Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

S o Æ / ^ - / > y ]♦ Indian and Nonnern Affairs Affairas inditnnts al du Nord BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION RÉSOLUTION DE CONSEIL DE BANDE NOTE: The words "From our Band Fund»" "Capital" or "Revenue", which avar Is tha casa, must appear ,in «Il rasolutlona requesting expenditures from Band Funds NOTAI Les mots "rts* fonds ds notre bonde ••Capital*• ou revenu" séton te ces doivent pereltre dons toutes fs* résolutions portent sur des dépenses a meme tes tonds des bandes the c o u n c il o f the L E C O N S E IL D E L A B A N D S IN D IE N N E Little Grand Rapids Band AGENCY DISTRICT Manitoba * pr o v in ce Manitoba PLACE NOM D E L 'E N D R O IT Littl , e Grand Rapids, Manitoba n m 13 December in to 85 DAY - JOUR MONTH - MOIS VÊAR - ANNEE DO HEREBY RESOLVE; D E C ID E , P A R L E S P R E S E N T E S : Whereas a majority of the electors of the Band who attended a special meeting of the Little Grand Rapids Band on "\2>Q-C > I called by the Council of the Little Gî and Rapids Band on for the purpose of considering the contents of this by-law, consented1 toithe contents of this by-law, And whereas the Little Grand Rapids Band Council considers necessarÿ special measures for the protection of the inhabitants of the reserve of the Little Grand Rapids Band from the presence of intoxicants: Now therefore, it is hereby enacted p Indian Act: Definitions 1. In this by-law "intoxicants" includes alcohol, alcoholic, spiritous, vinous, fermended malt or other intoxicating liquor or combination of liquors and mixed liquor a part of which is spiritous, vinous, * fermented or otherwise intoxicating and all drinks of drinkable liquids and all preparations or mixtures capable of human consumption A quorum for this Band that are intoxicating. Pour cotto bonde le quorum eet consist* of fixé à Z> Council Members Membre à du Conseil (Chief - Chef) Ycôunc III or* —* con«*•*///er) (Councillor conseiller) (Councillor conseiller) (Councillor conseiller) (Councillor conseiller) (Councillor conseiller) eeoeoeoeeooeoooooooeoeooooooosoooooooooooooooooooeoooooooootooooo »••»»»»»•»»•»«•»•»*»••»»»•»»•»•»•••••••»»*«•*«»•«•»*»••»»»«•» (Councillor conseiller) (Councillor « conseiller) FOR DEPARTMENTAL USE ONLY - RÉSERVÉ AU MINISTÈRE 1, Bond Fund Code 2. COMPUTER BALANCES - SOLDES D 'ORDINATEUR 3. Expenditure Code du compte B, Revenue Revenu de bonde A. Caphal s s $ 6, Recommended Reeommendoble Recommending Officer Recommande par IA 139 13*74) 7930*2 1*023*4992/ £<l2l5'H'7-70 ^Chronological No. - Numéro consécutif cQO ~ ALI Fila Reference N °’ das« tréat». dou do osstier £-^ajfr Dna (rt) Current Capital'Balance Solda dm ca p ita l f Committed £ntfa£e $ Current Revenue balance Ç Hm fh vii fit I j Committed Enfta fié S 1 | J I ! ursuant to Sectin 85.1 of the (continued) (Councillor conseiller) (Councillor conseiller) (Councillor conseiller) (Councillor conseiller) 4. Authority Autorité 5, Source of Punchs ln<H>n sec Source des t onds\ Dépenses Art» de la L o i sur les r-n C s. apital i Q —\ R 0 ev » enue Indiens ' Revenu Approved Approuve bl è Dote Approving Officer Approuvé per
I * * 64* o*d Mon*** A*m #f MüNKiH et dO N »* TU» K ift rt iw t N* ' 4* l i t , du *•«»/,, BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION RÉSOLUTION DE CONSEIL DE BANDE N 0 T tl *Ur B,B< r ’" * * * " " c * » lu l " •* w M «h «v « f I f IK* mutt .p1M ü " . - n . . . W - , ü i ; V U , « »* »4 l| g f» i ïû » OTA, t » « . . . ff k«iÿ» •• c>li.l<>N N r a , » M |M la «t. P.W /U. tf.n, I.U IM It t tlw lltn t p trltn l «urtftt 4i p m , , i » _______ËgLf. fond# t t » ww(r»> THE COUNCIL OF THE LE CONSEIL DE LA BANDE INDIENNE Little Grand Rapids Band Current CtpiUi B«l«net AGENCY ----- 5-ofjft do copilot t DISTRICT C«Ô'IR'HllttC'd t PROVINCE Cuiront Revenue balance PLACÉ Soldo do revenu t NOV DE L ENDROIT Cvô¥SUSPfl.lIit9t1t tI I0 |f W mJ?O 9o0l ~Mdt wB Æit wX < DATE day - J A T> 10 our MONTH - UON 7EÀk *. ANNEE ■” DO HEREBY RESOL VEj DECIDE, PAR LES PRESENTES: - 2 Prohibition on Sale, Barter, Supply or Manufacture 2. Everyone who sells, barters, supplies or manufactures intoxicants on the reserve of the Little Grand Rapids Band is guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction. Prohibition Against Intoxication 3. Everyone who is intoxicated on the resterve of the Little Grand Rapids I Band is guilty of an offence punishable on summary, conviction. t » Exceptions to 3 *• . 4. Notwithstanding section 3, no offence is committed against this by-law where a person is found intoxicated in his home or in a private dwelling to which he has been invited. Prohibition on Possession of Intoxicants 5. Everyone who is found in possession of intoxicants is guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction. Exceptions to 5 * A quorum for this Bind Pour edit bond# It quorum ##l 6. Notwithstanding section 5, no offense is committed contint of against this by-law if such possession is for medicinal flzf I purposes, the proof of which lies on the person in Council U embers VcoiOrtt possession. du Çonooil (continued) (CMof - Chef) /Counçïlïor - conrolfUrJ Tc vine Ü Ï /*//• r)” a (C ou ac U U r - co ne I I I 9 r) > cor\99lll9r) (Councillor «onc#Wur/" 1 *” *wiw (Councillor ConcoifUrJ conoof/Ur) oorooooffofooooofiçootooooffooooooooofffofoffftffftfooofoof oooooooi (Councillor - coACollfoO (Councillor cwrcoî/for) HNI.MMMNtMIHn.MtNHMMMMNMMmMINNIM.HMMH.aMI 90r%99lll9t) (Councillor cens offUrJ (CouncUlor «• conoolllor) .•‘1 1 FOR DEPARTMENTAL USE ONLY - RÉSERVÉ AU MINISTERE / 5 |U Bond fund Code L COUPUTX* BALANCXS - SOLDES DQRDINATEVM X Sxpondlturo da Authority */Autorité X Source of Pundc 4 C 9 o d O e o n O d U o comf11 A, Copltol Ooponooc Indion Act tir : Source «foc /onde Aria dr U LOI cur U* $ $ $ /ndUnc [4. Xrconmtiidtd JUcommondO OU Approved - Approuvé OU * •••»»*•••••«•« ••••<•««! #•*•••••••• •***a*a»a*aaa«aa*aàaaaaaaaàaaàB*aaa**aa*aaiaàaâ«Uobbofoofoofofooooooofooofofofooofooooooof Dole ApprovlA| Officor « - Approuva p9r Doit Rtcommtndinf Officor - Rotoim»#Ado por A 111 U*?4l T il 0*1 1.011*41 IS
I* IrtdkIA HOrth** AN«*«« *d*AA»« * du No*d BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION RÉSOLUTION DE CONSEIL DE BANDE NOTE: T>»* vprtf» ♦•from aur Bandfund»** MC»ptUt,# av XavaKuv , wKIeh «ver U tk* catt, muit appear in «Il r«H lu (l«M M*u«all«< «apanditurt* trmm lawd Fund» .VOT^x •»•<# ***•• /ond« d» * « f r t -Cap/l«f,# du w ^ u " aafo* !• « « dafvartf pasmlua rftnt t ou f a fa t téaolvllona poflmi aut daa dapma « U t tond» dae biwrfti ______ ° F THE Little Grand Rapids Band LE CONSEIL DE LA BANDE INDIENNE AGENCY DISTRICT PROVINCE PLACE NO V DE L'ENDROIT 6aY - Jour """"‘ü'd'hT'N - k ô ii " * D 19 DO HEREBY RESOLVE; DECIDE, PAR LES PRESENTES: ~ 2 ~ 7. Notwithstanding section 5, no offence is committed against this by-law if the person in possession is transporting the intoxicant g in an unopened state across the reserve to a destination beyond thé reserve boundary. 8. Notwitstanding section 5, no offence is committed against this by-law if the person in possession is transporting the intoxicant in an unopened state across the reserve to his home orif the person has possession in his home. Penalties 9. For greater certainty, the penalties for contravention of this by-law are set out in the Indian Act. CWronoloclc«l No* Numiio conttcufl/ 4 FlU Rtftrtnct f m du doftUr / Current Capital Balance Soldé cio liât * t_ Committed «* Engagé S Currant Revenue balança v n f m #vm %aa •»• ^ Committed «• Engagé S V I A * - a nNEE m CT3 , c“> cn Q X m 7Q'S> UP o z H SK CJ Jjf o o -t o > Cl. 3KCD. 41
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