Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

NOTE: The word* From our Band Fund#** must appear in all resolutions requesting expenditures from Band Funds. T~ FOR HEADQUARTERS USE ONLY COUNCIL OF THE Kinp'.; clear BAND Hew Brunswick D istrict AGENCY PR OVINCE Norr Brnncoick P L A C E Kingsclear Hoscrvo D ATE ' o l . ' l September in ,0 r<' 1 D AY MONTH YEAR t>o Hereby resolve: Tlll Co,mcil o f thc Kingsclear Bano o f Indians at a meeting hold September 23. t.y ri- .1 By-law* pursuant to paragraph (a ) and. ( r ) o f lec tion 31 1 o f the Indian .• i o a Tor Ml. hispos i 0.1. orl'-i <rnad v-.ul.t: on fho Kilo set- r Indian Ucservc in the ;V. > v*; i. c* »j I]* v l ’.ri 11i.‘;i i ( ) *•’ * { 1 •,0*1 ••lii l..! ..ccihiiu 1 att 03* pt in.iu l.o be cenhud ':v*(’u u»'.oi» I nd.; xn hi:*. ik ::*u ^:;lon or rieposj * >- r i*l 1!,]! l"t. Lw' Oi i t .I in . >u:a < ton oi .oolIp r **'( roon *?nyLhii.e m lch ic or in*t y become 1 « 111. V O :* in jur in to hr*ilth. Jo l iv-Oii : h i ] ,V :-'l,g ux l "u ' animal, o f fa l , fish , m.umr*", ;;a lur.-, fru it., vegetables, r l j l -oo ;il; M b -Ui T Ltai.l.; i i sLc, or myts.cng o.i a nature eaten is or may become o ffensive or . r' ju d ic ia l io In* -be!:, lake, XEK l . rc. '• T*v>,.‘ i ny r.;u ion::* o i till:; poll1 r, Into ov ;rb o. -* lo co ^ ^ ^ ̂ ----- - - --- ' * '* '* ^ t * V c ) flic Council may arrange fo r the regular removal o f garbage and waste from ?.ny premises within the iv serve. (•■') 111 ^ac spring o f eacn year as soon as the molting o f snow permits the: person in possession o f ar.y premises within the reserve shall co llec t a l l waste matter ly in g thereon including t in c ns, b o ttles , paper and animal manure. (*••) 0-1 such waste matter shall bo disposed o f in such, a manner as w il l prevent any nuisance cr offence as the- fou ling o f wells and water supply. (I'} Are. person who v io la tes any o f the provisions o f this By-lav: sha ll be gu ilty o f an offence end oh.11 be l ia b le on summary conviction to a fin e not exceeding: ten dollars or imprisonment fo r - ton:i not exceeding seven clays, or both fin e and imprisonment. The Council o f the Kingsclear Band w il l arrange fo r the regular removal o f garbage and waste at cost to the householder o f seventy-five cents nor week per household. f? iP-.^C / (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) (Councillor)
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