Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

C h ro n o lo g ica l N o . ( ________ r a r ho . 38 H .Q . R e feren ce BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION 673/2C-7-A? o.o. 67V>l-a-42 NOTF.: T h e words From our Band F u n d s " must appear in a ll re so lu tion s requ estin g exp en d itu res from Band F un d s. FOR HEADQUARTERS USE ONLY COU N CIL OF THE K IY BAND AGENCY y r . 'c T t r ! p I jT r f 'T PR O V IN C E 3.‘ 3KATBh~: AM P L A C E BOR LAY DATF. xTI'LTH JA I ARY AD 19 71 D A Y MONTH Y E A R DO H E R E B Y R E S O L V E : UiAT the Council o f the hey Band o f Indians at a meeti^r hold January A, 1^71 make the following by-law: * By-Law .c.^L To establish a position o f Band Adininistrator, V I S i t is necesssry to aorcint a Land A csi-iistrator to provide n service to the Bend 1 enbers nnd to carry cut the wishes o f the Band Council, TH. R iFTR'R, the Council o f the Key Band enact so follow s: 1. THAT the position o f Band Administrator is hereby created in accordance with the policy o f the Band Council expressed by resolution . 2. Th' T the position snail be f i l le d in accordan :e with the p olicy o f Band Connell expressed by resolution . 3. THAT the i^cumnent c f the sai d position shall hole o ' re h:ri.ny the pleasure o f Council and subject to the By-laws c f the hand Council. A. TBflT tnn ac id i . ,cur:oc:h shell f i l e v.ith the Tit nd Co> noil an indemnity bond, in a sum ade.ii'fte to ers: re protection o f moneys entru sted to his care, issued by a recognised bonding company, subject to the premium o f ouch bond being paid from the Key Bend Trust Account. 5. THAT the said incumbent shall be paid a salary o f f>7,?0C. per annum t* id on a semi-monthly basis. Such salary ray be adjusted by Bend Council resolution according to the increase or decrease o f resp onsib ility o f the position and that this shall be on the basis o f a AO-hours week. 6. THAT the salary o f the said incumbent sta ll be pavwert in fu ll fo r a l l services required o f iiim end e l l fees or salaries o f an ' kind o c c riny to him by virtue o f any Act or Jtatvte o f th.e.Kederel o r Provincial Governments or c f any By-law
PAGE 2 C h ro n o lo g ica l N o. K£f NO. 38 H .Q . R e feren ce BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION - m * N O TE : T h e words From our Band F un ds* ' must appear in a ll re so lu tio n s requestin g exp en d itu res from Band F u n d s. FOR HEADQUARTERS USE ONLY COU N CIL OF THE KEY BAND AGENCY YCiil TT DISTDJ1T PR O V IN C E SASKATCHEWAN P L A C E NCR VAT PGE.wTH D ATE JA.’TAPY AD 19 _ 71 D A Y MONTH Y E A R DO H E RE B Y R E S O L V E : of the Band shall be ©aid to the Key Band and credited to the funds o f the Band. 7. THAT the duties o f the Band Administrator shall be as follow s! (a) To f i le before taking over 1.1s duties ns Band Administrator a Declaration o f Cath o f O ffice and Secrecy on Form SL L. (b) To attend a l l regular and special neetinrs o f t he f cu.ncil and to rcnc^'t as required the a c t iv it ie s carried out by th- irctunbent. (c ) To keep in his o f f i c e a record o f a ll applications, decision sheets and other relative documents. (d) To act as a intake worker for a ll matters; to interpret such services to the members o f the Key Band; to assist ani advise o° child care and rehabilitation o f physical and mentally dlrrV 'cd persons, assist in locating, fester hordes or. the reserve and surroundi.'";" "reas work with nature! or.rents to strengthen hours to kern their children. fe) To adrrd is t c r >nr naking decisions,by preparing checnes and other docmaentafio" adequate to ju s t ify trie payments o f accounts and to co m ile and gather s ta t is t ic s relative to 1 elfare Servicer. (f) TEAT the Jaksatchewan Assistance Plan, as adopted by the Federal Department o f Indian A ffa irs & Northern Development, shall be the cr ite r ia basis for the issuing o f lo c ic l Assistance. (i.) To co-operate with Social Services o f the Department of Indian A ffa irs & Northern Develop; ent and obtain their advise on matters in which c le a ily defined p o lic ie s are not available. 3
C h ro n o lo g ica l N o, m HO. 38 BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION 6 7 3 /2 8 -7 -^ Q- Reference 0»c« 673/3-1-2-42 N O T E : T h e words From our B and Funds** must appear in a ll reso lu tio n s requestin g expen d itures from Band F u n d s. FOR HEADQUARTERS USE ONLY C OU N CIL OF THE KEY BAND AGENCY YORKTON DISTRICT PR O V IN C E SA3KA iCHbVAK P L A C E KCIGtJAT D A T E F*Tf?TH .JANUARY Ani0 7.1. D A Y MONTH Y E A R D O H E R E B Y R E S O L V E : (h) To co-operate with other agencies dealirg with the Key Band including Provincial and Federal Government agencies such as Welfare, health, {addsneo, placement, economic develom ert and education and other non- govumncr.t mercies engaged to provide benefits nr service to the Indian people o f the Key Band. ( i ) lo a ssist Land members in the completion o f applications and other relative J it t e r s such as Old /ge Assists ice , nndjfcrath Allowance, Unemployment Insurance, t;crkmen*s Comnenlotion, etc*. To orovida the vouth o f our co-t'.unity with information and guidance that w ill lead to a creative and healthy outlet for their energies. (k) To acquaint himself with n il the rroviedtens o f t ie Indian *et, the josk-ttchev.'sn Provincial Velfsre Jet and my other ct o f the Federal or Pro v inc ia l Go v c r >v ient s . ( l ) To perform such other duties as assigned to Urn tv resolution by the Band Council. ORIGINAL SIGNED Bit Gordon Papequash................ (C h ie f) George Brass (C o u n cillo r ) (C o u n c illo r ) (C o u n c illo r ) Peter E. Brass (C o u n cillo r ) (C o u n c illo r ) (C o u n c illo r ) Ernest Brass (C o u n cillo r ) (C o u n c illo r ) (C o u n c illo r )
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