Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

THE3yrm LAKE BAKD OF INDIANS. f BY-UW ÎJO .a Being a by-law to ostablish Administrative and Financial Regulations » YJHEREAS tho Council of tho Swan Lake Band of Indians has agreed to administer, manago, and put into offoct certain projects and programs for tho benefit and well being of tho members of the. Swan Lake Band of Indians; . AND WHEREAS the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development has agreed, pursuant to their program generally known as "Grants to Bands", to turn over to tho Council of the Swan Lake Band of Indians certain funds for the purpose of underwriting part or all of .the costs of the said programs and projects; AND WHEREAS it is expedient and in tho best interests of the members of tho Swan Lake Band of Indians to ensure that the programs and projects are administered, and the funds are expended in an efficient manner; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Swan Lake Band of Indians enacts as a by-law thereof, pursuant to Section 80(q) of the Indian Act, the following 1. Tho Administrative and Financial Regulations dated , 1971, attached heroto and marked Appendix *A* (which regulations are doomed to bo and form part of this by-law) bo and tho same are hereby approved and adopted.
( ' . . 2. Thoso Reculations^nhalÜ cojno into forco And tofco effect on tho day of , 1971. # Approvod end passod at' a duly convenod Mooting of tho Council this day of f 1971. * / »
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