Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

S c P 1 7 S c 1 3 : 1 S K R u l l i 1 H H M M b K b I M b l u 1 b ü b rH b ü b b b h'HLi t i . U U t_ U U Indian and Northern Affaires indiennes Affairs C anada et du Nord Canada CwonclOiJ'SSl No - N* Consécutif 1 F*e Ro‘«rence - N9 référence du OCSSief BAND COUNCIL R ESO LU TIO N R É S O LU T ION D E C O N SEIL D E BANDE NOTE The words "From our Band Funrfç" "Capita!" or "Revenue*. whichever ̂ the case. must appear »n ai! resolutions requesting expenditures from Band Funds. NOTA. L*s Mots "des fonda de notre bande ' "capital" ou Revenu" selon le cas doivent paraître cens toutes les résolutions portant sur des dépenses À même les fonds des tances The council of (he _ , , _ , Current Capital Balance Le conseil cie la bande indienne B u c t o u c h e Band Solde de capital « D«?nciV A t l a n t i c Committed Engagé Province New B r u n s w i c k $ Current Revenue Balance N Pl o ac m e de l'endrort Buctouche, N e w B r u n s w i c k Solde de revenue t Date M n n H a y ( 2 5 ) A p r i J _ AD 19 9 4 Committed Day L Jour Morth - M-ÿl Year - Année Engagé ? DO H ER EB Y RESO LVE. DECIDE, PAR LE S PR ÉS E N TE S : THE BUCTOUCHE FIRST NATION BAND OF INDIANS By - law No. 02 Being a By - law to prohibit unsightly lands and premises. WHEREAS section 81 (a), (d), (q) and (r) of the Indian Act empowers the council of an Indian Band to enact by - laws to provide for the health of residents on the Reserve, the prevention of nuisances, any matter ancillary thereto and the imposition of a penalty for the violation thereof; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Buctouche First Nation Band of Indians is of the opinion that unsightly lands and premises are a nuisance and may be a menace to the health and\or safety of reserve residents. A quorum for this Band Pour cette bande le quorum est c fi o n s à is ts of _________ Council Members. Membres du Consei ([UCoOTUjnCf.fdlOôff .*y \ContéüléO (Councilor - Container) (Councillor - Conteiticr) ZltâAaJ-( (Cou/XïilKX - Conftlff) (COunçJor - COAse-fler) (Councillor - Contester) (Councillor - Coowifléf) (Councillor - Con**»et) (Councillor - C ons***) (Councillor - Cdrwc8i*f> (Councilor - Conftelct) (CouncHor - Conseiller) ____________________________________________FO B D E P A R TM E N TA L U S E O N LY ^ R É S E R V É A U MINI!S T E R E 1. SsnO FÿfKJ COO» 2 Computer Balance! - Soldes oiDrometé-i 3. Expenditure - Dépensés 4. Authority (Indian Act Sechon) Ceo# Ou compté J. Source of Funds d« bandé Autorité (Attelé *• loi tuf A Capita B .énué - Révenu Sou» ce des fonds i#s indien* S S Capital r i Revenue j ________________________ ----------- ZJBttffly___ 6. Recommended - RéCOn>mendap ApprOvéJ - Approuvât*! Daté Réccmmcn^np Qlf-cer «. R»COm<v)ar> par Pae Vprovinp Offcçr - Approuvé par i*-U) 7S302U&6S591
oh P r r H e 1 3 : 1 y h h u l l 1 1 H H M H b K 'b I M b I U 1 b U b o b b b b ! H Li £_ . UUc_ a lnd>an and Northern Affaires mdennfcs B Affairs Canada et du Nord Canada O f0nc!?0'C&l NO - N* COnsiçvtrf 2 Frff P*'9'9nc* - N* d ^rcnçc Ou OOWiéf BAND COUNCIL R E S O LU HON R É S O LU I ION D E C O N SEIL D E UANDE H Q ÏE Th§ words ' From our Ba»Xl F uod«" "Capital" or "Revenue". whtçh^vor *s ih» caw. must appear m *J! résolutions rçque«t»np expenditure» frçxn 8a«Xf Funds. NOTA. L*s fvlots "dos fonda de notre fca-xJe ' "capital'' ou r R#venu" selon le cas doivent paraît!* dans toutes les résolutions portant Sur des dépenses À même les fonds des fcsnoes Current Capital Balança U c o n sX e 'ilTb a n d e indienne B u c t o u c h e Band Solde de capital oSSSP A t l a n t i c Committed Engagé Province N e w B r u n s w i c k $ 1 Cunent Revenue Balance N Pl o 3C m 0 Buctouche, N e w B r u n s w i c k Solde de revenue * de rendroü Committed Date M o n d a y ( 2 S ) April AD 19 . 9 4 Engagé j Day - vOVr Morfh - M-yf YV\< - Ago On H ER EB Y RESO LVE DÉCIDE, PAO L E S P R ÉSEN TES : NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Buctouche First Nation Band of Indians makes a By - law thereof as follows: 1. In this by - law: (a) "Council": means the "Council of the Band", as defined in s.2(l) of the Indian Act, and refers to the Council of the Buctouche First Nation Band; (b) "Refuse": means and includes ashes, garbage, junk, paper, rubbish, refuse, trash, bodies or parts of automobiles or other vehicles or machinery, household goods or furnishings or parts thereof, construction material, scrap iron or other metals, or domestic or industrial wastes of any kind whatsoever; and (c) "Reserve": means the Buctouche First Nation Indian Reserve ; A quorum for this Band Pour cette bande le quorum est c i o n s a is ts o! __________ Council Members. Membres du Consel (Councilor - Concert çf) (C*unc:*0' - COAsefV) (Councillor - Concerter) (Councillor - Com»**) (Councillor - C ons***) (Covnc*io< - COn.vrti*f> (Councilor - ConsoSct) (Councilor - Cocr*4*r) 1. 3 2nd PunO Cod» CcO» Ou compté 2 C&vDuitt Balances - 3oictes P'0<n«te-i 3. ÏApefKttA# - Dépoftw 4. Authority (indîâA Api Section) 1 Sovrcf <* Fur>df do o*ndt A. Capitol Pc.r>uO - venu A 0 utorité (Aride de la Loi tur Sovc« dos fondé »f kxton* S S A CopitÜ H RêvOOu# _________ _ w Revenu 6. aoeommended - RocorvmendjWi App»0>éJ - Approu/éWé *vs (é-§#) Oats Vf* Arpro-.wfl 0fit ft - Approuvé py 7$y>tua&aa*i
S L R 1 7 * 'de. 1 3 : l ' d h P u l l 1 1 H H H H L K b I l i b I u 1 b U b f' 4 .J y h d b I-H ' J L . U Ü L ' U U Indian and Northern Affaires md ennes I * Affairs Canada et du Nord Canada Ofondr^'CS» No - N* cornécut»! 3 Prit P#'#'#pc» - N* r&érçnçç 0V OoWféf BAND COUNCIL R E S O LU I ION R É S O LU NON D E C O N SEIL D E BANDE NQÎE Th* words ''From cur 8»fXl Pu»xf«" "Capital" or "Rever-up . ,vh:chev*r th# eat*. must appear io $lf résolutions r®que»t»np expenditures frpm Band Fund». NOTA. L«s Mots "dos fonda de noU3 t»and«'' "capital'' ou Revenu'' selon le cas doivent paraîtra dan» toute» les résolutions portant sur de» dépense» à même lac fond» de» tance» The council of (he , -, Current Capital Balance Le conseil de la bande indienne D u c t o u c n e L5ana Solde de capital % D?s?r.cty A t l a n t i c Committed Engagé $ 1 Province New B r u n s w i c k Current Revenue Balance Place Nom de renciroit Bue touche, N e w B r u n s w i c k Solde de revenue t Oa<e M o n d a y (25)___ Apr i l Commuted 19 94 P.iy - vC-yr Morth - M - Anr> Engagé j DO H ER EB Y RESOLVE DECIDE, PAR L E S P R ÉSEN TES : 2. No person shall permit lands or premises within the reserve which are occupied, used, leased, allotted to or otherwise in his or her immediate possession or under his or her immediate control to be or to become unsightly by permitting refuse to remain or accumulate on any part of such lands or premises. A quorum for th/S Band Pour cette bande le quorum est consists of fixé à - _ ___________ Council Members. Membres du Consel (Councilor - Concerter) (Côunç*<y - COAsrfV) (Councilor - Converter) (Councilor - Confia*) (Councillor ~ Cons*»*) (Councilor - COrw<rt»#n (Councilor - ConealcU (Counçrffor - Con*H*r) ____________________________________________________ PO R D E P A R TM E N TA L U S E ONI - R É S E R V É A U MINI!S T E R E _____________________________________ 1. S s 'v ï Furyj Co<*ê Z Cc»rOwIé» - SwNCfcf* 0«-f 3. Excendrtyrt - Oépéftf 4. Authority (f'ïdiân Aet SfCtKKÜ 1 Sovrcf cf Fond» Ccd# du compté Autorité (Atfeté l« lo i tu r Dénd# Sovc# dés fond» A Capital B Rc.fnué - /enu >#f tndiéru Q CèpilÈl n ( W o u é * J __________________________ Révértu 6. Recommended - RéCOrT'mendéW» ApprOJ - ApprouvlWé Oltê Cf, T f V A rw -in e Offert - Approuvé p y
S L P 1 7 9 de. 1 ;j : 1 3 f - k u M 1 1 h M l l H L H b l l i b I ij 1 b Ut* i* *-4 U U J J b I - ' H ' J L . U U <_ ' U U Incl'an ancl Northern Adage's indennes Afla^s C anada et du Nord Canada Cn ôncl?û'C6l No - N* COns&vtrf 4 Pdf P f ' f f fn c f - N* téfétçnçç du Couitr BAND COUNCIL R E S O LU I ION R É S O LU NON D E C O N SEIL D E BANDE N Q ÎE Th# words ' From our Band Fund?" "Capital" or "Revçr-ue". »vh;çhav#r *s th# caw. must appear »•> an resolution* requesting expenditures from Band Funds. NOTA. L t « e s n d M e o s ts "des fonda de notre bande * "capital'' ou r R#venu" selon le cas doivent paraître dans toutes les résolutions portant Sur des dépenses à même les fonds des The council of the _ , _ _ , Current Capital Balance Le conseil de la bande indienne B u c t o u c n e B A n d Solde de capital T Agency . D«tnci A t l a n t i c Committed Engagé !f> 1 Province N e w B r u n s w i c k Current Revenue Balance Place Solde de revenue * Nom de l'endroit B u e t o u c h e , N e w B r u n s w i c k Commuted date M r a id a j L - ( 2 5 )____ A p r i l a d 19 9 4 Engagé j D.iy - vC-yr Morth - Myj Y$*r - Aorvîê O? H ER EB Y RESO LVE DÉCIDÉ. PAR LE S P R ÉSEN TES : 3. (1) Where in the opinion of the Council, lands or premises within the reserve are unsightly by virtue of refuse having been permitted to remain or accumulate, the Council shall by resolution direct the Chief to notify the person in immediate possession or control of the said lands or premises to have the lands or premises cleaned of all offensive material or refuse within fifteen (15) days. (2) The notice referred to in section 3 (1) shall be in writing and ( i) may be served by personal service upon the person named therein, or ( ii) may be posted in a conspicious place on the lands or premises involved, or (iii) may be mailed by first class registered mail to the person named therein. A quorum for this Band Pour cette bande le quorum est consists of fixé à _________________ Council Members. Membres du Conse l (Council Contr»ifAO 7* (Councilor - ConewNcr) / (Council - Con**»/) (COunc*or - COAseflcO (Councillor - Con§oBff) (Councillor - ConwrWi) (Councilor - Con**»#») (Councillor - Con**!*) (Covncrfiiy - Corwciifff (Councillor - Coneelc») (Councffor - Cdncfiliff) _____________________ F O n DEPAHTMENIAL USE ONLY - n É S B m É AU MINI,5T ER E Sana Évno Cod* b#nd# Z CWDuItt Bflflnççî - SOidtf* ? pr«jjrte-r Ccd# du comp* 3. iüpcndrtur# - Oép*n«#* 4. Authority (Indian Act Stefan) 1 Sovrp# or Pun4* 0% A Cmpitfl Autorité (Arid# 4# »• Loi iur SovCt 6#s tçn& Pc-fou# - *4/enu >tt incfcen* S S Q Capiié r i fi#vfoué 6. A_____________ - ____ --------------- .... n#commenrtco - R#C0ri'men<l*0t# ApprO>#*J - ApprouvlW# Out n0 CH -*r *-n»ç<vn/TiOP̂ f y Cae Vp'Q-.infl Offer « Approuvé py (M f) ro o > !M B*tS fl
P 1 r Je. 1 j : 1 y I k U II i 1 H H Ml IL K b I I i b I U 1 j ü b 1' J b ' H ' d b t 'H '.1 L_ . U U t_ »_( i_. Indian and Northern Affaires tnd enrws B W Affairs C anada et du Nord Canada O'Oncl^'C&l NO - N* COnsécvflf 5 Prff P«‘fr§rvç* - N* de référençç OU 00**i*f BAND COUNCIL RESO LU N O N R É S O LU NON D E C O N SEIL D E BANDE NQÎE Th& words ' Prou cur Band Fu»vJ$* "Capital" or "Revenue". »vh:chi;v»r ts ih* ca«. must appear »n aH resolutions requesting fxpsnditure» from 0aod Funds. NOTA. Lés Mots "dos fonda de notre tende*' "capital'' ou 'Revenu" selon le ces doivent paraître dan» toute» les résolutions portant sur de» dépense» à même les fond» de» tsnoes LrTconseiTfle^bande indienne Buctouche Band Current Capital Balance Solde de capital ( S ? Atlantic Committed Engagé $ Province New Brunswick Pl3C© Current Revenue Balance de Solde de revenue t Mom I'enctroit Buctouche, New Brunswick Date Mo D n ay d a v' y cur (25) Ap Mo r rt i h l - Mo*f AD 19 94 Commuted Y»*f - Année Engagé NT 1 0 9 H ER EB Y RESO LVE DECIDE, PAR L E S PR ÉS E N TE S : 4. Failure of a person to obey the directions given by Council in the notice referred to in section 3 shall be deemed to be in violation of this by - law. 5. Any person who violates any of the provisions of this by - law shall be guilty of an offence, and shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding $100.00 or imprisonment for a term not exceeding thirty (30) days, or both. Approved and passed at a duly convened meeting of the Council of the Buctouche First Nation Band of Indians this 25 th day of April 19 94 . A quorum for this Band Pour cette bande le quorum est consists of fixé à .. ________________ Council Members. Membres du Conse I (CounçùKy - Contender) (Céunç*(y - ConsefV) (Councillor - Consoler) (CeuncaiQf - Condtetet) (Councilor - Cof*>*r) (Councillor - Cons***) (Councilor - Côrwcdl*f> (Councilor - Condelçr) (Çounç*for - Cons#*»*») _________________________________________FO n D E P A R TM E N TA L U S E O N LY - R É S E R V É AU MINI!S T E R E _____________________________________________ t. Sand Puno Coo» z Comouier B»'*nce« - Soldes 0 ordinateur Cede 3. f*cencMurt - Oépeniee 4. Authority (Indite) Ad $tct*on) compte 04 DteXJe Capital B - Autorité (Arfete de 1 Source or Pundf 1» Loi tm* Sou» ce 64m fond» A Pe>#nu« Révenu tet indent S S Q Capital p f W i u # ». Recommended - Recon'mendeptf ApprOJ - Approuvât Date RfCCmmçn;! ofl Q1» c<?r .. © f C f t e V d ' o*.«x) O ffe r - Approuvé par
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