Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

# 5 Provincial Youth Agency "A RECREATION SERVICE" Provf _al Health Building REGINA, Saskatchewan. ONION LAKE B M P BY-LAW for establishing a Recreation Board THAT UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF THE INDIAN ACT: A By-Law of the Reserve of Onion Lake, Province of Saskatchewan, constituting a Recreation Board. WHEREAS, The Council of the Reserve of Onion Lake Bend, deems it expedient and advisable that Recreation be under the management of a Recreation Board. THEREFORE, The Chief of the Onion Lake Band Council enact as follows: 1) There shall be appointed by the Council a Recreation Board which shall be known as the Recreation Board, of the Onion Lake Band. 2) Such Board shall consist of a minimum of nine (9) members, appointed by Council. 3) The Gouncii shall appoint Board members from the residents of the Reserve. Three (3) shall hold office for a period of one year, or until March 1st, 1970. And three (3) shall hold office for a period of two years or until March 1st, 1971. THEREAFTER, Each member shall be appointed for a period of three years. A) At the expiration of the term of any appointed member of the Board the Council shall appoint a person to take his or her place as a member of the Board. 5) Every member of the Board shall hold office until his successor is appointed. 6) If any member of the Board absents himself for the meetings of the Board for a period of two consecutive regular meetings, unless excused by resolution of such board in session, or his seat becomes vacant by death, resignation or otherwise, then on being notified by the Board that such seat has become vacant the Council shall forthvrith appoint or re-appoint a person to fill such vacancy for the remainder of the term.
7) Six members shall constitute a quorum. 8) All orders and proceedings of the Board shall be entered in books to be kept for that purpose and be signed by the Chairman or Secretary. 9) The financial year of the Board shall commence on the 1st of April and close the 31st of March in each year. 10) The first Board shall be appointed by the ^ouncil immediately after the passing of the By-Law. The Board at its first meeting shall appoint its officers and committees. 11) The Chairman of the Board shall be appointed by the Council and shall hold office until his successor is appointed. The Chairman shall have the right to vote. 12) The Board shall meet in regular session at least once every month on a date to be fixed at the first meeting of the Board in each year. The Board may hold special meetins at the call of the Chairman. 13) The Board may make recommendations to Council regarding the passing of by-laws, rules or regulations as it may deem necessary on all matters connected with regulation, management, supervision and operation of program, areas, facilities, maintenance and equipment under its control; as set down by the Council. L4) The Board shall have the management, control and operation of program, areas, facilities and equipment which may from time to time be designated by resolution of Council. 15) The Board shall on or before the 31st of March in each year prepare and submit in writing to the Council a detailed a report of the year's activities. Needs regarding areas, facilities and equipment and their budgetary implications shall be included in the Report. 16) In addition to other duties as indicated it shall be the duty of the Board to: a. Recommend to the Council and to the Community Planning Committee suitable sites, alterations and improvements to the present areas, facilities and equipment to provide planned future expansion of the community and district. b. Direct the Council's attention to, and suggest possible solutions to any part of areas, facilities or equipment which might be hazardous to the health and safety of the people who come into contact with it. < / 3
16) c. Hake recommendations to Council concerning the possible employment of full or part-time recreation and parks personnel as may be necessary to carry out the program on behalf of the Board on such terms and at such salary to be determined by Council. 17) This By-Law shall come into effect as from the 27th day of February A.D., 1969. Approved and dated at Onion lake Reserve this day of February ^ 196_ 6 _ 9 __, by the undersigned members of the Onion Lake Band Council.
The Onion Lake Band of Indians ByLaw Number 1-86 Being a Bylaw respecting trespass Whereas Section 81 (p) and (r) of the Indian Act, R.S., c. 1-6, 1985, c.27, empowers the council of a Band of Indians to make bylaws for the removal and punishment of persons trespassing upon the reserve or frequenting the reserve for prohibited purposes, and the imposition of a penalty for the violation thereof; Now therefore the Council of the Onion Lake Band of Indians enacts as follows: 1. In this bylaw: (a) "Reserve" means the tract of land the legal title to which is vested in her Majesty that has been set apart for the use and benefit of the Onion Lake Band of Indians and known as the Seekaskootch #119 and the Makaoo #120 reserve. 2. No person having been convicted of trespassing upon the reserve pursuant to Section 30 of the Indian Act shall re-enter the reserve. 3. Any person who is in violation of this bylaw shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding $1000.00 or imprisonment for a term not exceeding 30 days or both. APPROVED AND PASSED AT A DULY CONVENED MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE ONION LAKE BAND OF INDIANS THIS 14th DAY OF October,1986. LEO PAUL I, ......... Chief of the Onion Lake Band of Indians do hereby certify that a true copy of the foregoing bylaw #1-86 was forwarded to the M i n In i-an Affairs and Northern Development this of •••••••••••», 1986. CHIEF 5oR/8i - loi-H WALLACE FOX Councillor JOE DILLON Councillor EDWARD CHIEF Councillor PETER CHIEF Councillor PAUL CHIEF Councillor HENRY LEWIS Councillor RAYMOND CH0CAN Councillor Councillor Witness
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