Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

ï THE // ̂ ÔAKD OF INDIANS. V . BY-UW NO. Being a by-law to ostablish Administrative And Financial Regulations WHEREAS tho Council of t h o ^ ^ ^ / Band of Indians has agreed to administer, manago, and put into offoct certain projects and programs for tho benofit and well being of tho numbers of the. * Band of Indians; * AND WHEREAS tho Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development has agreed, pursuant to thoir program generally known as Grants to Bands", to turn over to tho Council of thoi^^^/^'-^Band / of Indians certain funds for the purpose of underwriting part' or all of .tho costs of the said programs and projects; AND WHEREAS it is expedient and in the best interests of the mombors of thoi^/{e^^tiand of Indians to ensure that the programs and projects are administered, and the funds are expended in an efficient manner; NOW THEREFORE the Council of tho»//./ty/v* '&ZBand of Indians enacts as a by-law thereof, pursuant to Section 80(q) of the Indian Act, tho following: 1. The Administrative and Financial Regulations dated , 19?1, attached heroto and marked Appendix *A* (which regulations are doomed to bo and form part of this by-law) bo and the same are hereby approved and adopted* >
2*f Thoso Hequlotlona^fibûU como Into forco and toko offoct on tbo day of » . Approvod end pasaod at' a duly convcnod wcotin̂ of tho Council this7 •, iv7i. •. .7 » * * # . * « , »
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