Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

r The Council of the ----------M etlftk atla__________Band of Indians at a meeting h e ld_____ „____________________ _ make* the following by­ law pursuant to paragraphs (c ) , (d), (q) and (r) of Section 80 of the f ) / Indian Act. ^ Pt/rf 7 " By-law No. _2_ frf P A by-law to provide for the regulation of the activities of boys and girls on t h e _________ Matlalnitl m . Indian Reserve, actually or apparently under 16 years of age, No boy or girl on t h e ________M tla fr jfliM l_________Indian Re­ serve actually or apparently under 16 years of age, shall loiter any place within the M jtlak a tla_________ _ Indian Reserve after nine o 'c lock in the afternoon, « * - -* (b) No boyrot girl on th e_____ MetlaJcatla_____ _ ___ Indian r e ­ serve (actually or apparently under 16»years of age, shall be in any place of entertainment, (^street, lane, by-way or common within the said reserve after the hourtôf nine o 'clock in the afternoon unless accompanied by his or her parent or an adult appointed by i parent to accompany such child, (c) A boy or girl on the Hetlakatla__________ Indian Reserve found violating the provisions of paragrdptj (a) or (fa) may be warned and conducted home by a police officer and if the warning is not regarded or after the warning the boy or girl is again found disobeying said paragraph (a) or (b) the parents of such boy or gifl shall be directed to meet with the Advisory Committee appointed by the council of the Band for the protec­ tion of the children. (d) A parent who permits his child to violate paragraph (a)^ep- (b)< «* shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding $5,00 or imprisonment for a term not exceeding seven days, or both fine and imprisonment. IA1-112 Stencil 418
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