Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

^ Flips'v, ] i-.ipr HCB F fl SflSK 20*09 HPK 2? .Ov .4 w l£ A ,, % o ^ Band Council Resolution of the Muskoday First Nation NOTE: The words from our Band Funds”, capital or revenue whichever is the case must appear on all resolutions requesting Expenditures from Band Funds. THE CHIEF AND COUNCIL OF THE MUSKODAY FIRST NATION. IN THE PROVINCE OF SASKATCHEWAN: DO HEREBY RESOLVE: THAT WHEREAS the Chief and Council of the Muskoday First Nation did pass Bylaw Number 1997/98-01 with respect to the Licensing, Restraining, Regulating and Impounding of dogs, dated May 21, 1997; AND WHEREAS Chief and Council deem it necessary to make an amendment to said Bylaw; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Chief and Council do hereby amend Section 10 of Bylaw 1997/98-01 to include the banning of pit bulls on the Muskoday First Nation. Number of Council Members present (4 Council Members constitute a quorum) Chief Austin Bear Councilor Herman Crain Councilor Barry Brass M M ia n and Northern Affaires Indian tws Affairs Canada at du Word Canada Expenditure Authority (Indian Act Section) Recommending Officer Approving Officer____ Chronological No. 2008/09 -File Reference No. Capital Account $ Revenue Account $ Dated: April 27, 2009 44 fcS., ' Councilor Eric Bear , AQtZ _ Councilor Eldon Crain FOR DEPARTMENTAL USE ONLY Source of Funds Capital Revenue Date Date
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