Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

The Council of the Jackhead Band of Indians at a meeting held this hi/ of - oLer, 1971, make the following by-lc..: pursuant to paragr-ni (t paragraph [rj of Section 8^ of the Indian Act. aw No. ÛNJÊ A by-law to provide for the; regulation of traffic in the Jackhead sn Reserve, in the Privince of Manitoba. In this by-lav: (a,- "Council" means the Council of the Jackhoad Band of Indiansj bh "Reserve" means the Jackhead Indian Reserve : eans any area in the Reserve designated in writing by the Council as a residential area for the purposes of this by-lawj and (d) "vehicle means any wagon, cart, motor car, motor truck, trailer, motorcycle, traction engine, tractor, road-making machinery or other conveyance that is driven, propelled or drawn by any kind of power. No vehicle shall be operated on the Reserve at a rate of speed in excess of ^0 miles an hour. Notvdthscar.ding the provisions of Section 2 hereof, no vehicle shall be operated in any residential area, at a rate of speed in excess of Jto miles an hour. Any person who violated any of the previsions of this by-law shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding $100, or imprisonment for a term not exceeding thirty days, or both fine and imprisonment. o J _ / 6 70,0-^^ :illors: B .11714668
The Council of the Jackhead hand of Indians at a meeting held - r 14th., 19'71 makes the following by-lav pursuant to paragraph (b) and of Section d<| of the Indian Act. law No *fWO A by-law to provide for the placement and maintenance of traffic signs roads lying within the Jackhead Indian Reserve. In this by-lav/ >.2j ''Council7 means the Council of the Jackhead Band of Indians; fe) "road" includes any roadway, driveway, street, lane or other place oner, to tn< folic for the passage of vehicles; (c) "traffic engineer" means a person appointed by the Council to place and maintain traffic signs; and (d) "traffic sign" includes a sign, warning, marking or other device for the guidance or direction of persons using the roads. The design and dimension of traffic signs shall be approved by the Council. (1) ho traffic sign shall be placed on any road unless authorized by a resolution passed by the Council. (2) The resolution of the Council shall specify the location where a traffic sign is to be placed. The traffic engineer shall place and maintain the traffic signs authorized by the Council. No person shall interferéwith or attempt to interferfwith the traffic engineer in the placement or maintenance of any traffic sign. No person shall remove, deface, obliterate, alter or attempt to remove, deface, obliterate or alter, or in any manner interfere with any traffic sign lawfully placed on a road. Any person who violated any of the provisions of this by-law shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on summary conviction to a. line not exceeding, one hundred dollars or impris ornent, for. a term not. e.-e ceding thirty days or both fine and imprisonment cillors: ««a**
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