Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

o O f ^ l Br-TU, clfdLC_c\. l0! ^ . Whereas the God's Lake Band Council considers it necessary to provide, by bylaw pursuant to Section 85.1 of the Indian Act, for regulating the presence and use of intoxicants on the Reserves of the God's Lake Band; New therefore it is enacted that: Definitions: 1. In this bylaw, (a) "Band" means the God's Lake Indian Band; (b) "Reserve" means all of the Reserves set aside fran time to time for the use and benefit of the Band, and include any special Reserve; (c) "Band Member" means a member of the Band; (d) "Resident" means any person over the age of 18 years who is actually resident on the Reserve and has been actually resident on the Reserve for any continuous period of 6 months; (e) "Intoxicant" means any substance which is an intoxicant within the meaning of "intoxicants" for the purposes of the Indian Act and which contains more than 1% by volume of any alcohol or alcohols; (f) "Residence means any building situated on the Reserve which is actually in use as the residence of any person. Prohibitions: 2. (a) Every one who sells, barters, manufactures or supplies to another person any intoxicant on the Reserve is guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction. (b) Everyone who possesses any intoxicant on the Reserve is guilty of an offence punishable on surrmary conviction. Exceptions: 3. Notwithstanding anything in this bylaw, no person carmitts an offence under this bylaw by the possession or supply to another person of an intoxicant, (a) which is manufactured for medicinal purposes only and is possessed or supplied for medicinal purposes only; (b) which is possessed, or supplied to another person, on the reserve, (i) by any person on December 23 to January 1, inclusive or (ii) by a resident, who is an immediate relative of the bride or groan, on the day of celebration of the
marriage of a Band member on the reserve, or on the day before or the day after such marriage, provided that the resident possesses or supplies the intoxicant in his or her residence or is a guest in a residence or is transporting the intoxicant in an unopened state between his or her residence and a place outside the Reserve. Permits: 4. (a) A resident, who is an immediate relative of the bride or groan, may apply to the Band Manager for a permit to possess and supply intoxicants for the purposes of Section 3(b) (ii), and upon it being demonstrated that the marriage of a Band member will occur on the Reserve, the Band Manager shall issue to the resident a permit in Form A (b) The possession by a resident of a permit issued to him or her is conclusive proof for the purposes of this by­ law that the marriage of a Band member is celebrated or is to be celebrated on the date specified therein. Assented to by a majority of the electors of the Band who voted at a special meeting of the Band on July 10, 1985 called by the Band Council for the purpose of considering this bylaw. Enacted by the Band Council on July 10, 1985. David Nassie Chief Henry Nazzie Thomas Clarke Councillor Councillor Levi Captain Ken Spence Councillor Councillor Carl Nazzie Peter Watt Councillor Councillor Adelaide Andrews Councillor Councillor Ronnie James Councillor Councillor
Form A God's Lake By-Law enacted on July 10, 1985. This permit is issued by the Band Manager to_______________ for the possession or supply of intoxicants relating to marriage celebration of___________________and___________________ to take place on the Reserve on B _ a _ t _ e _ Dated Band Manager's signature_ oT _ _ M _ a _ r _ r _ i _ a _ g _ e ____.
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