Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

■+ Indian and Northern Affairs Affaires indiennes et du Nord BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION RÉSOLUTION DE CONSEIL DE BANDE "iOTE: BaôdWFudn ^ Fr°m ^ ^ FUnd " ',Capita‘'' °r which ,v « , t'a th« case. mu., appear in a.I resolution. raqu.atin, expenditure. from NOTA: z V s ‘̂ sj : dT e bmda " Capi,a' " ou revmu *e,on u eaa doivent p* n , n den* THE COUNCIL OF THE Low er K n o t t y LE CONSEIL P E L A B A N D S IN D IE N N E T M AGENCY w tiu -Lull J d i s t r i c t C e n t r a l p r o v in c e B r i t i s h C o lu m b ia PLACE n o m d e L 'e n d r o i t C r e s to n nATR 29 O c t o b e r 4p ,o91 D A Y - JOUR MONTH - MOIS DO HEREBY RESOLVE; DECIDE, PAR LES PRESENTES: The Chief and Council of the Lower Kootenay Indian Band hereby amends By-laws No. 5 and No. 6 in the following manner: Disorderly Conduct and Nuisances By-Law (By-law No. 5) Section 3 is amended to read: "An officer may order any person who is engaging in any disorderly conduct to stop such conduct immediately.” Removal and Punishment of Trespassers By-law (By-law No. 6) Section 1 is amended to read: "This by-law may be cited as By-law No. 6. Respecting Trespass irt the Lower Kootenay reserve. " A quorum for this Bande Pour cette bande le quorum est consists of fixé è Council Members Membres du Conseil (C o u n c illo r con seiller) (C o u n cillo r con seiller) . ... (C o u n c illo r con seiller) (C o u n c illo r «— con seiller) (C o u n cillo r conseiller) (C o u n cillo r con seiller) (C o u n cillo r con seiller) (C o u n c illo r con seiller) F O R D E P A R T M E N T A L U S E O N L Y - R É S E R V É A U M IN IS T E R E I. Band Fund C od e 2. COM PU TER B ALA N CE S - SOLDES D'ORDINATEUR Code du com pte A . C apital B . R evenue Revenu de ten d e $ $ 6. R ecom m ended R ecom m endleb/e Date R ecom m ending O ffice r Recommande per IA 135 (7 -7 3 ) 7 5 3 0 -2 1 -0 2 3 -4 6 6 2 C h ron o log ica l No. Numéro con sécu tif t f t - n F ile R e feren ce - N° de réf. du d ossier ••• *><>««» « Current Capital Balance i a n B jc j l n ti [ u i ",i Solde de capital ^ Committed EnHaAe $ Current Revenue balance Committed -- Engage Y E A R ANNEE (C o u n cillo r con seiller) ... « < (C o u n cillo r Conseiller) (C o u n cillo r con seiller) (C o u n c illo r con seiller) 3. E xpenditure 4* Authority A utorité 5 . Source o f Funds D épen ses Indian A ct Sec Source des tonds Art. de te Loi sur tes $ Indiens i ' C apital i—» Revenu A pproved Approuve bte Date Approving O fficer Approuvé par NOV 13 1991' 1 A '
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