Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

i lkthhs j v-hronologicai No. Numéro consécutif , Colomb Band MISSINIPrt'RIVER PUKTAWAGAN, MANITOBA File Reference N ° de f. du d o s s ie r ROB 1GO TELEPHONE (204) 553-2090 BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION RÉSOLUTION DE CONSEIL DE BANDE NOTE The words From our Band Fun ds C ap ita l or R e ve n u e , w h ic h e v e r is the ca se , must appear in all resolutions requesting expenditures from Band Funds N O T A : L e s m ots des fonds de notre bande C a p ita l" ou rev en u " se lo n le ca s doiven t paraître dans tou tes le s réso lu tion s portant sur d e s d é p e n se s à même le s fonds d es bandes t h e c o u n c i l o f t h e Current Capital Balance LE CONSEIL DE LA BANDE INDIENNE_______ MATHIAS COLOMB BAND Solde de capital $ AGENCY DISTRICT THOMPSON Committed Engagé i PROVINCE MANITOBA Current Revenue balance Solde de revenu L PLACE NOM DE L* ENDROIT PUKATAWAGAN Committed Eti&atSé 19 July L m DATE AD 19 DAY - JOUR MONTH - MOIS Y E A R - AN N ÉE DO HEREBY RESOLVE: DECIDE, P A R L E S PRESENTES: WHEREAS; The Chief and Council of the Mathias Colomb First Nation has this day enacted a By-law for the establishment of the Mathias Colomb Health Board and other related matters. AND WHEREAS Paragraph 4 of the By-law empowers the Chief and Council to appoint Members of the said Health Board; AND WHEREAS The Chief and Council desire to proceed as expeditiously as possible with establishing of community based and community controlled Health and related services for Band members. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: That the following persons are hereby appointed as Members of the Mathias Colomb Health Board for a term of 4 years, subject always to the terms of said by-law; Norman Hunt, Member Marie Caribou, Member John Sinclair, Jr., Member Elizabeth Bear, Member Hy Colomb, Member Corn Colomb, Member Ralph Caribou, Councillor (Ex Officio). A quorum for this Bande Pour cette bande le quorum est consists of / f i x é à Council Members Membres du Conseil S-(C ou n c i l lo r co n s e i l le r ) ..7 w r ( , i..... ( . . .... ' . ..... a ...... C ........................... (C ou n c i l lo r co n s e il le r ) (C ou n ci l lo r con s e i l le r ) (C ou n ci l lo r co n s e i l le r ) FOR D E P A R T M E N T A L USE O N L Y - R É S E R V É A U M IN IS T E R E 1. Band Fund Code 2. COM PUTER BALAN CES - SOLDES D ORDIN ATEUR 3* Expenditure 4* Authority A u to r ité 5» Source o f Funds C ode du com pte de bande A. Capital B. Revenue R even u D é p en se s Indian Act Sec Source des fon d s Art. de la L o i sur le s $ Indiens M ii Capi t . a l . ii R « evenue $ S 1 Revenu 6. Recommended R ecom m andable Approved Approuva b le Date Approving Officer Approuvé par ^ ate Recommending O ff icer R ecom m andé par I A 135 ( 5 - 7 9 ) 7 5 3 0 -2 1 - 0 2 3 - 4 6 6 2
Chronolog ica l No. Numéro c o n cu ti f ï l l u t h u s ^ C o l o m b B a n d « jkTAWAGAN. MANITOBA File Reference N ° de rél. du d o s s ie r TELEPHONE (204) 553.2090 BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION RÉSOLUTION DE CONSEIL DE BANDE NOTE The words From our Band Funds C ap ita l or R e ve n u e , which ever is the ca se , must appear in all resolutions requesting expenditures from Band Funds NOTA L es mots des fonds de notre bande 'C apita l' ' ou revenu se lo n le ca s doivent paraitre dans tou tes le s réso lu tion s portant sur d e s d é p e n se s à même les tonds des bandes THE COUNCIL OF THE MATHIAS COLOMB BAND Current Capital Balance LE CONSEIL DE LA BANDE INDIENNE Solde de capital $ AGENCY DISTRICT THOMPSON Committed - EnûaÇe $ p r o v in c e MANITOBA Current Revenue balance Solde de revenu $ PLACE NOM DE L'ENDROIT PUKATAWAGAN Committed Rngaôé S d a t e ^ J u l y A D 19 8 9 DAY - JOUR MONTH - MOIS Y E A R - ANNÉE DO HEREBY RESOLVE: DECIDE, PARLES PRESENTES: WHEREAS: The Indian Act in Section 81 empowers the Chief and Council of the Mathias Colomb First Nation to enact by-laws respecting the health of residents of the reserve and other related matters; AND WHEREAS The said Indian Act in Section 73 also empowers the Governor in Council to make regulations respecting certain aspects of Indian Health; AND WHEREAS The Minister has, through Section 73 of the said Indian Act, enacted the Indian health regulations, C.R.C. 1978, C 955 and the Indian Reserve Waste Disposal Regulations, C.R.C. 1978, C 960; AND WHEREAS The Chief and Council of the Mathias Colomb First Nation has this day enacted a By-law, the purpose of which is to take over responsibility for and establish a complete Health Care service for the Mathias Colomb First Nation Band Members; AND WHEREAS: Said By-law has met the Medical Services Branch requirements for "Mandatory Services"; AND WHEREAS: It is desirable that Mathias Colomb First Nation as a Self Governing people have control and administration of their own health and related services. . . ./2 A quorum for this Bande Pour cette bande te quorum est consists of fixé à Council Members Cr-Membres du Conseil 7 ... (Council lor^?- co n se il le r ) ( / ÿCoupc i l l o r c o n s e j jt e r ) ... 1 (C ou n c i l lo r co n se il le r ) (C ou n ci l lo r C on seiller ) (C ounci l lor c o n se il le r ) Truraftlljar co n s e il le r ) (C ou n ci l lo r c o n s e il le r ) (C ou n ci l lo r co n se il le r ) (C ou n ci l lo r c o n se il le r ) FOR D E P A R T M E N T A L U SE O N L Y - R É S E R V É A U M IN IS T E R E 1. Band Fund Code 2. COMPUTER BALANCES - SOLDES D 'O R D IN AT EU R 3. Expenditure 4. Authority A u to r ité 5. Source o f Funds C ode du com pte de bande A. Capital B. Revenue R even u D é p en se s Indian Act Sec Source des fond s Art. de la L o i sur le s ii .. . ii Revenue $ % % Indiens M ii Capital i R evenu 6. Recommended R ecom m end abîe Approved Approuva b le Date Approving Officer Approuvé par ^ ate Recommending O ff icer R ecom m andé par IA f » * C K.-ÏÛV
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