Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

CANADA Province of Ontario TO WIT I, STEPHEN ALFRED ROBERTS, residing at Ottawa, Ontario, make oath and swear that the paperwriting to which this affidavit is attached is a true copy of a document produced and shown to me and purporting to be the original by-law made pursuant to the Indian Act and signed by the Chief and Council of the Roseau River Band of Indians and dated August 22, 1977, the said copy having been compared by me with the said original document. Sworn to before me at the City of Ottawa in the Judicial District of Ottawa Carleton this day of October, 1977. /• i the Province of Ontario. Government o; C a r j ? B Q ,
NOXIOUS WEEDS BY-LAW 2y' A e Council of the Roseau River Band of Indians at a meeting this 22 day of August, , 1977 hereby enacts by-law number 16-77 providing for the destruction and control of noxious weeds within the boundaries of the Roseau River Indian Reserve. Whereas, paragraphs (j) and (r) of Section 81 of the Indian Act empowers the Council of a Band to make by-laws respecting the destruction and control of noxious weeds on the Roseau River Reserve for the welfare of the inhabitants thereof. Now therefore the Council of the Roseau River Band of Indians enacts as a by-law thereof, the following: 1. In this by-law, (a) "Council" means the Council as defined in the Indian Act of the Roseau River Band of Indians; (b) "Reserve" means the tract of land set apart by Her Majesty within the definition of the Indian Act, for the use and benefit of the Roseau River Band of Indians known as the Roseau River Reserve. (c) "Inspector" means the person appointed from time to time by the Council to be a weed inspector for the Reserve. (d) "Noxious Weed" means any plant, that is harmful, damaging, injurious, deadly and useless to man or domestic vegetation. 2. The occupant of any land within the Reserve shall cut, or cause to be cut down, or otherwise destroy or cause to be destroyed all noxious weeds growing thereon as often as may be necessary to prevent them from going to seed. 3. Any person who is a holder of a certificate of usership shall cut or cause to be cut all noxious weeds growing in ditches and on roads contiguous to land occupied. 4. Any person who is a holder of a valid lease shall cut and destroy or cause to be cut and destroyed all noxious weeds growing in ditches and on roads contiguous to land leased. 5. The Inspector shall make periodic inspection of the Reserve. 6. The Inspector may give written notice to any occupant of land within the Reserve, requiring that person to destroy or have destroyed any noxious weeds on that land within 2 days of receipt by that person of that notice. 7. An occupant, a leesee, or a holder of a certificate of usership who refuses or neglects to cut down or destroy the noxious weeds within the period of 2 days shall be guilty of a breach of this by-law. 8. Any person who violates any of the provisions of this by-law shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable to a summary con­ viction to a fine not exceeding $500.00 or imprisonment for a term not exceeding 180 days or both fine and imprisonment. Approved and passed at a duly convened meeting of the Council of the Roseau River Band of Indians this 22nd day of August, 1977. CHIEF Stanley Nelson_____ COUNCILLOR John Alexander______COUNCILLOR Lawrence Henry Donald Henry Alfred Smith
Chronological No. N um éro co nsé cu tif 1 * ^ Indian and Northern Affairs Affaires indiennes et du Nord 501/47-77-78 File Reference N ° de réh du d o s s ie r BAND C O U N C IL R E S O LU TIO N R É S O L U TIO N DE C O N SEIL DE BANDE N0TE BandWFrudnds'Fr0m ^ B* " d FUmi5" ° r «ver i , ,he case^us, eppea, in , » reeo.u.ion, reçues,ing expenditure, from NOTA: z z z z z : z tre bande " Cap,'a' ou fevenu se,on ,e cas doivBnt parai,re dans ^ , * THE COUNCIL OF THE L E C O N S E IL D E L A B A N D E //VD/EAWEROSEAU RIVER BAND Current Capital Balance Solde de capital ^ AGENCY DISTRICT MANITOBA REGION Committed Enéaâe $ PROVINCE Current Revenue balance ------------------------- :__________________________ M A N IT O B A ___________________________________________ PLACE N O M D E L 'E N D R O IT ...........RORRATÎ RTVFT? TNTITAN R E S E R V E . Committed Engagé $ DATE ... 22 August, Ap to 77. DAY - J O U R MONTH - MOIS YEAR - A N N É E DO HEREBY RESOLVE: DECIDE, PAR LES PRESENTES: That the by-law entitled "Noxious Weeds By-law" " be and the same is hereby approved, and enacted as a by-law #16-77 of the Council of the Roseau River Band of Indians, and further that the Chief and each member of Council be authorized to sign the same" A quorum for this Band Pour cette bande le quorum est consists of fixé è three Council Members Membres du Conseil Stanley Nelson .................(Ch ief - Chef)' John Alexander Lawrence Henry (Councillor c o n s e i l le r ) (Councillor c o n se il le r ) (Councillor c o n se il le r ) ...D.onald...Henr.y.. ... Alfred-Smith.------(Councillor consei l ier ) (Councillor ~ c o n s e i l le r ) (Councillor Co nseil ler ) (Councillor cons e i l le r ) (Councillor c o n s e il le r ) (Councillor c o n s e i l le r ) (Coünciïior c o n s e i l le r ) (Councillor c o n s e il le r ) (Councillor c o n s e il le r ) f F O R D E P A R T M E N T A L U S E O N L Y - R É S E R V É A U M I N I S T E R E |1. Band Fund Code 2. COMPUTER BALANCES - S O L D E S D 'O R D IN A T E U R 3. Expenditure 4. Authority Autorité 5. Source of Funda . Code du compte B. Revenue Dépenses Indian Act Sec Source des fonda ! de bande A. Capital Revenu i Art. de la Loi sur tes i » i-. . , i i Revenu» ■$ $ $ Indiens Capital i-----------------------------------------i6. Recommended Recommendable Approved Approuvabie j i ! Date Approving Officer Approuvé pmt | Date Recommending Officer Recommande par \.................................................................. ......... ...... . .................................................................. -IA 135 ( 3-74) 7530-2 1-023-4662
I Stanley Nelson, Chief of Roseau River Band of Indians, do hereby certify that a true copy of the foregoing by-law is being forwarded to the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development pursuant to Sec. 82 Ss. (1) of the Indian Act this 22 day of August, 1977. Gladys Nelson Stanley Nelson Witness Chief
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