Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

r m P icuis m m m m m m y m m . n M m . WBpWPGI PmtHUWpp «wMpP ipib! oowpribhl o r o o ü$ cm th h sbscsm il m f»|, t# «nd t& ©f Ma of tjy lamri ü p w ü i; 1er the gdftotg eut @f @r af a i WMBHfeMKi Me Courte* cl fie Rfepufe Ifidhei Bead a of Ma opinion Mai fBBdUNSDtBMfML- ̂ oaetonddf* bPootdnB, and ojmifig at toogo al dogtii ddd ddagoeous dogs fpdgyfetoSfdtobooNiof * la Ma M M @f Ma residents on Me réserva, and a nuisance la such raahM a;-- TWiHEFOlK, tie Counoü of Me Pcguis land of Indiarts enacts a by-law as follows: Sfm rtTItift 1. This by-law may Ha cited as fia "Psguie Reserve Dog Control By-law." ifltarpTEtittoti 2. toi fat by-law: (8) Dana means tne reguai mown oano, (b) "councH" m am the Courte! of Me Band; (c) "dangerous dog" means any ptt bull, mala or female, and includes an animal that is a cross between a pft bud and another dog. (d) "dog" means any dog, mate or female, more than four months old and includes an animal fiat is a cross between a dog and a wolf; (e) "muzzle" mams to secure a clogs mouth in such a fashion that it cannot bite anything; (f) "officer" means any band constable or member of the Peguis Police Force, as appointed by the Council and any member of Me Royal Canadian Mounted Police, or any duly appointed dog-catcher;
- 2 -(€) "m m at of a dog indudes a person who posses or harbours a dog, and "owns" AyRI feÉil uwi wu nwvw - A Ê w IÊiÊ u 'll& w ÊÊtË s ÈiÊ e f Ê p ÈiÊÊ D È&Ê n ÊÊ u riÊ& i È n ÈÊ fh) "at iMMf @r "f' lto fiP f* îH N '»> r*P a ' Spjp at Éf08 * M*V^P m * 1^ u8W sWli8 dBI^ a^^P d"88 m8 8 * uPpP® n 1 d88 e88 * r fV * i e gP|pP a(|P® r e1 © r 8 a8® i 8 g8 1 f a8 i^ t 9 f̂i ® ir 8 il 8 it il n 8 m p * ITH SH - HlW , M » b 1 0 igfciĥ ^ t 8 n 8 rl 8 îi M nn 8 3. (1) Subject to Sutoacfon wary owner of a dog M l keep the dog safely tethered or ftonned up at ai anea. (2$ A ■* doa" WnPePe1 Pd VnmPom tW UbrWre I ltr Wet #h88e* 8r88eNPd c88a*r *o8 8a©n *•r #a888d1# 8u8*o8 8a81s8 *o8#r Wov #i8dB*e888dd* fi*n 8Sl8u%l8b*8s9Pe88c88t88i8o|Fni * f\ i t# Mi f*8a f|sP dog: (a) is h d i on a toeeh by a person rnov®iTy®nts, 88 ÉÏ̂ Üfigj HÏP0̂C!l 8 p98f®0f9 $8f È̂̂W |9lyllfp9l9998 C3̂ ''̂94Jffi98f(9j||̂t or | « J C PB | v ' a W ytog « B Nlkg B MBm i M n HP p flBi i 1 f Ad f ft l Éi # Éttk 0 iPH s W afe*. f # 8 ÉÊtk p 'ÉKKf P tÆÈk 8 fttÊltki& p Ês& t Êft P ) 910 o n tWT 8 M mmm nis n g © pM W I n m either to amount to cruelty or to ca u se toe dog to become a nuisance. (4) m person sheH pundh or aPuas a dog in a manner or to an etoent fiat ie cruel unnecassarv. ( » 9 iflC / « V ^^8 I dR O Ra CWfiSr a W nsl t ^ m ^to R ^É p Afl^ O ^^a r R f iM l i m i^a8 a 8 gk QOg i W laa^ S M laiPIP r WW pCJ0G8 Of WIMICi Of WIB PMMrWB. ( Æ B ÊB^ ) m n A.Aa o n^ o æ w b m m n eeaf e c sa r a a a a e flan n lto.a a Hh9 i l p aa îj a akjiia t ai n aatoi t a8 a aa l 8u a toto r aH n Ma a anM i a e iBk o aPK o a a (7) (a) The Council may at any time prohibit tie keeping of dogs within any arae of fie reserve. (b) Nofoe of any prohibition made by Council pursuant to Paragraph (a) shall to posted in tie tond oMoe and after tie date of tie posting of such notioe, no person shad keep or have a dog within tie prohibited area. (8) No owner or no one shad keep or harbour any pit bull dog or cross fiereof regardless of a g e on or after September 1, 1995. 3p àÈ. »iwu O i T « I n T l g lit» , HwlB H89' » Bw P Gif tM * »H f fIpp yP» eT liP ml* *M isiiP e8P sS8 H OP® f fw 1 »88 QP||f M^ w V M 18 fIP l1 r 8 aP® n Vp dp» * n vp ojjr^ tk nl tr .p «P8 e889 r 9 sÜ8 oÏ89 n: PWPfKPPSWB̂PP PPiFe 4 â | jû |81 ^ 8 ü 8 M 4 g» l 89911 îw :Æ © ftÊSft t W oA&M m Êto& m iÈiiB wi 8 Æ ft 8 Ap 8 lih^ W APH R a 8 <a£ J n üi w Rid w aPÉ w M a w i^M l 8 a*A N te8 8 li8 1 lA 8n8^3 O ^^a f ia Of I l l l m f l y 88 i M O P ^ 1 0 8 iM K n^ , i j a I m y #ç), Qf&m ^ ^ ms O Ji f ^J m O ia^k i ^ W aAaAa l ii I aA M a a M W a A ^ W S A s mĥ f æ b Q aM ï É £a Q nsAM Ê m B mê̂ Ê /sb im) g ato t s e a i n ik,< e rfatô a to8 t k c t At̂ o na : œ AMa t̂o ^ o aa n nC i a n a ie j a o âto w AuAda n Mat e iia r M el̂ s to p aff r a e Ra n an r Na a Adn e aja e todM s a .
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- 3 -(2) SuMect Id MeedHwt <4), an eMaar a has satead « dog iis w h I il - SytaMOtton (1) >M redore possession of tta dog to te owner where: ^ (•) Did owner daims possession of Die dog vwtNn five (5) days after tie dale Oi i dM M s--sS w lNkw B NÉ̂ S a L ffMl w f J di M te:aH F fc I «2 Q dii .... toi me owner pays to aie officer as sitperwae mourred hi securing, owing for and fædtng the dog. \ jff8 « te% J 4 p LgP | fc% % f 1H w ÊÉlÈÊ w aÊÊÊÈ r ÈÊ i lb. 9 Étk C ÆÈÊ f Ê O IkÊÊ y Ê n ÉtfcP ® PPfc n gw o ,ji < |A P W i rmmmmsrn fM vflfl W ^CS i fe p adf e \ J § Éfl | E% W æA m êÊ jf ^ î M B Ê * w f ^ l ÉÉ i b p dfea i BflWfliP a w B d l pursuant teow Subsectiong 1rafP2mjV)-0. Wtf 't9PeP oPiPMP^PPoPPaPi^r am P PPaPPyw ^diPPePPsBr'tPer PoiP jyP oPlPer dPIFNPPIo^PIPoPpstPPePP ow >f tPWi aeagwd PboPPIBoPPB as fie seee fil and no damages or compensation may Da recovered as ■=-. a result of tu destruction or déposai of a dog by fia ofKoar. CiP^^üytPu w rw iw flrl. wrwe, fi ü opinion of ww oirawr, s oog bsmbq uncwr wits SMSNOn is tnfupoa, dMiMHMd) Of sfioyic l b® iébbépophS viillvout dBfiBif to f h yw w fw fWBKww 9êl..,ébêl^:̂ .. WMflflHBpnflf Of iKiPP îi Of BflBBfl|ff WW CiWWQWf flasBB WMWWfOy WW OOg flMfl flfl3flJfi: flBBBf seizure as ne «wees w ano no owmagss or oompansaswi may os recoverao as r ePPPsPWPulFWlSte PoiPft twSi weP^ dPpPsPPPeI^wte uPPrdPPPfiWoPPne S oP FfI aPad dPdWoap^BojW bP ayP P tWi -ePfiF oPBPPVVPoPBWaiP^re •. .......... 5. (1) Where an officer, after reasonable effort, is unable to seize a dog or a dengarous dog tiat is running at bvga oontary to tie provieiona of tte by*tew, iw æ O jMftw N ikete t ka o aaw y A m w itPaw w ^^ c ^ I w a j g m æ o êu r * i O w Arp w ^ i É w APteâ i jd p teSid i P f bad o bdN̂ y e a s ws o PMa o M^^ g ba . (2) No damages or compensation may be recovered as a result of tie destruction ofadog or dangerous dog by an officer pursuant to Subsection (1). 3
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i . (1) Any parson may M a dog or a dangerous dog that is running at large and is i i f âjÊjMf i cPĵ m .gfttf§ m £glk m JÉüÉ ( p jpg^a i a i p v iAaa i -a w ja^PMb ^ tdM i a dAy ï t k a ÉBk c My K ft^^ t ttM n kiP g lM , f (а) a person; (б) a fond OMSha, harness or other scpipmeni (2) No damages or compensation may be recovered as a result of tie Idling of a dog or a dangerous dog by any person pursuant to Subsection (1). 7. Every person who contravenes any of tie provisions of tip by-law is guilty of an Ü T O f « n i 1 W i OP « y P H n y CXJlWfCliOn 10 m mm m TO T O I WWi M dofiars ($500) or to imprisonment for a term not awotsding thirty (30) days, or both. tiis by-law is hereby UOUflQROr Councillor i^ n b'a j s u nng, a ^NÉ̂ a iik̂ r Rt n tMk a Jika Q MfeJ i Lt n t^Ép g MP , i K Ta'H t ^ w s'iar n P ü g tm o ^Mk-' r âv €»BHPOp i f sa $ a a { n j s . m t o XPIO by toe Council of toe Pegu» Indian land at «# 1ULX__, 4 U Councilor Councillor
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