Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

LTS-INflC-REGINfl I I:D: 1-306-780-6128 BY-LAW NO. 1 - 97 i«h . . ! : OP THE MU3KOWBKWAN BAND A BY-LAW POE THE PRESERVATION, PROTECTION AND MANAGEMENT OF BIO GAME AND ESTABLISHMENT OP TERMS FOR O U TFITTERS T|]l ■);, t f; i v . ;: ' r if J : ;: : i WHEREAS the Council fo r the Muskowekwan Rand d esires to make a b y - i i promotion and management and hunting by nou-ilstWs AND! WHEREAS the Council of the Muskowekwan Band has the power to make such by-law pursuant to paragraphs a i ( l ) ( o ) , j -i AND WHEREAS it is considered to he expedient and necessary to provide fo r the p reservation * protection and management of B ig Game on the re s e rv e ; ... NOW THEREFORE the Council o f th e Muskowekwan Band hereb y makes the following by-law ; , ; I . U l i Sh o rt T itle 1. T h is by-law .m ay be cited as ih e "B ig Game, Hunting By*|-aw on the JGj ( j $ K - oW c k W a M P i t e T Nhtiob?'mAo'c, o L ^ r r m u ; I .. n . t e r " n reu n i o *— n ■. 0 2 - b y - l ^ v V '. .1 ■■•llv Big Game1' means d eer, together with such other verteb rate animal that is wild hy nature a* msy he designatad by resolution of the Council. J'Couhnil" means the Council, «s defined in the Indian Act of the Muskowekwan Band .. -in:.:.; I. , . "R eso u rce O fficer1' means a resource officer appointed under Section 3, and includes an offioor who hee been designated by the Coupcilji purftiJant to Section 4 , to adm inister and enforce th is by-law ; "hunting" means taking, wounding, k illin g , chasin g , pu rsuing, w orrying, cap tu rin g , following a fter or on the trail of, ocaroh fo r , shooting a t , stalk ing o f ly ing in wait fo r any B ig Game, whether or not the game is subsequently cap tu red , wounded o rk ille d ; j?i. ; v. "re se rv e " means the reserve of the Muskowekwan Band oo it may ex ist from time to time and includes all land added to the reserv e a fte r the date of th is by-law’; ' . ; f'‘ ' * {' J.V i ' ! 1 M,intake" include*; th e capturing or, the taking into poW eeeioh of B ig Game, w hether dead or alive. : ! ! O ' C T 7 * 1 8 99 15:42 No. 1 0 r 0 4i 8 _ P m .03 , , , . , i'ij j ! . j u r ijlj l| i . ' i | : :: re se rv ~ e . ! ! :! :;” S' ! :. : and ( r ) of the Indian A ct; ...... ■' l, ; !■ . v .,,u . ...... : 'p s*;! . . , ! ' . ! !l; j v , , .in I
LTS-INflC-REGINft If I; : 1-306-780-6128 ______OCT 18 99 15 = 42 No. j 008 P u S 04 Administration MlLto I i W 'l iti 3 . U ' d̂cin̂ c||;lii|||̂ alig^te. dne llor 'morei-rtesofcjefic|^eip!(si) to perform such > -* mm functions in resp e ct to the admiaietration and enforcem ent of this by-law as are prescribed h erein . r: :■ i : ; General Prohibition un Hunting and Truunlng 4 . i i i; p U\ .! ! 5 ij ! Hunting permits 5. (1) A person, who is not u I'ogistered Indian may apply to the Council fo r a permit to hunt B ig Game within the reserv e . (2) the application shall sp ecify ; (a) the place of which the permit is sought; (b ) the species Of B ig Game fur which the perm it in sou ght; (c ) th e type of hunting equipment to be u sed ; end . , (d) such other information as Is required to enable the Council to address the considerations set out In subsection (3) and the criteria se t out in subsection (4 ) . (3) In determ ining whether or not a permit should be issu ed , the Council shall take into consideration; ..rife (a) tether or not the applicant is a resid ent of the re serv e ; (b ) W hether or not the applicant has previously held a permit and., i f so, has complied with the provisions of the permit and th is or any previous by-law with respect to hu nting ; (o) the exten t of the contribution, if any, the applicant makes to the re se rv e ; ... , , t. . . ........... ..... . -Cd) the number of perm its already issued fo r the species in the : ; I reserv e a t the time to meet the needs of members and permit holders without detrimentally affecting the species. (4) Y/hether the Council determines th at: , ,, (a) the issue of a permit will not detrim entally a ffect the species of gam© in resp ect nf which the permit Is sou ght; and { b ) the applicant is a suitable person to have a permit to hunt on the reacyvo, tlie Council may iesuo a w ritten permit authorizing th e person to hunt on the re se rv e , specify ing therein the time, p lace, type of equipm ent, bag lim it, size limit and species of gamp th at may be hunted trapped b y the person holding the perm it. U U u . , r, ' m . Vikiv- - M M l Mu ..UP l i i ;
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LTS-INflC-REGINfl 1, CID 1-306-780-6128 M': (5 ) The Council hmy enter Into Agreements with o u tfitters and guides purer lit to th is by ••law which shall bo binding on th e flnunnil as to a ■!<! provided forim tfr«l A «t*eroents in th e term s statfeo ishall ba binding on bothIpounoU and the o u tfitte r . (0 ) The fee fo r consideration of a permit is one thousand (7 ) A perm it issued pursuant to th is section is non-i-transferable. 0. A p jp er u s on holdjbg^k permit issued unc the reserv e excep t in accordance with the terms of the permit issued by the Council, i 7. A permit Issued under this by-law 1b invalid: (a ) if it is not signed by the person to whom In i t issu ed ; (b ) If the date of expiry has been omitted, removed or defaced. 8. (1 ) A person,hunting or trapping under the autUm-ity of a permit issued pursuant to section ,7 shall have the permit on his/her person while hunting w ithin the reserv e . (2) A councillor or resource officer may at any time req u ire any permit holder who is hunting within the re se rv e to produce his/her perm it. 9 . The Council may, a fte r a notice and hearin g , cancel the p er mi i of any p erson where it is sa tis fie d : i? H-(a) th at the person has contravened the terms of the permit or of th is by-law j or (b ) that tha continuation of the permit would be detrim ental to the preservation or protection of B ig Game animals or o th er game uu the reserve.. ,j l i s t 10. The holder of a permit obtained lay any false or misleading statem ent or inform ation made or given in resp ect to any information requ ired fo r the issu an ce of the permit shall be deemed to be the holder of a vpid permit and Hits bolder may be prosecuted in the same manner and with he same e ffe c t as he/she could be prosecuted if he/she were not the holder of a perm it. !;/V ! ' ' ' ' ' ' •!( 1 ' i - t i] 1 *VJ;H I O CT , , 1 1899 15:43 No. 008 . P.05 hmu : i f 4: dollars i t iL ie -x k - b u bs& 1 i c t ' ion :' l 7 i i f l ' i i l ( J 4 Ii ) shall not hunt within ]- ' i' ;- | i : ' -i ,i. ' t i t V'/' l " s : t i t- i :\ i ; ? ; i
Prohibited Zones . i . ; 12. No person shall at any time engage in hunting within the following areas of the 'i re se rv e : \ i: fv i t |c©^rye;'fc|fl i ■' : hy settlem eht on 'the ifeaerv e jw h ich shall o f I t h 8 B y - L a w m e a n t h e Hunting with Firearm s 13, No person while engaged in hunting shah discharge a firearm within one- hundred and fifty metres o f : , (a) a residential building; C (b ) a public road or bridge; or •' , (c ) a game preserve bird or fish sanctuary. 14. No person while engaged in hunting shall discharge a firearm : (a) on or from a public roadj (b ) across a public roadj or (c) from a vehicle, a ircraft or power boat. 15 . iNd': person'v^i^i-^lkigaged^ in|Itih$ng^ in the id en tity or wear a mask or disguise. "■ h <V T i s . No person while engaged in hunting or while going to or re tu rn in g from a hunting camp, or wJUle in a locality that B ig Game usually inhabits or in which game is usually found, shall between one-half hour a fte r sundown and one- half hour before sunrise have a firearm in his/her possession unless it is unloaded and encased. ,, ; 17. No person while engaged in hunting shall have a loaded firearm in his/her possession while he/she;is under the influence of alcohol or ft dru g. 18. Every parson is guilty of the offence of hunting care lessly who, being in possession of a firearm fo r the purpose of such hunting, d ischarges or causes to he discharged or handles the firearm without due e»re,,and attention or without reasonable consideration for person and p rop erty . Id . No person shall use any poison, explosive or deleterious su bstance fo r hunting p u rp oses. Vjv. 20 . No person fch^iijuse, any device whioh connects a flroa^m .to ^ , tjpjh|>. ,o»: to S remote control or delayed-action mechanism or which causes a firearm to discharge without the hunter himoolf/horeolf proceing upon tho trig g er of such firearm -
LTSINRCREGINfi ID: 1-306-780-6128 ' 18 99 15:44 No .008 P.07 . Protected Species 21 v !lNb:p « r ib i^ engage in the h ith tikgib fany species which may,; | from time to ilme, be designated by resolution, o f th e Council as a protected ,'! i ' : ■'jj'i 2 2 . The Council piay designate a species of; B ig Game as a protected species and Impoea ̂ tem porary ban or restriction Oh 'hft hunting of any species of B ig Game under section 23, by g iv ing;n otice in accordance with Gubccqtions (2) and ( 3 ) . r r| !;■ :’ -p' ; ! |! , - t f :!h F I V ; : ;;.i N oticeof tho bon or restriction shall ba posted not less than 24 hours p rior to th e ban or restriction coming into fo rce ; (a) In conspicuous places in areas of the reserv e in which hunting is engaged in ; and; (b ) in th e office of the Muskowekwan Band Council; (3) The notice shall specify the date and time the ban or restric tio n is to ouuiu into force and to cease, and the p articu lars of tho ban or restric tio n imposed. (4) No ban o r restriction imposed under th is section shall remain in force of a period of more Lliatf th irty .(30) d a y s ,. unleaa.’f t f ^ .b* restric tio n is imposed and fu rth er notice is given in aedordahee with su bsections (2) and (3 ) . conservation . ( : i l ' l 23. A person shall not: ; Vi :" f | | i ,|ji t V '■ ! ' 1 ' i - : (a) iichsturb, destroy, in ju re , gather or take the n est or eggs of any g am eb ird ; ■, (b ) d is tu rb , d estroy , in jure the shelter o r 'h a b ita t of any game including Big Game. ... . 6 , -..;a 24. A person shall not cu t, break or destroy a beaver house or beaver dame, except where the cu ttin g , breaking or destroying is n ecessary to prevent damage to th e p rop erty of that person. Rules of Hunting 25. No person shall hunt a moose, deer, elk or antelope by means of > trap or sn are . ,, \ ... : . M. J ' . i - ; ; i 26. Nn pfirson sh all kill or attempt to kill any species of B ig Game by th e use of . poison. 27. No person sh a ll: . ..: , ' ' (a) hu nt B ig Game in any day la ter than one-half hour a fte r sunset dr oarlier than ntm-half hour before su n rise , or (b ) hunt B ig Game by meaD9 of or with the assistan ce of a light.
. LTS-INflC-REGINA ?j-;f if) : 1-306-780-6128 28. (1) No person shall hunt moose, deer, elk or ante' ope by means o f , or with the assistan ce nf a dog or when accompanied by a dog; (2) Subsection. ( J ) does not apply where thejnti|jn.t : g o f B ig Game with a dog is necessary for the prevention o f : (a ) image to private property} or (b ) ary to occupant* nf occupied 3 : j If n e ^ r e s b i l B M W f I , , B •' ' . 1 a r . Nerpeteon s tt i& ty m t 3 ig Ciaafi* uatacg 30. No person s h ill use an a ircra ft, sail boat, power boat or motorized vehicle in connection with hunting, except as a means of Transportation b efore and a fter any hunting a c tiv itie s . Enforcement 31 . A person who: (a) fails to observe or who otherwise contravenes any provision of th is by "law or any ban or restriction imposed h ereu nd er } or (b ) res is ts or wilfully obstructs a resource o fficer in the perform ance Of any duly or in the exereio© of an y power under th is by-law ; commits an o ffen ce . 32. Where an act ^ r gepapiqr} 1b in contravention of th is by-law or any ban or restr"i1c"t"io n 5—"®:! J ^ ' higyeuM erbontihues fo r mope than one d ay, such apt or omission shall he deemed to be a separate offence committed on each day during which it continues, and may be punished a5 such . Penalty v | /B- .uj . - 33. A person who commits an offence under this by-law is liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding $1,000.00 or lu imprisonment fo r a term not exceed ing th ir ty days, or to both . OCT 1899 15:44 No » . n 0 y 0 w 8 , t j i j i ■; ; . , 7 b f l f e r carcasses! M re lp d fra d immediately to the i f ! * f f ' ; -V* ! fH M, I : 1 H-B ! ' ' ' ' : . , 1; b .. B.7B B B b B-C ~ V
Member o f Council Member of Council
LTS-INflC-REGINfl IB;1-306-780-6128 [ft: «! I! rinwmiisrs, Number o f members ofthe Council present at the Meeting iis I, Ernest Moise Chieff Councillor ofthe Band, do hereby certify that a true copy ofthe foregoing by-law was mailed to the Minister o f Indian Affairs and Northern Development at the District/Regtonal/Hull office (as the case may be) pursuant to subsection 82(1) ofthe Indian Act, this 18* day o f October, A.D.' 1999. fitness > u .'V"t , >n -1 ; j . .</« ;; : i 1 * **. U _ , , f j*,' Uith- H '\ilv \ i > . . j t , / H<>. . v t i v-.. :;'Us . ̂ - Y A .4 f i t i l l : ■> « I" ’; 1 j> -i ( 1 1 H i l r i i .1" PCI! 18 99 15:45 No. 008 P.10 ,r i .?!; J; : l)'. s ;:'i ! Q : | y.] j i: m i i ; Chicfi'Councillor I f , - 5 ;i;’V < ['"* .]■ <■ ' :•" j V !’ » i H. I;t 5 < ; ; h .- '• . . i' K :V : i'": j "iy-l ■:i- i i : ; , t M \ 1 j i, ; i ; .- ii}.:* :. ; ; , f:' 1 - v- T " ; . i ; i , t •• l'«■ i.
Y ear and Type of Game License License Number Shipped by H unter: Name ______ ; i , : . . .Address , , , ■' ' '. ' .V v H> ; : i' "■:.!>'•■ '* ;■ ? . •' : 'iu.HU *,} f-l v :• i JL.V ' . i , ------ -i 1 Shipped to ; Name .■ ' .. : " f i :?i ; , ' . ' -; 1-: :: Address Transportation Method Data of Shipment Number of PacVages Weight it?. . t \
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