Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

ui orû /vn UI' (.iAKRAGT, BYLAW Jam Council o f the Buffalo Point Band Members at a meeting held this 7 day o f July iWreby enacts bylaw number 1-81 to provide fo r the disposal o f garbage and waste within the boundaries o f the Buffalo Point Reserve. Whereas paragraph (a) and (r ) o f Section 81 o f the Indian Act empowers the Council o f a Band to make bylaw to provide fo r the health o f residents on the Reserve and to prevent the spreading o f contagious and infectious diseases and the inposition o f a penalty fo r a v io la tion thereof, and, Whereas i t is deemed to be expedient to control the disposal o f garbage and waste fo r the health and welfare o f the inhabitants o f the Buffalo Point Re­ serve. Now therefore the Council o f the Buffalo Point Band Members enacts as a bylaw thereof the fo llow ing: 1. In this bylaw, (a) "Council" means the Council as defined in the Indian Act o f the Buffalo Point Members; (b) "Reserve" means the tract o f land set apart by Her Majesty within the d e fin ition o f the Indian Act, fo r the use and benefit o f the Buffalo Point Band Members known as the Buffalo Point Reserve. (c ) "Premises" means land and residences within the Reserve. (d) "Holding Tank" means a 1,400 ga llon ; two compartment cement con­ ta iner, approved. 2. No person shall accumulate or permit to be accumulated upon premises in his possession or deposit or accumulate on premises in possession o f another person anything which is or may become o ffensive or in ­ jurious to health. 3. No person shall deposit any dead animal, o f fa l fish , manure, garbage, fru it , vegetables, night s o i l , f i l t h , liqu id waste, human excretion, or anything o f a nature which is or may become o ffensive or prejud i­ c ia l to health upon or into any highway, s tree t, road, a lle y , lane, lo t , ditch, wharf, dock, pond, r iv e r , stream, w e ll, or sewer or into and premises within the Reserve and any such deposit shall be deemed a nuisance, provided, however, that the provision o f this paragraph shall not apply to the deposit and proper disposal o f any such waste and material into or at a place within the Reserve approved by the Council fo r that purpose. 4. The Council may arrange fo r a regular removal o f garbage and waste from any premises within the Reserve. 5. In the spring o f each year, as soon as the melting o f snow permits the person residing in any premises within the reserve shall c o lle c t a l l waste matter ly ing thereon including t in cans, b o ttles , paper and animal manure. 6. A ll such waste matter shall be disposed o f in such a manner as w il l prevent any nuisance or offence as the fou ling or pollu ting o f wells and water supply. 7. (a) That every person w i l l in s ta ll or have in sta lled a holding tank o f not less than a 1,400 gallon, two compartment cement holding tank. . (b) This sp ec ific tank applies to equipment in sta lled as o f September 31, 1981. 8. The Lessee shall be responsible fo r the holding tank to be emptied at the f a l l o f the current year; at the expense o f the Lessee. 9. No person shall have or permit to have a sullage p it . 10. No person shall have or permit to have p it p r iv ies .
v y u i v i i yjk u/ u\D/\UC 13 ï LAW Page 2 Any person who v io la tes any o f the provisions o f this bylaw shall be gu ilty o f an offence and shall be lia b le on a summary conviction o f a fin e not exceeding one hundred dollars or eimprisonment fo r a term not exceeding th irty days or both fine and imprisonment. Approved and passed at a duly convened meeting o f the Council o f the Buffalo Point Band Members this 7 dat o f July. Council Eddie Copenase Council Jim Thunder
/ J L / / VJ ^ Indian and Northern Affaires indiennes Attairs C a n a d a et du N ord C a n a d a Chronological No. N um é ro c o n s é c u t i f Indian a n d Inu » it Affairs Affaires indiennes et inuiî à 265-50 Fi le Reference N ° de f . du d o s s ie r BAND CO UNCIL RESOLUTION RÉSOLUTION DE CONSEIL DE BANDE 501/5-10 (LG) cc: 501/5-1-265 N U I t : xne word. from our Band Funds'- Capital or Revenue , which ever i . the case, must appear in all resolutions reque.tüTSitpendlture.'Trôm Band Funds N O T A : L e s m o ts d es to n d s de notre bande - C a p i t a l " ou revenu" s e lo n le cas d o iv e n t p a ra it re dans to u te s te s s o lu t io n s p o r ta n t s u r des d é p en se s à m em e le s fo n d s d es bandes THE COUNCIL OF THE L E CO NSE IL D E LA B A N D E IN D IE N N E BUFFALO POINT INDIAN BAND Current Capital Balance So ld e de c a p ita l $ AGENCY DISTRICT Committed E n g a g é $ p r o v in c e MANITOBA Current Revenue balance /uc etc rt? venu t - .—■ - ------- --- PLACE NOM D E L 'E N D R O IT BUFFALO POINT Committed E n g a g é $ DATE ---------- _ ? .................. ..... ............ . AD 10 1981 D A Y - J O U R MONTH - M O IS Y E A R - A N N É E DO HEREBY RESOLVE: D E C ID E , P A R L E S P R E S E N T E S : That the bylaw en titled "DISPOSAL OF GARBAGE BYLAW" be and the same is hereby approved, and enacted as a bylaw 1-81 o f the Council o f the Buffalo Point Band o f Indians, and further that Chief and Council be authorized to sign the same. A quorum for this Bande P ou r cette bande le quorum est consists of f ix é à Council Members Membres du C onse il Jim Thunder ...................... ( C h i e f ' chef) ' . . .E d d y -C o p e n a & c o e n . s ... e ... i . l . l . (Councillor e r) (Councillor c o n s e i l le r ) (Councillor c o n s e il le r ) (Councillor c o n s e i l le r ) (Councillor c o n s e i l le r ) (Councillor C o n s e ille r ) (Councillor c o n s e i l le r ) (Councillor c o n s e i l le r ) (Councillor - c o n s e il le r ) (Councillor c o n s e i l le r ) (Councillor c o n s e i l le r ) (Councillor c o n s e i l le r ) FOR DEPARTMENTAL USE ONLY - RÉSERVÉ AU MINISTERE 1. Band Fund Code 2. COM PUTER BALANCES - S O L D E S D *O R D IN A T E U R 3. Expenditure 4* Authority A u torité 5. Source of Funds C od e du com pte de bande A» Capital B» Revenue R even u D é p e n se s Indian Act Sec Source des fonds Art. de te L o i sur le * $ % % Indiens 6 ï___________ _______ _ __________ » Recommended Recommandable Approved A p p ro u v é e s Date Approving Officer A p p ro u v é p a r Date Recommending Officer R ecom m andé p a r 1A 135 (5 -7 9 ) 7530-21-023-4662
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