Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

( CANADA Province de Quebec SAVOIR Marcel Martel Agent regional, Administration des bandes (nom) (titre) demeurant § ___________ ^uebec______________________ , fais serment et jure que le texte port6 sur le present affidavit (joint au present affidavit) est la copie conforme d'un document produit et prSsente S moi, et tenu pour le reglement original adopte en conformite de la.Loi sur les Indiens sous la signature de Bernard Jerome_____ , en date du 27 avri 1 1977________________ , ladite copie ayant ete comparee par moi audit document original. (s i gnature) Jure devant moi 3 Quebec ce 16 jour de mai_____ 1977. Commissaire autorise 3 faire preter les serments a 1interieur des limites et au nom de la province de Quebec
3 , 7 7 7 Notice is hereby given that the Council of the Mic-Mac Band of Maria at a meeting held on this 27th day of April 1977.Hake this by-law pursuant to paragraph e,o,r,o£ Section 8l of the Indian Act. By law #8 A by-law to provide for the protection against and prevention of trespass by domestic animals and the regulation of such domestic animals running at large. Article 1 In this by-law; a) animal means any domestic animal b) Reserve refers to the Maria Indian Reserve c) Run at large means: an animal that is off the premises of it's owner and is not under the immediate control of it's owner or of some person Police means Maria Mic-Mac Police (in charge of Dog control) Article 2 No person shall permit any animal owned by him to run at large in the Reserve Article 3 Any person may: a) capture an animal running at large on the Reserve b) drive,lead,take or convoy such animal to it's owner if known Article A All domestic animals will have to be tied of kept on chain A8 hours after the posting of thes by-law, by all owners Article 5 All domestic animals found wondering or rurinTng at large will be disposed of at the discretion of the person in charge after the owner is warned Article 6 Any person who: a) interferes with a police officer or attempts to interfere with a police officer in charge of dog control in the performance of his duty b) wilfully causes any animal to run at large is guilty of an offence and on summart conviction is liable to a fine of $25.00 or to imprisonment ot a term not exceeding 15 days or both. Article 7 No action lies against a police orticer where the orftcer has excercised the duties and rights imposed on him by the by-1 aw. O r i g i n a l signed by Bernard Jerome
/ } MICMAC OF MARIA BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION N O TE: The words From our Band Funds must appear in all resolutions requesting expenditures from Band Funds. council of t h e Mic-Macs o f Maria AGEycY ............. Quebec Regional O ffic e province Quebec place Maria Indian Eeserve DATE _ 2 7 .................... 04 AD 19 DAY MONTH DO HEREBY R E SO L V E : Whereas S ection 81 sub: (e ) (o ) ( r ) empowers the c o u n c il o f an Indian Band to enact by-law s to provide fo r the p r o te c tio n a g a in st and preven tion o f tre sp a ss by dom estic anim als and the r e g u la tio n o f such domestic anim als running a t la r g e . By-law § 8 Approved and passed at a m eeting by the cou n cil o f the Mic-Mac Band o f Maria t h is 27th day o f A p r il 1977 SECTION REdlSTRES r~.... '' Ifoi/ I ____ (Chief) . Bernard... Jerome................... (Councillor) (Councillor) Rene--Laroeo-ue- (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) ^ ** * * (Councillor) FOR HEADQUARTERS USE ONLY 1. TRUST 2 . CURRENT BALANCES ACCT A . Capital B . Revenue 5 1 * 5. Recommended Date Authorized Officer ' f \ I »i i S n J ~ J i O / \ Chronological N o. ' m 7 ? - ? 8 H.Q. Reference o; o ^ / g , " / " i c7 ------------------... , ; p / j ' j / , ' j j 1 FOR HEADQUARTERS USE ONLY BAND 77 ................. YEAR AFFAIRES COMMUNAUTAIRES R E C U L. E S'-5 r^ > * CP -n j , - y.s -x> : £ ? .. 7 vP-7 c o m » . - HZ. ___ yn / (Councciillor/ ..., . (Councillor) (Councillor) 7^ (Councillor) 3. Expenditure 4 . Authority 5. Source of Funds Indian Act Sec . 1 1 Capital { | Revenue * .......J1_________________ __________ Ji 7. Approved Dat«s Assistant Deputy Minister# V ? 0 . i i l
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