Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

, . * , . ' **■'*'■ j * * V *'i ' U B W A •• .'.!hy-r ; end Northern Aflevt Mm* ft indryimp e1«v f*ord ; O r v f . BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION RESOLUTION DE CONSEIL DH BANDE NOTE: The wnrde From our B<*nd Fund*** •'Capitol or "R evenue *, which ever Id the CBil, mutt appear in ell resolution* rrqursltnj eependituree Ire Bend Fund* KOTA: Lee mole *'de« fond* de norm Bend# ••Capital ou rnvml** e efo n le c e l dpi void pe ml Ire dene foule# lee meoluflone pert.nt mur dee depwieee o m en lee /ondc dee hendo# THE COUNCIL OF THE LE CONSEIL DE LA BANDE INDIENNE RESTIGOUCHE t y t y y AGENCY Quebec Region d i s t r i c t al r': p r o v i n c e Quebec ; PLACE n o v d e l e n d r o i t Band Council Chambers t v - y y y June 8 DATE ........... .. BAY ~ JOUJ? KtONTH - MOfS W Jv- VCA^ - DO HEREBY RESOLVE: DECIDE, PAR LES PRESENTED: B Y LAW NO 1 3 A . '• j - Salmon Fishing,By Law ' ' ' . '■% .. , !.’• _ V ^ J 'f V f; ' < . * ' « ! ,!\ The authority of Section 81 (o) end 81 (q),of the Indian Act (S. R. C. 1?70 ' 1 - 6 ) , It has been established and made by the Band Council of the Restigouc Indian Band, arid the said Council hereby establishes and makes the following by-lav;: 1. Fishing Area a) Salmon fishing by Band Members will be allowed in the tidal waters c Restigouche River estuary within an area starting at the Western lim. '.-at a know point called "Pointe a Bourdeau" to the Eastern limit reco nized as the North West Bank of Ruisseau Monier mouth. b) Fishing rill be carried out by means of gill-nets only which cannot on- the- 'Quebec side at any further point than a minimum of twenty five (25) feet from the Northern edge of the Restigouche River estua channel. . ; v '*Tc:hi7iw ChVrii.s ; , f t e< r •. rvurnem'teneecP||)^M|^BHBjg i f V , . ' : ^y-Law No. 13A f Ur Nrlrtrnce - AT® de rel.-vdu rfoititr 1976-77 "Page 1 oj '.i-Livv' ' Current Capital Balance ^ ^ 3 -Sofde de capita l J , . ......... . Of : f - ice .v ' y ,, Committed £n£a0e S a , . v . Current Revenue balance pa Ml ftMtfHl J 76 Committed •* C i^ a | r S. r. m-v .{ f . . » ; f > ' y . r .;'% ' . "*, .
̂,'v ':'v;V ;■ , W3*nend HurV**r ***r% *?)*•«■* •#» Oo NoitJ V ••. f t ; * : . A. *.. :.: ... ; ;!v> BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION RESOLUTION DE CONSEIL DE BANDE NOTE. The word* ••fron* our Bend Fund**' 9'Cupl«*l99 or ''Revenue9*, whichever |e th e r e * * , mu# I eppeu In ell resolution* r»*i«eeH«* eependttutee Ir e Bond Fundt ■' :i'— IVOTA: Lee mof* "dee /onde de noire bend* ••Cepffer* ou revenu9* eefon fe one do I ve rtf p* eel ft* dene foul#* fee rueofuficn* perfenf our dee d tp e trtt » men# lee fonde dee bond** . THE COUNCIL OF THE L E CONSEIL D E LA BANDE 1NDIENNE RE S T I G O U C H E a g e n c y ' d i s t r i c t Quebec Regional Office PROVINCE PLACE ' / .-Y NOM DE L 'E N D R O IT 8 . . . June Ari ,n - DATE DAY - JOUR~ MONTH - MO/S YE Aft A fih ttl 7 /. DO HEREBY RESOLVEj DECIDE, P A R LES PR E SE N TE S: . * \ . * .yjv*-*i* c) Jointly with the District Conservation Chief of the Department of Tourism, Fish and Games of the Province of Quebec (or an Officer del­ egated by him), a designated Band Member will identify the defined fishing area by suitable markers or buoys. > 2. Fishing Rules a) There'will be no restriction on the net-meshsize nor on the length o: the nets.'’. b) There will be no other restrictions as to the number of nets. c) - Nets must be stationary, set individually and perpendicular to the sh< (river bank). ' d) Nets can be set from sunset to sunrise only. e) Whenever fishing, each net will have affined to it a marker and an * * identification number indicating that, the net belongs to the Restigouc Band. " ' . . Y>' r*v. V »»• •»** M t H * By-Law 13A F ile Reference N ° d r ref. dw d o tt ie r 1976-77 Page 2 of {* •*'• ;'V «\ f Current Capital Balance S o ld o do cap ita l ^ .. Committed E n^i^e t _ !•. r. / C .Cunent Revenue balance Y - v . : .? -i . 76 Committed En£e %. , . , Y - .-h •. \ V ' .1 . > V "• ; .'k .• f, »■ "■ v
I I Y N»'i’»v>r. A*»»ri rtOw ■• *7SPiC**̂. t i) I- » » »t »»t t - .v •’ dr i r f. du dot •»or BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION ft RESOLUTION DE CONSEIL DE BAMDE ' - 7 7 Perr NOTE: Thr *ord » "Fiow i eur Bund F u n d t " " C a p it a l* * Of **IUvcrltt**% w h ich *.«•* i t IS t f«ni*t ftppr*/ in *11 reso lu tion * requesting cap e . Band Funds . : . v: P'V-.\ r .V:: ;■ *v\ N O T A : L e » mof# Met foods d r n o lr t band* ♦•Capital** ou revmr/** s i t On f t e t t tfoJvenf para!fee dans fo utra le t trto fu fio o a porfaof (iw r d e » d mcm r le t foods des handra THE COUNCIL OF THE Cvmen! C apita l Balance LE CONSEIL DE LA BANDE INDJENNE RESTIGOUCHE / V * J S old e d e cap ita l %_____ AGENCY DISTRICT Quebec Regional Office Com mitted - E ngage $ _____ PROVINCE -Quebec : Cunrnt Revenue balance \ S old e de revenu PLACE NON DE L ENDROIT Band Council Chambers Com mitted E ngage n * r f f O ............. J U IIG A n 7 6 ~ DAY - JOUR MONTH - MOIS YEAR - AATVEE DO HEREBY RESOLVE: DECIDE, P A R LES PRESEN TES: ^ f) Fishing in the defined area will be limited to six (6).days per week (to be revised at the end of the commercial fishing ban) from sunset sunrise. However, the Band Council must inform two (2) weeks in advc the District Convervation Chief of the Department of Tourism, Fish an Game Of the Province of Quebec (or the Officer delegated by him) of the weekly closure period. g) For 1976, a quota is set at 10,000 pounds. This salmon catch quota \ be revised subsequently for the RestigOuche Reserve on the basis of population (families), reasonable fishing opportunities consumption .needs and past performances. h) Persuant to this by - law, no person shall sell, attempt to sell, baj or otherwise dispose of any salmon. Control. a) A member of the band designated by the Band Council, hired on a seas< basis by the Quebec Denartment of Tourism. Pish and. Game, will sssis '(Chr*7 ChtTT~ ~~ ,• ' •'/•■■I I
K J f 'i f lM M iA ? l» n ' « > j M i n ; :> '.s BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTIION RESOLUTION DE CONSEIL DE . ; '(•• •'t-* ' :■ N ■;* w bVj v* •? •;. *O T E . Th. M»rd» "p .on - ouf n.nd F u n d ." 'C .p l l l l " of "R .v .n u * ,.w h ic h «v «» I* lira c h i . m Band Fundi -.>1 p.>:;.':. I -r HOTA: Lea mof* fonifa dr noire Land* ••CmptfV ou rtVanar aa^on I t e a i «fdluw pem lfre dnw faufua loa m elu ffo n * aur d .a d?V « , f TOE COUNCIL OF THE LB COBSBO. D E LA BANDB IND1EHNB RESTIGOUCHE ̂ d i s t r i c t Quebec Regional Office 7’̂ p r o v i n c e . Quebec PLACE Band Council Chambers NON DE L'ENDROIT June 4r> <fi 8 -- DATE DAV JOUF MONTH MO!S * DO HEREBY RESOLVE: DECIDE, E X E LES PRESENTED: Conservation Officer to report data on catches of salmon on a dail\ basis. b ) Any C o n s e rv a tio n or Fishery Officer accompanied by a band member de ated bv the Band Council may inspect any or all nets-set under autl of this by - law. c) Any net fo-nd to be fishing within the approved area contrary to tl conditions as outlined he - r ein. ©«*» outside the described rone, shal deemed to be fishing illegally end such net shall be subject to se: and legal procedures shall be taken against the persons involved. + •. . d) * Arrangements between the Department of Tourism, Fish and Game and i Band Council shall be made in order to suoervise and enforce the b' Cornin'- irto T--̂ oe yy ;. , p This by - lav; v/ill come into force 40 days after a copy thereof is forward •' the Minister of 7v-'L*y. 'f-airs. unless t'-* : «--*r c-H%*n1m : B ;■ x ' N »". d i a V* ' •' ' ■" :7 : . . ■'" i ; -hav: 13A File Rvleirrtrt - /V° dr i l l . du de»«l«9 :■■■•'■: ' -7c -77 Page 4 v_y-r.;« :•/•!-y '•yj./* *•?< v *-* s •> . i « ' < ^ ,. i I pr»w la all rctolullon* r .q u r .U M T r y .n d .iu ., vfAA2.-; pi' *L ■‘•‘T-.-V.f *.*! - r - & Current CipUl) Balance S tM n it» eMptSml j,,,. Committed . % Cutrent Revenue balance Committed Fnft&p* $. .. * f b YEA^ A/YIVEE ■'a * •>”.:/ . - - A. . ^ d w ..
^ ^^
IHGUO »,'tJ NeTtNe* * * * •» Afl*«»n lnd»»rH»^ 9) Oo **Ut6 r ? BAND COUNCIL RESOLUtlOH RESOLUTION DE CONSEIL DE BANDE NOTE. Th* wnrdl **Ftor- our nd Fundi * ' ,Copi»el#* dr ' Hrvtnui**, whichever is Uie r a i l , mull appev In fell resolution* requesting espsntftturss f Dand Fund* /VOTA: L n mot* Mrfn fondi ds noire bn tfr •'Capitaf** on r»v*nif oslert f* c** do f Vent pmmltr* don* foul** !•* rose full on* porlwif aur do* depwio** mint* Is* l»nd« de* bend**______________. ________ THE COUNCIL OF THE LECONSEIL DE LA BANDE IND1ENNE RESTIGOUCHE d i s t r i c t ; > Quebec Regional Office p r o v i n c e Quebec p l a c e n o n d e l 'E n d r o i t Band Council d a y - j o v r T m o n t h - Mois d o h e r e b y r e s o l v e ; DECIDE, PAR LES PRESENTES: ' the present by - lav; to be in force at any time before the expirati< that period. . ' ' ' PENALTIES 1 finw'person who violates any provisions:of; shall on summery feonvic h r . o e r J ; l *' i p ab te l r e r a to n ot <?. e fi x n c e e e . d n i o n t g . t e h x i ce r e t d y i ng ( ?0 O ) n e d H a m i S Band Council Penolution, By-Law No. 134 is an amendment to Ry-Lw No. 13 dated Anril 17, 1°67. This Band Council Resolution. By-Low No. 134 was approved at a duly held meet of Council of Restigouche Band of Indians this 8th day of June. 1076. TOR DEPARTM ENTAL USE ONLY - 1. Bmd Fund Cede 2. COMPUTER BALANCES - SOLOES D 'O R D IN A T E V n Cede du CMfeptfe A . Cepital B. Brvmut Rtremi de heed* 5 % 1 See mmr* ended ReeeeimerrdUbl* / L r. Dei* fC0mm*ndui| Officer —> F?e«orrrrvd* fster I * , i l l l * - V * l I l l f e - « I * * I M M 1I m D n « | y | l l « l n 1» - M tf fn v rv « » •••» < By-Law No. 1JA File Rrlrrrnet dr r*f. du dot star 1976-77 Page 5 of . ) ' . ( . Current Capital B alance &otd* do captlml ^ ____ _ , , . . . / f . Committed Enfiaflc % Current Revenue balance 5ofrff de rftvent* S-r v Committed Enfitifie S Y £ a I ~ AArJVcd ' ' •. i).-' ; , v. :' u y n s dr o e r d bo ( t $ h 1 00 f . i 0 n 0 e ) fi d n o d ll i a r r a s n pi o s r o n i m w e r n o t d . ifinnw A U X Etptndilurc 4- AutSifltjp AvfoHf* S. Source ef Fur JDepen eei Indien Act Sec Source dr* f Art* <0* la t* | aur fe* $ /ntficrw Cepltel O Approved Approueeb I* Dele Approving O f f i c e r Appreuw p«»
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