Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

$gg$TIFIED THE GITSEGtffO BAND OF INDIANS BY-LAW NUMBER 90-7 Being A By-Law Respecting The Consumption Of Alcohol WHEREAS paragraph A of section 81 of the Indian Act empower the Council of a Band ot make by-laws to regulate the consumption of alcohol. WHEREAS the abuse of alcohol leads to destructive and abusive behavior (vandalism, disorderly conduct) AND WHEREAS this behaviour often affects other village members AND WHEREAS the exsample given to children and youth is counter to what we believe it should be. AND WHEREAS minors are being supplied with intoxicants NOW THEREFORE the Council enacts a by-law to 1. Prohibit the consumption of alcoholic beverages in any public place in the village except when a permit has been obtained from the Council for special controlled situations; 2. Prohibit the sale, barter or supply of intoxicants in the vi l lage; 3. Where a person is found quilty of selling, bartering or selling a minor with intoxicants the offending party will not be punished to the full extent of the law. Approved and passed at a duly covened meeting of the Council of the Gitsegukla Band Of Indians this 17th day of August, 1990. >$3^ ~ ~~ E Chief Councillor Counci 1 lor ounc i1 lor Counci 1 lor Counci 1 lor 7
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