Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

Province, of Ontario TO WIT Is THOMAS DRYDEN STEWART, Acting Director* Local Government Administration Division, residing at Ottawa, Ontario, make oath and swear that the paper-writing to which this affidavit is attached is a true copy of a document produced and shown to me and purporting to be the original by-law made pursuant to the Indian Act and signed by the Micmacs of Maria Band Council and dated June 9, 1976, the said copy having been compared by me with the said original document*. Sworn to before me at the City of Ottawa in the Judicial District of Ottawa Carleton this ^ day of July, 1976. n /? the Province of Ontario. U-.LIAN H. 7HORF£. A Commissioner, etc., Judicial District of Ottawa-Carleton, for Government of Canada. Expires March 4* 1977.
M1CMAC OF MARIA BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION NOTF.: The words From our Band Funds** must appear In all resolutions requesting expenditures from Band Funds, COUNCIL OF THE MICMACS OF MARTA AGENCY Quebec Regional Office p r o v i n c e Quebec PLACE Maria Indian Reserve DATE 9 .................... . . . . J u n e DAY MONTH DO HEREBY R ESO L VE: That the Chief of Maria Band be authorized to sign an agreement between Department of Tourism, Fish and Game of the Province of Quebec to implement the terms of By-Law No. 1A of the Maria Indian Band. Such anjagreement shall be in no way inconistant with the terms of the said By-Law No. 1A. Rene Larocque (Councillor) 7.................. 7*... (Councillor) / Maxima (?°“"̂ »o,-)Mapt in (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) FOR HEADQUARTERS USE ONLY 1. TRUST 2. CURRENT BALAN CES ACCT A . Capital B , Revenue $ $ 6. Recommendeid Date Authorised OfficerChronological No, 1976-?? 27 Salmon Fishing H.Q* Reference FOR HEADQUARTERS USE ONLY BAND ? 6 YEAR Douglas Martin / (Councillor) , ^ 7 (Councillor) . (Councillor) (Councillor) 3. Expenditure 4 . Authority 5. Source of Funds Indian Act Sec, { ) Capital ( “] Revenue $ 7, Approved Date A ssistant Deputy Minister,
CANADA Province of Ontario TO WIT I, THOMAS DRYDEN STEWART, Acting Director, Local Government Administration Division, residing at Ottawa, Ontario, make oath and swear that the paper-writing to which this affidavit is attached is a true copy of a document produced and shoxm to me and purporting to be the original by-law made pursuant to the Indian Act and signed by the Micmacs of Maria Band Council and dated June 9, 1976,. the said copy having been compared by me with the said original document*. Sworn to before me at the City of Ottax^a in the Judicial District of Ottawa Carleton this day of July, 1976. /UM. \-jfc6JbdZ-Commissioner of Oaths in a;n d for the Province of Ontario. t i l l AN H. THOFtPE, A Commissioner, etc., judicial District of Ottawa-Carleton, for. Government of Canada. Expires March 4* 1977.
Chronological No, /Vumero con secutif Indian and Northern Affairs Affaires indiennes et du Nprd > ', i I '/ BY-LAW 1A F ile Reference /V° d e ref. du d o ssier BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION 301/3-10-12 RESOLUTION DE CONSEIL DE BAND? 1976-77 Page 1 of 5 NOTE: The words From our Band Funds Capita!” or Revenue , which ever is the case , must appear in alt resolutions requesting expenditures frr Band Funds N O T A : L e s mots "d e s fonds de noire boride Capita!” ou revenu selon le c as doivent paraitre dans te s te s les resolutions portent sur d es depense^ta ___ _ _ mem; les fonds des bandas THE COUNCIL OF THE LE CONSEIL DE LA BANDE JNDIENNE KICMACS OF MARIA Current Capital Balance Solde de capital AGENCY *DISTRICT Quebec Regional Office V Committed Engage PROVINCE Quebec Current Revenue balance Solde de re verm PLACE NOM DE L*ENDROIT Maria Indian Reserve Committed Engage r i A T F 9 June .. ad iq 76 DAY - JOUR MONTH - MOIS YEAR - ANNEE DO HEREBY RESOLVEj DECIDE , PAR LES PRESENTES: BY-LAW NO. 1A Salmon Fishing By-Law Under the Authority of Section 81 (o) and 81 (q) of the Indian Act (S.R.C. 1970 ch. 1-6)* It has been established and made by the Band Council of the Maria Indian Band, and the said Council hereby establishes and makes the following by-law: 1. Fishing Area a) Starting at a point alligned at the Eastern hand of the Northern. _Iiiait___ of the Reserve and extending South Easterly to the Old Boom Pier Line. Then in a South Westerly direction following the Old Boom Pier Line of its projection to a Point where it forms a 90o angle with Kilmcre Point on the Western side and Duthie Point on the Eastern side.. b) Salmon fishing-will be carried out by means of gill-nets only..,* A quorum for this Band Pour cette bande le quorum est consists of fixe a Council Members Membres du C o n s e i l
Chronologicui No. Nucnero consecutii ( Indian and Northern Affairs Affaires md'ennes el du Nord By-Law 1A F ile Reference AT° da r e /, cfu dossier * BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION RESOLUTION PE CO NS ElL DE BANDS 1976-77 Page 2 of 5 N O TE: The words From our Band Funds Capital or Revenue , whichever is the case, must appear in all resolutions requesting'expenditures fro Band Funds /VOTA: L e i mots "rfes fonds de noire hands '•Capital'* otj revanu" selon Is cas doivsnt paraifre dans toutes feir resolutions porrant s u t d s s &r _________mams tes tonds das bands3 THE COUNCIL OF THE Current Capita! Balance L E CONSEIL DE LA BANDS 1NDIENNE MICMACS OF MARIA Soldo de capital v * ------------AGENCY DISTRICT Quebec Regional Office Committed Engage s PROVINCE Quebec Current Revenue balance Soldo do re verm $ PLACE /VOM DE L'ENDROIT Maria Indian Reserve Committed Engage s 9 P A T ? - J June An 1 q 76 D A Y - JOUR MONTH - MOIS YEAR ~ A N N £ E DO HEREBY RESOLVE: DECIDE, P A R LES PRESENTES: c) Jointly with the District Conservation Chief of the Department of Tourism,. Fish and Games of the Province of Quebec (or an Officer delegated by him) ̂ a designated Band Member will identify the defined fishing area by suitable markers or buoys~ Fishing Rules a) There will be no restriction on the net-mesh size nor on the length of the nets* b) There will be no other restrictions as to the number of nets* c) Nets must be stationary, set individually and perpendicular to the shore (river band] a) Nets can be set from 8 p*m. to 8 a,m, only,* e) Whenever fishing, each net will have affixed to it a marker and an identification number indicating that the net belongs to the Maria Band. A quorum for this Band Pour cette bancle le quorum est consists of fixe a Council Members Membres du Con setl
( C hron ologic al N o . N u m e r o con s e c u f if Indian and Northern Atta*rs Affaires indtennes et du Nord By-Law 1A File Reference N ° cfe ref. dtt d o s sie r BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION RESOLUTION DE CONSEIL DE BANDE 1976-77 Page 3 of 5 N O TE: The words "From our Band F u n d s" "C a p it a !" or "R e v e n u e ", which ever is the case, must appear in all resolutions- requesting expenditures frcar Band Funds N O T A : L e s mots "d e s fonds de notre bande 'Capital ou revenu set on le cas doivent paraitre dans toutes les resolutions portoer! s a r d e s dep en ses a* _________merne las fonds des ban des THE COUNCIL OF THE LE CONSEIL DE LA BANDE MENIDICMA.CS OF MARIA. Current Capital Balance Sdlde de capital £ AGENCY d i s t r i c t Quebec Regional Office Committed Engage $ p r o v i n c e Quebec Current Revenue balance Solde de re verm $ PLACE NOM DE l -e n d r o i t M a r i a Indian Reserve Committed Engage S DATE 9 June AD 19 ^ 6 - ____ DAY - JOUR MONTH - MOIS YEAR - ANN&E DO HEREBY RESOL VEj DECIDE , PAR LES PRESENTES: f) Fishing in the defined area will be limited to six (6) days per week (to be revised at the end of the commercial fishing ban) from 8 p~nu to 8 However, the Band Council must inform two (2) weeks in advance the District Conservation Chief of the Department of Tourism, Fish and Game of the Province of Quebec (or the Officer delegated by him) of the weekly closure period. g) For 1976, a quota is set at 3,500 pounds. This salmon catch quota will be revised! subsequently for the Maria "Resprve on the. basis of-population- (families) , ---- reasonable fishing opportunities consumption needs and past performances.. h) Persuant to this by-law, no person shall sell, attempt to sell, barter or otherwise dispose of any salmon. 3. Control a) A member of the band designated by the Band Council, hired on a seasonal basis by the Quebec Department of Tourism, Fish and Game will assist the Conservation ________ Of_flcer__ta._repor.t data on catches of salmon on a daily basis_ A quorum for this Band Pour cette bande le quorum est consists of fixe a Council Members Membres du C o n se i l
C h r o n o lo g ic a l N o . /V u m ero c on secu t if 11 ^ Indian and Northern Affairs Affaires mdiennes et du Nord By-Law 1A F i l e Reference de ret. du dossier BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION RESOLUTION DE CONSEIL DE BANDE 1976-77 Page 4 of 5 NOTE: The words From our Band Funds*’ Capita!” or Re :ue \ which ever is the case , must appear in ail resolutions requesting expenditures, frc Band Funds N O T A : Lee mots "n 'es fonds de notre bande Capital ou revenu selon te c as doivent paraiire dans tou tes tes resolutions portent sur d es d ep en s^s a ______ rnerne las fonds d es ban des P THE COUNCIL OF THE Current Capital Balance LE CONSEIL DE LA BANDE INDIENNE MICMACS OF MARIA Solde cfe capital AGENCY 1 DISTRICT Quebec Regional Office Committed Engage $ PROVINCE Quebec Current Revenue balance Solde de re\renu 1 PLACE NOM DE L ENDROIT Maria Indian Reserve Committed Engage $ n ATP . 9 D AY - JOUR dune MOJS Ah iq 76 MONTH - ' YEAR - ANN&E DO HEREBY RESOLVE; DECIDE, PA R LES PRESEN TES: b) Any Conservation or Fishery Officer accompanied by a band member designated by the Band Council may inspect any or all nets set under authority of this by-law. c) Any net found to be fishing within the approved area contrary to the conditions as outlined herein, or outside the described zone, shall be deemed to be fishing illegally and such net shall be subject to seizure and legal procedures shall be taken against the persons involved. d) Arrangements between the Department of Tourism, Fish and Game and the Band Council shall be made in order to supervise and enforce the by-law.. 4. Coming into Force This by-law will come into force 40 days after a copy thereof is forwarded to the Minister of Indian Affairs, unless the Minister declares A quorum for this Band Pour cette bande le quGrum est consists of fixe a Council Members Membres du C o n se i l
f Indian and Northern Affairs Atta*res mdiennes et du Nord BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION RESOLUTION DE CONSEIL DE BANDE NOTE: The words "F rom our Band Funds 1 "C a p ita l or "R e v e n u e ", which ever is the~ Band Funds N O T A : L e s mots rfes tonds de noire bande ''Capital*' on rei'tn u " seton le cas doivent m erne les tonds des bandes t h e c o u n c i l o f t h e MICMACS OF MARIA LE CONSEIL DE LA DANDE INDIENNE AGENCY DISTRICT Quebec Regional Office PROVINCE Quebec PLACE NOM DE L^ENDROIT Maria Indian Reserve D A T E _________________? _______________________________________ AD 19 DAY - JOUR MONTH - MOIS DO HEREBY RESOLVE: DECIDE, PAR LES the present by-law to be in force at any time before the expiration of that period 5. PENALTIES Any person who violates any provisions of this by-law shall on a summary conviction be liable to a fine not exceeding $100.00 (one-hundred dollars or imprisonment for a term, not exceeding 1 month, or both fine and imprisonment.) This Band Council Resolution #1A amends by-law #1. This Band Council Resolution by-law #1A was approved at a duly held meeting of Council of Micmacs of Maria Band this nirethday of June, 1976. A quorum for this Band Pour cette bande le quorum est consists of Bernard Jerome fixe a Council Members Membres du Conseil Rene Larocque (Councillor consei tier) (Councillor conseil ler■) (Councillor consei Her) (Councillor c onseiller) ................. . .Maxxxae... Mar .t in....... . . ..... .... . ..... . (Councillor -- conseiller) (Councillor conseiller) (Councillor con seiller) (Councillor conseiller) FOR DEPARTM ENTAL USE ONLY - RESERVE A U M INIS l E R E 1. Band Fund Code 2. COMPUTER BALANCES - SOLDES D ORDINA TEUR Code du com pte B. Revenue R&venu de ban do A . Capitol $ $ 6. Recomrnended Recomm endabte Date Recommending Officer Re corrmande parBy-Law 1A Fite Reft tence - tv° du 1976-77 Page 5 of 5 c a s e , must appear in a ll r e s o lu tio n s r e q u e stin g e x p e n d x t ^ T f p o re ilre dans tauten tea r e s o l u t i o n s p a r t a n t Current Capital Balance Solde de capital $ Committed Engage V Current Revenue balance Solde de re vent/ t ft------- Committed Engage $ 76 ____ YEAR - AN N EE Douglas* Martin (Chief - Chef) (Councillor con se i tier} (Councillor Conseilter) (C ou ncillor co o seitler) (C ouncillor con seiller) 3. Expenditure 4- Authority Autorite f .5- Source of Funds Depertses I n t i A c t - Sec | Soitrce d es t onclaz Art, d e tst L.o» si/r f f i O C a p i U * $ Indiana ! Approved Approtrs&bfe Date Approving Officer Approtivr par
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