Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

Chronological No. ( MICMAC OF MARIA it 10 1981-82 H.Q. Reference BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION - I NOTF: The words From our Band Funda*’ muet appear In all reaolutiona requeating expenditures from Band Funds. - FOR HEADQUARTERS USE ONLY COUNCIL or THE Mi f .m a n s rrf M a r la BAND a g e n c y Q u e b e c R e g i o n a l O f f i c e p r o v i n c e _____ Que be c _______________ PLACE Maria Indian Reserve_____ DATE 06 05 AD 10 81 DAY MONTH YEAR DO HEREBY RESOLVE: By-law No. #1A and Amendments Salmon Fishing by-law Under the Section 81, paragraph o, q, r , o f the Indian Act ( S.R.G. 19?0 ch. 1-6 ) . It has been established and resolved to make amendments to by-law 1A. in accordance to the preservation, protections and management o f fish and game on the reserve. The amendments made to by-law #1A passed and approved by the Maria Band Council on the 9th day o f June, 1976. Therefore by-law # 1A and its amendments shall read as follow s; Fishing territory : A rticle # 1 A. Starting at a point alligned at the Eastern hand o f the Northern lim it o f the Reserve and extending South Easterly to the Old Boom Pier Line. Then in a South Westerly direction following the Old Boom Pier Line o f its projection to a Point where i t forms a 90 degree angle with Kilmore Point on the Western side and Duthie Point on the Eastern s id e . B. Salmon fishing w ill be carried out by means o f g ill-n e ts o n ly ... C. Jointly with the D istrict Conservation Chief o f the Department o f Tourism Fish and Games o f the Province o f Quebec (or an o ff ic e r delegated by him), a designated Band Member w ill identify the defined fish ing area by suitable markers or buoys. Fishing Regulations : A rticle it 2 A. There w ill be no restriction on the net-mesh size nor on the lentgh of the nets. B. There w ill be no other restrictions as to the number o f nets. C. Nets must be stationary, set individually and perpendicular to the shore (river band.) D. Fishing w ill be carried out on a hours basis. E. Whenever fish ing, each net w ill have affixed to i t a marker and an identification number indicating that the net belongs to the Maria Band. F. Fishing in the defined area w ill be carried out 6 days per week on a 2b hr. basis.
Chronological No. _^JVIICMAC o f m a r ia # 10 1981-82 H.Q. Reference c « w « v n*4ov.w i\w NOTF: The words From our Bend F u n d s" must eppear In all resolutions requesting expenditures from Bend Funds. FOR HEADQUARTERS USE ONLY c o u n c i l OF THE_______M c m a c s o f Ma r i a . . BAND AGENCY .Quebec-Regional Q fficoe PROVINCE Quebec-PLACE Marla Indian Reserve DATE AD 19 81 AY mSî th Y E A S DO HEREDY RESOLVE: F. ( to be revised at the end o f the commercial fishing ban). However the Band Council must inform two (2) weeks in advance the D istrict Conservation Chief o f the Department o f Tourism, Fish and Game o f the Province.-! o f Quebec ( or a person delegated by him) o f the weekly closure period. G. The quota for 1981 is set a 10,000 pounds. This salmon quota w ill be revised subsequently for Maria Reserve on the basis o f population (fam ilies), reasonable fishing opportunities consumption needs and past performances. H. Fersuant to this by-law, no person shall s e l l , attempt to s e l l , barter or otherwise dispose o f any salmon. Control : A rticle # 3 A. A member o f the barld designated by the Band Council, hired on a seasonal basis by the Quebec Department o f Tourism, Fish and Game w ill assist the Conservation O fficer to report data on catches o f salmon on a daily basis. B. Any Conservation or Fishery O fficer accompanied by a band member dèsignated by the Band Council may inspect any or a ll nets set under the authority o f this by-law. C. Any net found to be fishing within approved area contrary to the conditions as outlined herein, or outside the descrived zone, shall be deemed to be fishing il le g a lly and such net shall be subject to seizure and legal procedures shall be taken against the persons involved. D. Arrangements between the Dept, o f Tourism, Fish and Game and Ameridndian Police and the Band Council shall be made in order to supervise and enforce the by-law. 4 -4 m
Chronological No. MICMAC OF MARIA %r &ASI________ 1981-82 H.Q. Reference BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION NOTF : The word* From our Band FundeM muat appear In all reaolutlona requesting expenditure» from Band Funda. FOR HEADQUARTERS USE ONLY COUNCIL OF THE Micmacs o f Maria x BAND AGENCY Quebec Regional Office PROVINCE Quebec PLACE Maria Indian Reserve DATE 06 05 - AD 19 81 DAY MONTH YEAR DO HEREBY RESOLVE: Article # 4. This by-law shall come into force on June 1st - 1981, starting date fo r salmon fish ing on the reserve boundary. Unless the Minister declares i t void, within the allowed 40 day period. Penalties; A rticle § 5 Any person who violated any provisions o f this by-law shall on a summary conviction be liab le to a fine not exceeding $100.00 ( one hundred dollars) or imprisonment for a ternm not exceeding 1 month, or both fine and imprisonment. This Band Council Resolution # 1A amends by-law # 1. This Band Council resolution establishing by-law 1A with its amendments was passed at a duly meeting held meeting o f the Council o f the Micmacs o f Maria this 6th day o f May 1981. X (Cbvmcillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) FOR HEADQUARTERS USE ONLY 1. TRUST 2. CURRENT BALANCES 3. Expenditure 4. Authority 5. Source of Funde ACCT A. Cepitel B. Revenue Indien Act Sec. 1 1 Cepitel Q R $ 1 ( $ 6. Recommended 7. Approved Dete Assistent Deputy Minister, Dele Authorised Officer
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