Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

CANADA Province de Québec SAVOIR Je, __ Marcel Martel Agent régional, Administration des bandes (nom) - ( t ï t r e ) demeurant à Québec _________ , fais serment et jure que le texte porté sur le présent affidavit (joint au présent affidavit) est la copie conforme d'un document produit et présenté à moi, et tenu pour le règlement original adopté en conformité de la Loi sur les Indiens sous la signature de Bernard Jerome______, en date du 27 avri 1 1977_________________, ladite copie ayant été comparée par moi audit document original. (s i gnature) Juré devant moi à Québec ce 16 jour de mai 1977. Commissaire autorisé à faire prêter les serments à l'intérieur des limites et au nom de la province de Québec
-V ,V ,\ MICMAC OF MARIA A ! \ v BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION N O T E : T h e word* " F r o m our Ban d F u n d » mu»t appear In a ll r e s o lu t io n » request^pg expen ditures from Bandl F u n ds . Mic-Macs of Maria C O U N CIL OF T H E AGENCY Quebec Regional Office p r o v i n c e Quebec P L A C E Maria Indian Reserve............. D A T E 27 A . AD 19 .... 7.7 . D A Y MONTH DO H E R E B Y R E S O L V E : V/hereas Section 8l sub: (a) (i)(E) (r) empowers the council of an Indian Band to enact by-laws to provide for maintenance of water systems within the Reserve and provision of a fee Thr Mic-Mac Waterworks System shall be under the control of the Maria Band Council which has passed the attached regulations. By-law #7 Approved and passed this 27th day of April 1977,.. at a meetinf of the Mic-Mac BANDOF MARIA. C; ^ H a f S T R F c R& CU l_'F-H v d I t I Bernard....Jep.Q.m.e... (C o u n c i l l o r ) (Councillor) Rene Larocque (C o u n c i l l o r ) (C o u n c i l lo r ) ( Maxime.Martin./. (C o u n c i l l o r ) (C o u n c i l l o r ) (C o u n c i l l o r ) (C o u n c i l lo r ) FOR H E A D Q U A R T E R S USE O N L Y 1. T R U S T 2. C U R R E N T B A L A N C E S AVO a a r ---u - » 1 P . R » u * n u » $ I 1 * 6. R ecom m en ded Oats Authorised OfficerChronological No. '■#63 77-73 H .Q . R e fe re n ce A , / 9 r>, 0 S ̂ I ^ F O R H E A D Q U A R T E R S U S E O N L Y BAND Y E A R --------- At 1 3 --------------------------------«RES C O M S u i y m > u > co - X* O (C h ie f ) ^ (C ounci l lor] ...D.Q.ugl.aa. ..Martin.. (C o u n c i l l o r ) / (C o u n c i l l o r ) r,...... (C o u n c i l l o r ) 3. Expenditure 4 . Authority 5. Source o f Fund» Indian A ct S e c . j___| o a p tta i j j » e v « t i u « $ 7. A pproved Date A s s is ta n t Deputy Minister,
Notice is hereby given that the Council of the Mic-Mac Band of Indians at a meeting held this27th day of April 1977 Make the following by-law pursuant to paragraph (a)(e) (i)(r) of Section 8l of the Indian ACt. By-law #7 A by-law to provide for the maintenance of the water system within the Reserve and a provision of a fee. Article 1 The Mic-Mac water Works will be under the control of the Band counci).which has passed the attached regulations for the control and management of the said waterworks system and which regulations form part of this by-law,and shall be effective from the date of the passing of this by-law. A copy of which regulations is duly recorded in the Band Office of the Band Counci 1. Article 2 In addition to the penalties provided in the said regulations' any person who violates any of the provisions of this by-law shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding $25.00 dollarsor imprisonment for a term not exceeding 15 days or both. Original signed by Bernard Jerome
Tonulat' oil'-; for tir. it of th MIC-MAC The control ant manager.a vt of the MICMAC Waterworks shall he unfar the direction of the BAND______Council. All nor sons de sine inn a survol y of water from the MIC-MAC Waterworks System shall make and sign an application in the form prescribe, such application shall be made only by the the water is to be supplied. No person shall tap or make any connections whatever with any of the pipes or mains of the said system without written permission of the BAND_____ Council. No person, unless authorised by the Council, shall interfere with any hydrant, valve, stopcock, pipe or other waterworks arvpliance outside of his own premises. p 0 >-» p O : f P? -V“* P OO] T. ~j ip g a r 0 r*m 5.t for the ir.troduction o O pryX C 0 into his X rr^ e?nh C0 3 and the "osr son doing thp be vepr tod to c91130 the 3aid service to be n l ac ed not less than '■!- feet belov/ the 3 1 ir* face ofth . distone on "a o tp ' ,'P p > ' i th e T0e t 1 i n e a n.d thp *| vp p tinn w 11 o f the bull n 1 11 O into v/hic o i ntrod.uce . Ev-sry aby'vic0 nip p p a.l 1 h o r *A o î o 0 0 a ; v/ i t h a >>-ppo M p t op or VV-l 3te oocVM o 1 T r t V . l o t no i.l , v."h j pn 0 oeV p n a 1 1 th 0 ort on ' * r '0 11 0 -f th e rp - l d î n ° r am 1 h P 0 j p p -0 i n p P i 1 1 F i p V O v i r 5 V) '■ ' o " ~ 3 1 Cl O ' i r c 1 s tp p ; t p n (i n r d p o -hot; O v. ' •"* t. h t (P o .-w i1 p * * t. p f s vh U Approved and passed this 27th day of April 1977 at a meeting held by the Mic-Mac Band Council of Mariaol .O'" -p a water wort: will O * oun d thro rC a O *l ' -1 > L out the i d e of the founda v, .JL. 1,, p T<?0 + 3 T p ot \r i c e i s t Y) p Vi q û y* or occupant -p ,, t ) p 11 ern t o h. P p Th o t O V C d __ p p t l f!ce?n rrned iatc i . ir cpi-n p P jo c * i -, p 2* c- o p ~n > X S ' OD a * » an d r li pfd i n £c*~~ * -P h-r Xb> ; i* C O H 1 1 t "* D 3 t P p a n/ -0-~ p lîr î p p ' ' * a 0 a n d e t n n d p v* p t
ORD”:? OP PERMIT pop WORK (Mrs) You are hereby authorised to mate nsc o riY'irv connec tion from the service line o? the water system to yo nr premises sub iect to the rules and regulations for the control a.nd management of the wa19 rv/o r le s . Sig n ed for U r\ ounoil : CJ 0 r* *p ̂ *t* P) T*V o . T n d 5. an S \1 r 0 v ? n~t 9 n d 0 n't ora proscribed by bhe Council tho and of Indians. i s , CO ~rj i * O ~Tj s b ~n N 5 : ^ i>- F~ X 9 «■» 0 __ CD c t d o r r 1 - r*| ~C"~ ~r. * . ; Af> O x:;n ' e~~ :x^=> ~r*—-- -Çrr> co -
APPLICATION FOR WATER SERVICE T N DT Û f>T P' J?Q ypp I r TP T. ho*rGb‘,'r 8T)rV~Lv f*oT P supply of water for my nremises located on. Lot c I agree that the said water shall he used for domestic purpose only unless otherwise stated and in conformity with your regulations » I also agree to pay for such service the amount of_____________payable in advance on the 2nd day of January and JUly, and the 1st day of April and October in each year and if not paid.within one month from the date on which they have become due, water 'may be turned off without notice. r ,i oT)cm » *?orïTi p r 0 s o v i To 0 cl *bv *fch. g 0 o 1 xnc i 1. 0 *P _ ~fch. g Band of Indians.
vf* iva ,t 9 h 01 - occupied by a Ms Banr! Member ; $ 1 2 * r> 0 T t r a q E a c h 7~) r i -rT a 1:9 h o in. 6 occupied b y a n on-m •? mb e r : 1 2 » 7) 0 7 Tp On Bus ine ss e stablishment s: 12. Destitute Band Members, as approved by Council 1 T?’P0 o Batei' prescribed by the Council of the MARIA Band of Indiansc c~> n r ^ </> Tj O H ï ~Tf x -7 r~ -> : r c ~ : >_ C o ~n cr T" C“— ^-»*t /£> 2 -C «5 a .. . r- -US 7:f «<* rr» Cry
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