Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

-v**'*; 1. t' & D E P A R T M E N T O F I N D I A N A F F A I R S A N D N O R T H E R N D E V E L O P M E N T % v *' CA N A DA pv~4ND COUNCIL RESOLUTION i ■' '• NOTE: The word» From our Band Fund»** must appear in all resolutions requesting expenditures from Band Funds* COUNCIL OF THE KITKATLA NORTH COAST DISTRICT AGENCY p r o v i n c e BRITISH COLUMBIA PLA C E KITKATLA DATE 1st , February An ,0 71 DAY MONTH DO H EREBY R ESO LVE : * Whereas that Kitkatla Band Council Has formed a Committee for the purposes of taxation and control of the Electrical system. We hereby, request that By-law #8 be approved. (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) /'(Councillor) J (Councillor) (C oun c il barf) FOR HEADQUART ERS USE O N LY Î . TRUST 2. CU RR EN T B A LA N C E S ACCT A* Capital B. Revenue 3 $ 6. Re-commended Date Authorised Officer 14 133 O - 6 8 ) 7 3 3 0 - 2 1 * 0 2 3 - 4 6 6 2 - : i I*. 1 '•x \\ Vi*‘ . ï , ¥%> *■ . u J m. * . ' * V Chronological Ho* Band Council Resolution #23 98»+/3-2-5 H .Q , . Reference io-«r, x "1/ kjfrH / 9 FOR HEADQUARTERS USE ONLY BAND V ' ( k y>? V ' YEAR (Councillor) (Councillor) ... / (Councillor^ ^LUCdf^t. .............i .... (Counc£ r) 3. Expenditure 4* Authority 5. Source of Funds Indian Act Sec* [ , j Capital f ̂ | Revenue, $ 7* Approved a * * v •*»•* ***** ** ****** Date Assistant Deputy DÉhaieter, V
. v***f » ,4 * ■■**• ; '5 '*u X js r ' ;'*' >Vk ï,. - ^ & vi-- ' #i-' ; i?' , REGULATIONS FOR THE CONTROL AND MANAGEMENT OF THE .KxTKATLA,' ^ELECTRIC POWER SYSTEM 1. The control and ïïianagement of the Kitkatla Electric Power » * >■’ . ĵrst̂ m, shall/ be under the direction of the Kitkatla Electric Power" *■. - : *•;: •' **v '< Committee. ' .. ; \ ' ? 2. All persons desiring electricity Xrora the Kitkatla-Electric Power 5- * ! a * System shall make and sign an application in the prèscribed form. #. '■ ' é* f, f »?f-. •« 3. Electricity,shall not be turned on to any premises until the - , ■* - 1 - , t- installation of the wiring in buildings has ,been completed ta *y‘. . the ' s atisfacti ' on of the Com m ittee o - / - •■; . ■'•■' the*Kitkatla Electric Power. Committee.; A charge of .$1.00 shall ' .. . . be made for the turning on of the electric current! %• U« A pers on so a * ppointed . and authorized by the council *'1: v^-any building using electricity from the Kitkatla. Elèctriè Power > r i ̂ . ;• ; ' ? '- h' ;. •> ' . .'l ' System at any convenient" time to examine the wires and fixtures. 5>. VJhen it is necessary to make repairs to the main, service lines . * - or to construct new works, the Committee reserves the right to -h shut Off the electricity from any user and keep it shut off as long as;,may be necessary. ' ' 6. Any user vacating any premises supplied with electricity from . 5 76' the Kitkatla Electric Pov?er System or who is desi continuing the ser\rice supplied, must give a reasonable notice - of the same in writing to the Kitkatla Electric Power Committee. In the case of failure to give such notice the user will be held liable for the rates therefore and for any damage that may result; 7. The several rates and charges set forth in the schedule which forms part of these regulations, shall be the rates and charges for electricity supplied from the Kitkatla Electric Power System and: ' all such rates and charges shall be payable to the Kitkatla Electric ? "•' Power Committee at the end of each month. . “* . - y ’*- ■*•&* ■' , ■«: </;«>>>■: i- ' V -: /• V- v-.-:;,»./ * -J* fH . *H. t ; .'' li. *1 r;‘ i>. a * * . . ; 1 V- ; - '■. *\*/r ,• * ~ < 11 ru;' ' ' ' i . ^ f \[ \ ■_' *• ? -Y V "• .V » v . ' , '.v ,-*M ' *r . ,* . * « ■' r / .v ̂ . *' % & ' v «■ -' r .% ' ' ;■ * J ' . * 4 ' . ; ■* , ..t 6 •* , * . ' -**• >. ' . ». r an inspector a . ppoi n •; ted b . y - . . ' n'- ; 'r , ' 1 3* ■... may. en te - r v '. / " 1 : ' . r, 14'. 4 . ' '*$■ . . ■•, - **■-. -t a ; . ' >4?? ^ , f' ?„■ ' ' = ' a . ' ' , * ..-.Jy % ‘‘v- r ous -of dis- --V ; ' R, .
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2 •' ; -8. At the expiration of one month after the rates or charges are due on any premises, the electricity may at the-option of the Committee, be turned off and it shall not be turned*on except on payment of all rates and charges together with- the.fee of a ; $1.00 paid for the shutting off and a $1.00 paid for the tiirning on. 9. All overtime exceeding regular hours must be paid in advance to the Kitkatla Electric Power Committee. ! * 10. Applicants applying for pewer in new buildings must pay one month in advance for: (a) initiation fee (b) power taxation (c) power hook up charges The advance payments comply only to the first month of hook up. 11. Any unauthorized person tampering with any parts of the Electrical System is. liable to a fine or power shut off or both fine and power shut off. 12. The council may cut off electricity from the premises of any user who infringes any of these regulations and may refuse to turn the electricity on again until satisfied and assured that the user will comply with these regulations. ** £ Ï -V &
APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICITY - KITKATLA ELECTRIC POWER SYSTEM I * _________________________________________________ __________ hereby apply for electricity for my premises located on lot ______________ , Block ________________. I agree to pay for such service the amount of _ ____ si?; dollars ($P. )Oi____________ ______ payable on the last day of each month in each year and if not paid within one month from the date on which they have become due, the electricity may be turned off without notice. Signed: Form prescribed by the Council and Kitkatla Electric Power Committee of the Kitkatla Band of Indians.
r " SCHEDULE OF RATES Each private house occupied by a ___________Band member: $ 6.00 per month Each private home occupied by a non member: Business establishments: 4 Church Community Hall -Destitute Band Members, as approved by the Kitkatla Electric Power Committee: . Overtime Rates* These rates are subject to change upon recommendations of the Kitkatla Electric Power Committee to the Kitkatla Band Council. Rates prescribed by the Council and Kitkatla Electric Power Committee of the Kitkatla Band of Indians. ; * $ 6.00 per month up to $15.00 per month v ; . . v» $ ft. 00 per month $15.00 per month Î; . : ' ' ' . ' . iH ; Free . $ 5.00 per hour t I 'â: -v.t -
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