io n , ad v ise such person or persons that any such b u ild in g must be demolished and removed w ith in 30 days o f the se rv ice o f such notice . 3. Any person or persons who f a i l to abide by the terms o f any such n o t ice s h a l l be l ia b le to the im position , on summary con v ic tion , o f a fin e not exceeding $100.00 or imprisonment for a term not exceeding 30 days or both f in d and imprisonment for v io la t io n o f th is By-law. 4. This By-law sh a ll come into force 40 days a fte r a copy hereof is forwarded to The M in is te r of Indian A f fa ir s and Northern Development in accordance w ith Section 81 o f The Indian Act. Carried . 1A>13S
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