Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION RESOLUTION DE CONSEIL DE BANDE NOTE: The words From our Band Funds must appear in all resolutions requesting expenditures from Band Funds. NOTA: L es mots des fonds de notre bande doivent paraitre dans toutes le s resolutions portant sur des dSpenses & meme les fonds des bandes t h e c o u n c i l o f t h e l e c o n s e i l d e l a b a n d e in d ie n n e Red Pheasant Band AGENCY a g e n c e North Battleford p r o v i n c e Saskatchewan p l a c e r o m d e l 'e n d r o it Pheasant Band Office DATE 9 -----AuSr. _ ______ _ AD 19 D AY - JO U R MONTH - MOIS Y E A R - AJVNEE DO HEREBY RESOLVE: DECIDE, PAR LES PRESENTES: The Council of the Ked Pheasant Indian Band at a meeting held this day of __________________ make the following by-law pursuant to paragraphs (c) and (d) of s. 8l of the Indian Act* By-law No* 7 A by-law to provide for the observance of law and order and for the prevention of iisorderly conduct and nuisance on the Red Pheasant Indian Reserve in the Province of Saskatchewan. L. In this by-law* ^public place51 includes any place to which the public have access as of right or by invitation express or implied. No person shall cause a disturbance in or near a public place (a) By fighting, screaming,shouting,swearing,singing,or using insulting or Dbscene language. (b) by being drunk, or (c) By impending or molesting other persons. 5. No person shall openly expose or exhibit an indecent exhibition in a public place :>r commit any act in a public place which offends decency or order. I. No person shall loiter in a public place or in any way obstruct persons who are there. No person shall disturb the peace and quiet of the occupants of a dwelling house )y discharging fire-arms, or by other disorderly conduct in a public place or dwelling house. 5. No person shall without lawfull excuse, the proof of which lies upon him, prowl )r loiter by day or night upon the property of another person near a dwelling house situated >n that property without the owners permission either express or implied. K Any person who violates any provision of this by-lav/ shall be guilty of an offence md shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding $100.00 or imprisonment Tor a term not exceeding 30 days or both fine and imprisonment. Original signed by: Gavin Wuttunee ............................(C h ie f - C h e f) ................................. Gerald Wuttunee (C o u n c i l lo r c o n se i Her) (C o u nc i l lo r c o n s e i l le r ) Clifford Wuttunee (C o u n c i l lo r co n se i l le r) (C o u nc i l lo r c o n s e il le r ) Ed Brabant (C o u nc i l lo r c o n s e ille r ) (C o u nc i l lo r c o n s e il le r) (C ouric i l lo r *— c o n se fl 'ler) (C o u nc i l lo r c o n s e ille r ) FOR HEADQUARTERS USE ONLY - R E S E R V E 1.T R U ST A C C T 2 , CURREN T B A L A N C E S SO LD E S COURANTS 3. Expenditure COM PTE DE B. R even u e Revem x A . C ap ita l FJD U CIE $ $ $ 6. Recommendec1 R ecom m an de D ate A u t h o r i s e d O ff icer F o n ctio n n a ire a u to rise I A 1 3 5 1 1 2 - 7 0 ) 7 5 3 0 - 2 1 - 0 2 3 - 4 6 6 2C h rono log ica l No. Numero con s e c u ti f 1972-73 / 12k H.Q. R e fe re nc e /V° de re f, d u b, p r. 671/ 3- 10-28 Capital balance Solde de cap ita l $ Committed Engage $ Revenue balance rlf* rf> \/e*nti $ Committed Engage $ ^ (C o u n c i l lo r c o n s e il le r ) Pat Bugler (C o u n c i l lo r c o n s e i l le r ) (C o u n c i l lo r c o n s e il le r ) (C o u n c i l lo r c o n s e il le r ) B U R E A U P R I N C I P A L 4 . Authori ty A u to rite 5. Source o f Funds D e p e n se s Indian Act Sec S o u rce d e s f onda A rt, de la L o i s u r le s 1 t 1 1 C ~ ap i . ta l . ( 1 _J 1 R even u e Ind iens 11 R cven u Date A s s i s t a n t Deputy M inister Sou s-m in is tre a d jo in t
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