Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

i+ Indian and Northern Affaires indiennes Affairs Canada et du Nord Canada Deputy Minister Sous-ministre Ottawa, Canada K1A0H4 On behalf of the Minister of Indian Affairs find Northern Development I HEREBY DECLARE the following by-law made by the Council of the Blueberry River Band of Indians, in the Province of British Columbia at a meeting held on June 11, 1987 TO BE IN FORCE pursuant to sub-section 82(2) of the Indian Act. By-law respecting the vote of band members for the purposes of sub-section 10(3) of the Indian Act. Dated at Hull, Quebec Bruce Rawson Witness : Canada
BLUEBYL.MCD <*' BLjJEBERRY RIVER INDIAN BAND ^ ' BY-LAW #03 - 87 MEMBERSHIP CODE - ELIGIBLE VOTERS BEING A BY-LAW to allow the band members of the Blueberry River Indian Band to establish its own membership code, and to assume control of its own membership. WHEREAS Section 81 (1) (p.4) of the Indian Act empowers the Council of a band to make By-laws bringing Section 10 (3) of the Indian Act into effect, thus allowing all band members of the full age of eighteen years to vote on the question of establishing its own membership code and assuming control of its own membership; AND WHEREAS it is deemed to be expedient for the welfare of the members of the Blueberry River Indian Band #547 to allow all band members of the full age of eighteen years to vote on establishing its own membership code and assuming control of its own membership, as per unalienable rights under terms Of TREATY #8, 1899. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Blueberry River Indian Band hereby enacts as a by-law thereof as follows : DEFINITIONS : 1. IN THIS BY-LAW: "COUNCIL" means the Council, as defined in the Indian Act, of the Blueberry River Indian Band, #547. "BAND MEMBER" means "member of a band" of Indians as defined in the Indian Act, and known as the Blueberry River Indian Band, #547. VOTER ELIGIBILITY: 2. THIS BY-LAW brings into effect Section 10, Subsection (3) of the Indian Act thus declaring that all band members of the Blueberry River Indian Band #547 who are of the full age of eighteen years are eligible to vote on the question of the Blueberry River Indian Band, #547: i) establishing its own membership code, ii) assuming control of its own membership, and iii) providing a process for reviewing decisions on membership. BE IT KNOWN that this By-law entitled Membership Code - Eligible Voters is hereby enacted as By-law No. 03-87 by the Council of the Blueberry River Indian Band at a duly convened meeting of the said Council held on f! > 1987.
*s BLUEBERRY RIVER INDIAN BAND BY-LAW 03-87 THIS BY-LAW is consented to Council. by the following members of the Councillor Sandy Yahey AND BEING the majority (or more) of those members of the Council of the Blueberry River Indian Band present at the above- mentioned meeting. A QUORUM of this Band Council is two (2) members. I, Joe Apsassin, Chief of the Blueberry River Indian Band, do hereby certify that a true copy of the foregoing by-law was forwarded to the Minister of Indian and Northern Affairs Canada pursuant to Section 82 (1) of the Indian Act this /l day of ,1987 . Witness I have examined (he Onn'nai of (his document and hern'7 m i n y a true cony of d o ' ' X C " a t . P i O v . i K l t ? u !
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