Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

The Council of the, Bella Bella Band of Indiana at a meeting . held v.. f j « /.^4vy. I95C makes the following law pursuant Of paragraph (fj and (r) of Section SO and paragraph* (a), (i) and (e) of subsection 1 of Section 82 o f the Indian act. gyrl&H Kft», 3 A By-law in connection with the Bella Bella Village Waterworks within the Bella Bella No. 1 Indian Reserve in the Province of British Columbia. , (a) The Bella Bella Village Waterworks System shall be under the control of the Bella Bella Council which has passed the attached regulations for the control and management of the said water system and which regulations form part , of this by-law, and shall be in ef­ fect from the date of the passing of this by-law, a copy of which regulations is duly recorded in the office of the Indian Superinten­ dent. . (b) In Additijbn to the penalties provided in the said regula­ tions, any person who violates any of the provisions of this by-lew ; shall be guilty of an offense and shall be liable on summary con- viction, to a fine not exceeding thirty dollars nor less than twenty- five dollars. a ^ A U jL^o>J ere e 1 > e e e e e # e e < Chief Councillor Councillor^ Councillor Councillor '<■ •* , 1 ' #. - - - ? e e e e e e i Councillor Council.'. o£ ; ; i ' ' " Councillor ̂ * 1 . { * -f i r ! ■: ;
r \ * « . , * ' . ^ j j Vvr^; £ " - * j * -iv FOR THE CONTROL AND MANAGEMENT OF THE BELLA BELLA X. R. #1 WATER-,■ K - ' -P il m 3 S* ■> . ■'%•/''A .. 'M; £: - ......................’ i ■• '*** , •■„ , WORKS SYSTEM. CAMPBELL ISLAND. B. C. j..i .1 b'\ , . 1 4. >7, j * f vf3| ^ ; V control and management of the Bella Bella Waterworks shall be under the : ^direction of the Bella Bella Water Users Committee who will be responsible to f ' . ; the' Bella Bella Council and the Director of the Indian Affairs Branch* V ; f , , ; •• ■•■..!. ; ' ; ** ",v . - } 1. . ' ■'* ' * \ *7; A ,* r 4 -^ : -V* 2*1; M l persons desiring a supply of water from the Bella Bella Waterworks r r ; ' / / ' - r . . . - . . - v-r\v '/ System shall make and sign an application therefor in writing on the form sup-•/ V -,plied by the Water Users Committee or the Secretary of the Band Council) such 7 / , i ! 1 ' \ application shall be accepted only from the locatee of the lands or premises K >■ U-/ for which the water is to be supplied and must state in detail all the purposes ; ; for which water is . required . . . . , - , . 'J -f ; j i V> * •'*vl . * \ ' ■* \ * . . . ' . .'.»•/ ' - , » •’ - " v /*:,.» , : . -V ; v " -, V . ' . . { /*>— 7^3'. No person shall tap or make any connections or communications whatever with K . > any of the pipes or mains of the said system either in the streets or in the planes, houses or private gounds without the written permission of the Water Users Committee. ' , " . v ' 5 : . t: A. No person except the Water Users Committee or those acting under their J i* ;-;i ' direction, shall in any way interfere with any hydrant valvo, stop cocl^, pipe or other wateivorks appliance outside of his own premises. V\, " ; 5. No person shall place or deposit any injurious, noisome or offensive matter / Tin any lake, stream, spring, or reservoir that is a source of water supply or in . ; . ' , ; / ^ any intake or upon the ice of said lake, spring, or reservoir where there would . T' t^, any possibility of its causing contamination of the water supply nor shall any "nV "Ti.^v: r r . ' /• •. : per8cm bathe or wash any m^erial whatsoever in any intake, lake, stream,spring, or'any tributary thereof or any reservoir therof used as a water supply* •’ ■* * f* ' 1 ) t ■: -V ‘:- The water connection from the street line into any premises shall be made by f . T * ^ ■: : i l l ■;?.•*.- ' * . , . ;t ' . V? i , . ' * ; I ' 'tha applicant. / ' T » * - >. .V , , - . * J * i r , \ ■' V - f * 1 - ?*’>■ »■ - * ■* r. ' ; ~ -' i z X J *• u %' . •• ' T ’' * ' : f' l f Pers v o ? ns r ' eecseiving a permit for the introduction of a water service into his - S : *, ; : t t ^ V ; \ v ,, V . * < ' ' * , * *1 . . . *. ' -^ r or h er pr > emises and the person doing the work will be required to . cause the said *V V « s \ J- i . -i» /-v ; ' , *'• * * -' ''.:isv^e^'9irt^eU^n y A -t c b \ v t less than one foot below the surface of the ground : hout the distance between the street line and^tniide of the foundation * ? *pf the build U i J n J i g int Î •* o- ' which the water service is Introduced, or wrap pipes' '4 « £ jti^a x u t A h T material, V V ^ r * *’ » --’'v '>* - - V - . à . Y t * à *n *’ . * ;.V; yjt-f : v * - \ t t r. . r >' _ ; ̂ X l. "5> v .■ 3 v T V / a/-* S, v ' ' & . Ï V V ' / A •» ./i; ' : -
,% 'I Servira Cont»d. - 2 r v .i - a > V*. . ®».-v Every service pipe shall be provided by the owner or occupant with a brass ^ "stop or Waste cock11 of a pattern to be approved by the Water Usera Cousait tee. * r . ; $ $t' 1 l < o x cates of the building and premises shall use only taps, pipes, fit-' i t t \ ings and plumbing fixtures which are in satisfactory condition and have been >Vs '< \ . *• » k :’ 1 - ;• approved by the Water Users Committee. . f - - > ... 10, The diameter of the standard service pipe and standard taps shall not ex-i;4 Ca1 v - ceed one-half inch. - l lv N o » a - d ditional tapa, water cocks or plumbing fixtures whatsoever shall ba ,4 installed in any premises without permission in writing IVora the Water Users Committee, and any plumber or other person attaching such fixtures must report ' f-- , - - * -~A , ; the same within ten days of date of installation with a detailed description to ' the Water Users Committee. k \* , . : X V . /. 12. Water shall not be turned on to any premises until the plumber baa completed •'T-v i '• the work to the satisfaction of the Water Committee and in no case must the * ' plumbing work "be covered or bidden until a proper inspection has been made. A î *!-?* i charge of .... shall be made for turning on the water to any property* 5 > / ̂\ .V- ! . . ; * , . l » * ̂ î ' - l ' * 13. The agent, Sanitary officer or any person or persons authorized by thé Council may enter any building or premises connected with the water system *9 . t . at any reasonable time to examine the pipes and fixtures and to investigate in regard to the quantity of water used and the manner of ios use. ; 14. Every user shall keep his service pipes, stop cocks and other fixtures on ; k u / his premises and from the line of street or lane, in good order and repair and \ i . rS' , protect them from fVost subject to his own risk, and at his own expense. In case ' ' ; . of leaky or improper fixtures the Water Users Committee or Council shall have the vf ' { ,authority to cut off the supply of water until such defective pipes or other flx-V .tures are repaired or altered as requi.'ed, In no case still the person supplied , . I V -. - t V \ i -i V - from that service pipe have any claim on the Indian Banc or Council by rea>‘ on of v̂r- * i such cutting^off of ta ' e wat \_ er. > , ..V.vt ; .* V} ; S ic v;'' ^-In case of the Inàian Council making repairs or constructing new works the , £j- . J : X 8B6f' "'C* % i lareservi>S''%o shut off the water Urom any consumai without notice and keep À * ÿYl # !. ̂ ̂ •>" , >’ - -.v»-. •. ç *• . ;
i; 'v m * . ^ . Con.t(A.t - 3 - Phut off at !long as necessary. In Case of fires 'or a conflagration the Water $ -'- Users Committee or Council or Fire Brigade may also cut off the supply of water ' v j f ' y ■■ ; ■' ; -,’ ' ft*0® sections of. the town so that all possible supply will be available at con» v';“ w : -v, :• , - , : ' . </" v *4 f ; . centrated points for bucket filling or other methods of fighting fire. : . •' ' ; ; - ; ■'n. p .',--. . ». - ' * . - . - , ' j ' ; l 4 -« V ! / V . V 1 ot 6 t Any . p . erson or persons vacating any premises that have b een suppl .. i . e d with .* H : water from the water system or who are desir^ous of discontinuing the use thereof ' 7 \ t must give notice of the same in writing to the Water Users Committee or Council. c> 17.: In all cases where boilers are supplied with water tie Council or Band will» i' not be. liable for any damages resulting from the sudden shutting off of the supply' V ~ k *4i V i of water for any cause either with or without notice. * ' ; 4. - 1 i « - ;■ = i -. t :,:r V1B«‘ The Water Users Committee or Council reserves the right to limit the amount of water fUmished to any consumer should circumstances s^em to warrant such ac* : , tion, although no limit may be stated in the application for such u s e , ' i V' 19. The several rates and charges set forth in the schedule hereto annexed are i hereby imposed and levied for water supplied from the water system and all each , rates and charges shall ha payable at the Treasurer of the Water Users Committee- . on October or January each yearj providing, however, that new applicants shall pay only from tie date on which the water is turned on. •*. :. * ' >*'t ' 20. Ât the termination of one month after the rates are due on any premises the ? .Î* t : Water may at the .option of the Water Users Committee or Council he turned off ' . and it shall not be turned on again except on payment of all monies due and the fee provided for the turning on and off. . v . % r . r. - r . - ' .. i . -.1 ***’ ■, (b) The Water Users Committee or Council may shut off the water from the : r- ' . . ..1 i - -i ; - '• premisêa of any locatee or consumer infringing any of these regulations and may / J L - r refuse to turn the water on again until satisfied and assured that such locates Vi : : V ' i : - -; occupant will comply with the regulations. , * m 4L* . - (c) Where water has been turned off by order of the locatee or the person u y ' y . - r " ..r:s . ., .-. ; - I |.py jbccuç^^- the' building or for non-payment of rates or for violating any of these * V . e 4 i ':;vV' K**? ^ ' 7 . ' * ** , i - < - r i < t s^iallriot be turned on again until a payment of ....... has b ' ' een -\ ' t ♦/* \ \* ' * J /N ©adé^f^; the burning off: and ont vi * Vi ' V ̂i i ! V V . l ' '.v -
V u » : < j u {> l. 2* - A ~ . .r . tv- '. À * î *£#..-.* * - iv /i - y v; -. ' , ; v /; . •,. *. * f i M ^ 21 ' % Each occupied building or bouse, whether attached or detached, fronting on '■ ' * * * $ ' . . . / ̂ V*«$l . : / any sétireet or lane, must have a separate service from the street line* . s Tj . - ' - Incases where one of several buildings occupies the frontage of a single lot , v ; .../ -P > . '•■ . . . *1 the others are located at the rear of the said front buildings then permis ai on ••H r . ;; v-!w ■' nay be granted to supply all the buildings from one service providing that none of “• h . * -: " -'' V y J f r t * « -* f ' « / î - * V » r .-, f ’” :* -- > *• ‘‘ . ' * ' t V ' /thèse rèar buildings are used as dwellings, the conditiors to be those that the 1 / ' Water Users Committee or Council shall prescribe. In case of no payment of any } " : J h * ' /• V ' ~ ' " ' . ' * V of the dues or rates on any of the buildings connected with one service, the Water r. v may be shut off by the Water Users Committee or Council although the rates on one V i ?. •. ^ ; .* . * : h - . t ^ f y '* ï _ / . v or more of the buildings have been paid. ' . 22./ (a) A discount of ten per cent will be allowed to water takers paying the '• / rates mentioned in the schedule on or before the date upon which such payment is ; Yi due providing the füll amount of the indebtedness is paie. v & -, (b). Five per oent interest will be added to rates not paid within three - "" 1.- ̂ ' . ' ' ' - / / ; ■' : , , , / months Aram the date upon which such payment became due, v. . j v , i i ' . -'.r ** n "if: 1 ' * V, , /f / : <i V 'a »î. ', . t j ' J ■' *■». V' Î ; f i f . . r J.'.’I <* V* - ? V i,'1 \ . y V $ ' ' h - ,v ,m 'h v •■ '->J> ; t* i ' . v V ' v /j^ <. / H •,'>*,* :„l >*.. ;.,j .f » . *■ v i- n : - - . . ' ;>> - . v y i -- . / V ;' A V . ' ■* ; " f-L v ; ; v - «̂’'v < A u r * % T r t - 4 V h W . - M* ’• •/ v - , ̂ V i V ' C
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