Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

SERTJFJE0 true CO EX NEMEIBEN INDIAN RESERVE NO. 156C (FORMERLY SUCKER RIVER INDIAN RESERVE NO. 156C) LAC LA RONGE INDIAN BAND BY-LAW NO. J __OF 1994 BEING A BY-LAW to prohibit any person from: 1. selling, bartering, supplying, or manufacturing intoxicants on the Reserve; 2. being intoxicated on the Reserve; and 3. having intoxicants in his possession on the Reserve. WHEREAS the Lac La Ronge Indian Band Members of the Nemeiben Indian Reserve No. 156C have expressed their desire to prohibit the sale, use and possession of intoxicants on the said Reserve; and WHEREAS the Council of the Lac La Ronge Indian Band wishes to support the Band Members of the Nemeiben Indian Reserve No. 156C in regulating the sale, use and possession of intoxicants on the Nemeiben Indian Reserve No. 156C because such intoxicants create severe problems in the Nemeiben River community, such as disruption, accidents and injury or death to persons on the Reserve; and WHEREAS regulation of the sale, use and possession of intoxicants on the Reserve is, therefore, necessary to ensure the safety, well-being and health of persons on the Nemeiben Indian Reserve No. 156C; and 1
Prepared by: [T1 (306) 764-1537 Gberfeewich * Yoaft Law Office 1005 Central Avenue, Prince Albeit, SK S6V 4V4 [F] (306) 763-0505 WHEREAS s.85.1(l) of the Indian Act empowers the Council of a Band to make By­ laws prohibiting the sale, barter, supply, or manufacture of intoxicants on a Reserve, prohibiting any person from being intoxicated on a Reserve and prohibiting any person from having intoxicants in his possession on a Reserve; and WHEREAS this By-law has been assented to by a majority of the electors of the Band who voted at a special meeting of the Band called by the Council of the Band for the purpose of considering the By-law, and held on March 25, 1994, at the Nemeiben Indian Reserve No. 156C, as follows: NUMBER SUBJECT THOSE IN THOSE ABSTAINED OF FAVOUR OPPOSED ELECTORS WHO VOTED 20 a By-law to prohibit 20 0 0 the sale, barter, supply, or manufacture of intoxicants on the Reserve (s.85.1(l)(a) Indian Act! 19 a By-law to prohibit 12 2 5 any person from being intoxicated on the Reserve (s.85.1(l)(b) Indian Act! 20 a By-law to prohibit 19 0 1 any person from having intoxicants in his possession on the Reserve (s.85.1(l)(c) Indian Act) 2
Prepared by: fT] (306) 764-1537 Cftcrtewidi * Law Office 1005 Central Avenue, Prince Albert, SK S6V 4V4 [F] (306) 763-0505 NOW, THEREFORE, the Council of the Lac La Ronge Indian Band enacts as a By-law, the following: 1. In this By-law: (a) COUNCIL means the Council of the Lac La Ronge Indian Band as defined in the Indian Act (b) RESERVE means the tract of land, the legal title of which is vested in Her Majesty, that has been set apart by Her Majesty for the use and benefit of the Lac La Ronge Indian Band known as Nemeiben River Indian Reserve No. 156C (formerly Sucker River Indian Reserve No. 156C). (c) PERSON means anyone who is within the boundaries of the Indian Reserve as outlined in 1(b) above. 2. No person shall sell, barter, supply or manufacture intoxicants on the Reserve. 3. No person shall be intoxicated on the Reserve. 4. No person shall have intoxicants in his possession on the Reserve. 5. Any person who violates any of the provisions of this By-law shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine or imprisonment or both fine and imprisonment as provided in s.85.1(4)(a) and (b) of the revised Indian Act (Rev.28/06/85), as follows: 3
Prepared by: IT! (30b) 764-1537 CkerfcrwkJi it Yt Law Ofllce 1003 Central Avenue, Prince Albert, SK S6V 4V4 [F] (306) 763-0505 (a) in the case of a violation of s.2 of this By-law, a fine of not more than ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($1,000.00), or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months or to both; (b) in the case of a violation of ss.3 or 4 of this By-law, to a fine of not more than ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($100.00), or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three months or to both. APPROVED AND PASSED at a duly convened meeting of the Council of the Lac La Ronge Indian Band this day of /$ , a a j jj_ A.D. 1994. Minister of Indian and Northern Affairs Canada pursuant to s.82(l) of the Indian Act this _____ day o f _______________, A.D. 1994. WITNESS 4
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