Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

j u i u i i / w m ± i \ u k / x kj±jx \ y l£|UU3 ^ Indian and Northern Affaires indiennes t Affairs Canada el du Nord Canada ChrongfooicaJ No. - IM* CCnséçuLl GV01 - 0 1 5 Filû flÊforénCa - N° da lA re ,* du d ô ü ie r , BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION RESOLUTION DE CONSEIL DE= BANDE 1 0 3 6 ANIMAL BY-LAW words "From our Band Funds" * Capital" or "Revenue", whichever is The case, must appear in all resoluliOns requesting expenditures from Band Funds. *OTA- Les Mois "des fonds de noire banda" "capital" ou "Revenu" selon le ças doivent perdre dans toutes les résolutions portant sur des dépenses à môme les fonds des h)e council of the conseil de la bande indienne GLEN VOWELL BAND Current Capital Balance Solda de capital c fency M/icI NORTHERN Committed Engagé rovince BRITISH COLUMBIA S ---------------- Current Revenue Balance Solde de revenue ^ lom de l'endroit GLEN VOWELL INDIAN RESERVE NO. 2 Me THIRTEENTH SEPTEMBER aD49_ 2 0Û1 Committed Ùay - Jour Montfi - Mois Ye*r - Annéo Engagé lO HEREBY RESOLVE: IÉCIDE, PAR LES PRESE J NTES: BY-LAW NO. 2001.001 GLEN VOWELL INDIAN RESERVE NO. 2 (533) BEING A BY-LAW RESPECTING THE CARE AND CONTROL OF ANIMALS ON THE RESERVE WHEREAS section 81, paragraph (a), (d), (c), (q), and (r), of the Indian Act empower the Council of an Indian Band to pass by-laws to provide for the of residents on the reserve, the prevention of nuisances, the protection against and the prevention of trespass by domestic animals, in addition to, matters arising out of, or, ancillary to the exercise of powers under this section!, and the imposition of a penalty for the violation of any such by-law; AND WHEREAS the Council of the GLEN VOWELL INDIAN RESERVE 533 (Sik-E-Dakh) Band is of the opinion that the uncontrolled ownership, breeding, and running at large of animals may be detrimental to the health of the residents on the reserve, and a nuisance to such residents; THEREFORE, the Council of the Glen Voweil Band enacts this Animal Control By-law, 2001.001 as follows: PART 1 - GENERAL SHORT TITLE 1. This by-law may be cited as the GLEN VOWELL Reserve Animal Control By-law”. DEFINITION: 2. In this by-law Animal means a dog, a cat, or any other domestic animal; Animal control officer means an animal control officer, appointed pursuant to section 3, or any by-law enforcement officer, including a police officer or a person employed by the band council for the purpose of enforcing the provisions of this by-law. Animal register means the register kept by the animal control officer for the purpose of the registration of all dogs and other animal on the reserve. Page 1 o f 4
u z ii^ llS k ? « A I V L U J . O EilV V 1£]UÜ4 Band means the GLEN VOWELL Band, as defined by Section 2 of the Indian Act. Cat means any cat, male or female; Council means the Council of the GLEN VOWELL Band, as defined in tine Indian Act; Dog means any dog, male or female and includes an animal that is a cross between a dog and a wolf; Dwelling means each single unit home being a fully or semi-detached building, a multiple unit dwelling, an apartment home or any building used or intended to be used for human habitation and in which normal domestic functions may be carried on. V y , Medical officer of health means the medical officer of health so appointed by Band Council Resolution; Muzzle means to secure a dogs mouth in such a fashion that is cannot bite anything; Owner of a animal includes a person who possesses or harbors a animal, and the terms own and owned have a corresponding meaning; At large or running at large means off the premises of the owner and not muzzled or under the control of any person; Reserve means the GLEN VOWELL Indian Reserve($) No. 2 Vicious dog includes (a) any dog that demonstrates any ferocious, vicious, or aggressive behavior; o r (b) any dog that an animal control officer upon reasonable and probable grounds believes to be a vicious dog; a < (c) any dog which has been the cause of a prosecution under this by-law within the previous six months where a conviction against anybody had been entered concerning that specific dog; o f (d) any dog which has bitten another animal or human without provocation. APPLICATION 3. This by-law applies to all owners of domestic animals residing or visiting on the GLEN VOWELL Reserve^) No. 2 PART II - ADMINISTRATION ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER 4. (1 ) The Council may appoint, by band council resolution, an animal control officer to provide for the administration and enforcement of this by-law and more specifically to receive registrations and to issue identification tags under this by-law. (2) The Council may, in the band council resolution, provide for reasonable remuneration to be paid to the animal control officer. Page 2 of 4
V I I t L u n S M S a 05 X A U O l K >H I\V l^l 005 REGISTRATION AND IDENTIFICATION OF ANIMALS 5 . (1) Every person keeping one or more dogs, or other animals on the reserve shall register and have an identification tag placed around the neck of each animal. (2) The application for registration and identification tag shall be filed with the animal control officer and it will include; (a) the applicants name; (b) the applicants address or lot number; (c) a description of the dog or other animal sought to be registered, including age, sex, name and breed if known; (d) the number of animals in the household; (e) a record that the animal is immunized against rabies, noting the date of such immunization, the name of the person immunizing the animal, including the manufacturers name of the vaccine and it batch number; And (f) any other information deemed by the animal control officer to be necessary for the proper administration of the by-law. 6. The charge for registration and identification tags shall be: $20.00 DOLLARS PER YEAR FOR NEUTERED OR SPADED ANIMAL, $30.00 DOLLARS PER YEAR FOR ANIMALS NOT NEUTERED OR SPADED. 7. The animal control officer shall issue the licence tag upon registration and payment of the annual fee and, if necessary proof that the animal has been immunized against rabies. 8. The licence tag shall be securely attached to the collar or harness of the animal at all times. 9. The registration and identification tag will be valid for one full year form the date of issuance, IMMUNIZATION OF ANIMALS v 10. All animals on the reserve must be immunized in accordance with generally accepted veterinary standards. 11. The owner of any animal exposed to rabies shall, on demand by the band council, surrender such animal to the band council to be held by the animal control officer in quarantine without the written permission of the medical officer of health. 12. Upon demand of the band council the owner of any animal shall forthwith surrender to the animal control officer any animal which has bitten any person or which has been exposed to rabies to be held in quarantine at the discretion of the medical health officer. 13. Any animal found to be infected with rabies shall be destroyed by its owner or by the animal control officer at the owners expense. LIMITATION ON ANIMALS PER DWELLING 14. (1) N o more than three (3) domestic animals shall be kept, harbored or possessed in any dwelling. (2) The provisions of subsection (15) (1) shall not apply to dog or cat litters, whereby the pups or kittens are under four (4) months of age. Page 3 o f 4
X i l i l V V 1 V V V V t I 1 Ij A I W J 06 1 I V U J 1 OJCilV V l£|UUÜ j g I n d i a n and Nonhem Affaires indiennes I ? Affairs Canada el cfu Nord Canada ChrançiQO«cal No, - N" consécutif GV01 - 0 1 5 Flic Rcioreoca - N ° référence du dossier BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION RÉSOLUTION DE CONSEIL DE BANDE 1 0 3 6 ANIMAL BY-LAW NOTE: The words "From our Band Funds" "Capital" or "Revenue". whichever is Ihe case. mus| appear in all resofu|ion$ requesting expenditures from Band Funds. NOTA: Les M0I3 "des fonds de notre bande" capital" ou "Revenu" selon le ces doivent paraîtra dans toutes las résolutions ponant sur des dépenses à même tes fonds des bandes The council of lhe Current Capital Balance Le conseil de la bande indienne GLEN VÛWELL BAND Solde de capital Agency District NORTHERN Commitled Engagé $ --------------------------------------------Province BRITISH COLUMBIA Current Revenue Balance Place Solde de revenue t Nom de l'endroit GLEN VOWELL INDIAN RESERVEiiNO. 2 THIRTEENTH SEPTEMBER AD 2 001 Commitled Engagé Day - Jour Month - Mqis Year - Année 5 DO HEREBY RESOLVE: DECIDE, PAR LES PRESENTES: GENERAL PROHIBITIONS 15.(1) Subject to subsection (2), every owner of a dog shall keep the dog safely tethered or penned up at all times. (2) A dog need not be tethered or penned up as provided in subsection 15(1 ) if the dog: (a) is held on a leash by a person capable of restraining the dogs s movements; (b) is being used by a person for the purpose of hunting; or, (c) is being used by a person to work in a lawful manner with sheep or cattle; or, (d) is used by a visually impaired person as a guide dog. A quorum for this Band Pour cette bande le quorum est c flf o c n e s a is ts of __ T _ H __ R _ E _ E _ __ ( _ 3 _ ) _ Council Members. Membres du Conseil. (Councilor - Conseiller) (Councillor - Conseiller) (Councillor - Conseiller) (Councillor - Conseiller) (Councillor - Conseiller) (Councillor - Conseiller) (Councillor - Conseiller) (Councillor - Conseiller) F O R D E P A R T M E N T A L U S E O N L Y - R É S E R V É A U M I N I S T E R E Band Fund Coda 2 - Comouter Balances - Soldes d'ordinateur 3 . expenditure - Dépenses 4 . Authority (Indian Act Section) S. Source ol Fund* Code du compio Autorité (Aude de la L(* Sur de banda Source d œ fonds A. Capital B. Revenue - Revenu les indiens Capital Revenue -5 ------------------------------------------------------------------- _______________________________________ _______ _______________ __ 6 . Recommended *- PlecOmmendaOfe A pproved -* Approuvable Date Recommending Officer - Recommandé par ____________ _ _____________ Approving Q rfç Jt car >0-5 ($-85) 7530-21-036.aiÔ2 CarmHSf
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