Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

IE0 HitAiAril By-Law Made under Section SO s.s, (d) and (g), and Section Si s.s. (1) and (2) of the Indian Act, being a By-Law to control the burning of grass, weeds, and other rubbish on the .................................... .. Whereas it is considered necessary to regulate the starting of fires in the open for the burning of grass, weeds, and other rubbish, and to prevent the destruction or damage of lifa-and property by such fires: Therefore the Council of the . . . enact as follows: (1) No fire shall be started in the open except by permission in writing of tho Band (2) Before rubbish or trash is burned, a strip at least three (3) feet wide shall be cleared of all long grass and weeds around the burning area} (3) Before any fire is lit, fire extinguishers, pails of water^ pumps and hoses, or some other satisfactory ieans of controlling and extinguishing the fire shall be readily atailable; (A) No fire shall be started when there is a high wind blowing} (5) No person shall start a firo which shall bo objectionable the occupants of nearby residences or to the public in general} (6) No person shall leave a fire until it is completely extinguished} (7) No burning of large?areas of grass or weeds shall be peraitt«£ exco-'-*- ii">dcr the direct supervision of the Fire Prevention Officer appointed v'v the Council} this (8) Any person v i T" ’’ 11 be subject on summary con^ viction to a fine not exceeding $100 or imprisonment for a term not exceeding ~ days or both fine and imprisonment.
2 Approved road dajed at this ....... day of .... ..., 196-^, by the under­ signed nenbers of the Chief: ..... $etp\ 9~ . ................... Councillors .PẐ Xr. ..........
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