Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

H E P A R T M E N T O F I N D I A N A F F A I R S A N D N O R T H E R N D E V E L O P M E N T IN D IA N A F F A I R S B R A N C H BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION N O TE : Th e words From our Band Funds** must appear in a ll resolutions requesting expenditures from Band Funds. Keeseekoose C O U N C IL OF THE Felly A G E N C Y Saskatchewan PR O V IN C E Ransack ----30th--- ---------- October----- ----- 6?-----------D A TE AO 19 D A Y MONTH DO H E R E B Y R E S O LV E : BYLA’? ?T0, P A By-Law to establish a Curfew, That permission be granted to the Chief and Council of the Keeseekoose Band to establish a Curfew Bylaw for the Keeseekoose Indian Reserve, This action is being taken in con­ junction with the fecial Constable presently deployed on the Keeseekoose Indian Reserve, 1. fo child under the age of 15 years, within the Keeseekoose ee serve, shall be out after the hour of 9:00 O'clock, P.h,, and every such child shall be in his or her hone after that hour; This applies to the villages and the entire Reserve; Provided that nothing herein contained shall apply to a child who is under proper control or guardianship or is out for some unavoidable reason, ?. The person appointed by the Council to do so shall ring a bell at the hour of 9*00 O'clock, P.r„, as a warning that the provisions of this bylaw Bust be compiled with, which bell shall be called the "curfew bell", 3* Any child so found after the time appointed shall be liahle to be warned by any constable or peace officer to go hone and if after such warning the child is found loitering, he or she may be taken by such constable or peace officer to his or her home; end A, Any parent or guardian found guilty of permitting a child to contravene the provision of this by-law, after being warned in writing by the Band Secretary, shall be liable to penalties provided under Section 60, sub-paragraph (r) of the Indian Act as follows! The imposition on surmary conviction of a fine not exceeding $100,00(dollars) or imprisonment for a term not exceeding 30 days or both fine and imprisonment for violation of a bylaw made under this section, Roy Kusqua Original signed by: Gla dys wueweza (C ou n cillo r) Adolph ( u C s ou (C ou n cillo r) Melvin ( C f ou (C ou n cillo r) Bill K ( e C s ou (C ou n cillo r) (C ou n cillo r) FOR H EAD Q U AR TER S USE O N L Y 1. T R U S T 2. C U R R E N T B A LA N C E S A C C T A , Capita l B. Revenue $ $ 6. Recommended Date Authorized O ffice r 1A-135 (l.V-63)Chronological No, 14/67-6B-3 H.Q. Reference 677/3-10 FOR HEADQUARTERS USE ONLY BAND Y E A R < n ch c u e o..... n M c u ill s or q ) ua i n u c e i q llo u r a ) h n a c n ill e or) (C ou n cillo r) 3, Expenditure 4. Authority 5. Source o f Funds Indian A ct Sec. ( | C ap ita l ( | Revenue $ 7. Approved Date A ssis tan t Deputy M in ister, _________Indian A ffa irs_________
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