Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

The Council of the A' / T" K A T Z/9 ___ Band of Indians at a meeting held _ ------ J æ h u -a a V S 4 T * / makes the following bylaw pursuant to paragraph (j) and (r) of section 80 of The Indian Act, , Bylaw Ho. 2 A bylaw to provide for the destruction and control of noxious weeds in ___K y rxst r v /? _ Indian Reserve, in the Province of ___ /& V f t S + f â c * / i ,M A , / ) . (a) The holder of a certificate of possession or occupant of any land within the reserve shall Gut or cause to be cut down or otherwise destroy all noxious weeds grov/ing thereon as often in each year as is deemed necessary to prevent them from going to seed. (b) The inspector appointed by the council shall give notice in 'writing to the holder of a certificate of possession or occupant of any land where noxious weeds are growing and in danger of going to seed requiring him to have the same cut down or destroyed within _ .. JïlÆ l/<gN __________ days from the service of such notice, and in the event of such holder of a certificate of possession or occupant refusing or neglecting to cut down or destroy the said noxious weeds within the period aforesaid, he shall be deemed guilty of a breach of the provisions of this bylaw, (c) Any person who violates any of the provisions of this bylaw shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on summary convic­ tion to a fine not exceeding ten dollars or imprisonment for a term not exceeding seven days, or both fine and imprisonment. /> , cu izr . / f C o u n c i l l o r <2e o t i c i L l p r . JC» I " ' A C e u (4C iLLcR . r 255
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