Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

The Council o f the a t a meeting held on the makes the fo llow in g by-law pursuant to paragraph ( f ) and (r) o f section 80 and paragraph ( a ) ( i) and (e) o f subsection (1 ) o f section 82 o f the Indian A ct. By-law No ,/P A ty-la w in connection with the Power System w ithin the Kulkayu #4 and Province o f B ritish Columbia (a) The Hartley Bay under the con tro l o f the which has passed the attached regulation s fo r the control and management o f the said e le c t r ic power system and which regu latio n s form part of th is by-law , and s h a ll be in e f fe c t from the date of the passing o f th is by-law, a copy o f which regulation s i s duly recorded in the o f f ic e o f the Indian Superintendent. (b) In addition to the p en a ltie s provided in the sa id reg u latio n s, any person who v io la te s any o f the f * provisions of t h is by-law s h a ll be g u ilty o f an offence and s h a ll be l ia b le on summary conviction to a fin e not exceeding one hundred d o lla rs or imprisonment fo r a term not exceeding th ir ty days, or both fin e and imprisonment. Æ y * J&MJ / O slz, l ers~<7 H artley Bay Band o f Indians 23 day o f January t 195 9, H artley Bay E le c tr ic Indian Reservesin the #4A E le c tr ic Power System s h a ll be H artley Bay Council, *
REGULATIONS FOR THE CONTROL AND MANAGEMENT OF THE H artley Bay ELECTRIC POWER SYSTEM i 1 . The control and management o f the H artley Bay E le c tr ic Power S System s h a ll be under the d irectio n o f the H artley Bay Council, 2 , A l l persons d esirin g e le c t r ic i t y from the H artley Bay E le c tr ic Power System s h a ll make and sign an ap p licatio n in the prescribed form, 3 . E le c t r ic i t y s h a ll not be turned on t o any premises u n t i l the in s ta lla t io n o f the w iring in bu ild in gs has been completed to the s a t is fa c t io n o f the council or an in spector appointed by the co u n cil, A charge o f , 50£ s h a ll be made fo r the turning on o f the e le c tr ic current, 4 . A person so appointed and authorized by the cou n cil may enter any bu ild in g using e le c t r ic i t y from the H artley Bay E le c tr ic Power System a t any convenient time to examine the wires and f ix tu r e s . 5, When i t is necessary to make rep a irs to the main serv ice lin e s or to construct new works, the cou n cil reserves the r ig h t to shut o f f the e le c t r ic i t y from any user and keep i t shut o f f d s long as may be necessary, 6 , - Any user vacating any premises supplied with e l e c t r i c i t y from the H artley Bay E le c tr ic Power System or who i s desirous of discontinuing the servie® supplied, must g iv e a reasonable n otice o f the same in w ritin g to the council o f the band or Indian Superintendent, In the case of fa i lu r e to g ive such n o tice the user w i l l be held lia b le fo r the ra te s therefox and fo r any damage that may r e s u lt . In the case o f such n o tice being received the council may authorize a rebate in the ra tes fo r the part of the quarter which i s not then expired, which rebate s h a ll be calcu lated to the nearest month. * f'r% V
7. The sev era l ra tes and charges se t fo r th in the schedule which forms p art o f these regu latio n s, s h a ll be the ra tes and charges fo r e le c t r ic i t y supplied from the H artley Bay E le c tr ic Power System and a l l such rates and charges s h a ll be payable to the secretary H artley Bay Council ariraMmnffrflfrfomr of the îmriinnifliiperiTytffiinrimt. on the f i r s t business day o f each month provided however th a t new ap plican ts s h a ll pay only from the date on which the e le c t r i c i t y i s turned on, 8, (a) At the expiration of one month a fte r the ra te s or charges are due on any premises, the e l e c t r i c i t y may a t the optical o f the Council, be turned o f f and i t s h a ll not be turned on except on payment of a l l ra te s and charges together with the fe e o f .50$ paid fo r the sh u ttin g o f f and .50$ paid for the turning on. .(b ) The council may cut o f f e le c t r ic i t y from the premises o f any user who in frin ges any o f these regu latio n s and may refu se to turn the e le c t r ic i t y on again u n t i l s a t is f ie d and assured that the user w i l l comply w ith these reg u latio n s. IH -1 - \ '■ V4 .
APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICITY - Kulkayu & & ELECTRIC POVffiR SYSTEM I , ___________;_____________________________________ hereby apply fo r e le c t r ic i t y fo r my premises located on lo t . Block . I agree to pay fo r such service the amount o f Three d o lla rs ($3«00) business payable on the xandodaepooifiagaaasœ ̂ 1st/d ay o f each month except July and August 4©BÔàoôüÉkâô£obOIx in each year /and i f not paid w ithin one month from the date on which they have become due, the e le c t r i c i t y may be turned o f f without n o tice . Signed: Form prescribed by the Council of the H artley Bay Band o f Indians
SCHEDULE OF RATES Each p rivate house occupied by a Each p rivate home occupied by a non member: Business establishm ents: Church Iostoi^2txk>cs9odîK^Qchkigcsc>booaiaÊK community h a ll School .................................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D estitute Band members, as approved by the Council: <r. Rates prescribed by the Council of the Band member: per month $10.OCfcer month $5» 00 per $10,00 ar month . $10.00 ___ Free H artley Bay Band o f Indians,
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