Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

Chronological No. Numero conaecutif KAIKEWI3TAHAW BO. 33 H.Q, Reference N ° de ref. d u b , pr, BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION 673/28-7~15 , cc: 673/3-10 RESOLUTION DE CONSEIL DE BANDE NOTE: The words From our Band Funds must appear in all resolutions requesting expenditures from Band Funds. NOTA: L es mots des fonds de notre bande* * doivent paraitre dans toutes les resolutions portant sur des dSpenses S meme les fonds des _ _ bandes ____ THE COUNCIL OF THE KAHKEWISTAHA1# BAUD Capital balance LE CONSEIL DE LA BANDE INDIENNE Solde de capital $ T oT n c I DISTRICT Committed - Engage $ p r o v i n c e SASKATCHEWAN Revenue balance df* fpupr?if w PLACE n o m d e l 'e n d r o i t BROkDVIE&f SA3KATQIEHAIJ !*■ Committed Engage $ T U T . HHBTEEHTH SEPTEMBER in ,Q 71 DAY - JOUR MONTH - MOIS YEAR - ANNEE DO HEREBY RESOLVE: DECIDE, PAR LES PRESENTES: THAT tho Council of the Kahkowietehaw Band of Indians, ct a mooting held September 13, 1971* make tho following by-lam By-Law Bo. lb create the position of a Band Administrator, WHEREAS it is necessary to appoint a Band Administrator to interpret and promote tho enforcement of all Band-promoted p T r H o E g RE r F a O m R s E , e n t d h b e y C o la u w n s c il an o d f t t o he c a K r a r h y k o e u v t & st s a u h c a h w o B t a h n e d r E du K t A i C e T s A S as P O m L a L y O l b / o Si assigned by Council. 1. That tho position of Band Administrator is hereby created for the Kahkewistahaw Band. 2. That the said position shall be filled by competition advertised in accordance with the policy of the Band Council expressed by resolution. 3. That the incumbent of the said position shall hold office during the pleasure of end subject to the by-laws of tho Band Council. A* That the said incumbent shall, upon appointment, file with the Band Council an indemnity bond in a era adequate to ensure protection of monies entrusted to his care and Trust Account issued by a reeofjiised bonding company, subject to the premium being paid from the Administration Grant. File, before taking over his duties as Band Administrator, a Declaration of Office on a form prescribed by the Band Council. 2
page; 2 BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION RESOLUTION DE CONSEIL DE BANDE NOTE: The words From our Band Funds" must appear in all resolutions requesting expenditures from Band Funds. NOTA: L es mots des fonds de notre bande** doivent paraitre dans toutes les resolutions portant sur des dSpenses S meme les fonds des bandes THE COUNCIL OF THE LE CONSEIL DE LA BANDE INDIENNE KAHKEWISTAHAW BARD AGENCY a g e n c e TQ8KT0H DISTRICT p r o v i n c e SASKATCHEWAN PLACE BROADVIEW, SASKATCHEWAN nATO THIRTEENTH SEPTEM B ER 41Q 71 DAY - JOUR MONTH MOIS DO HEREBY RESOLVE: DECIDE, PAR LES PRESENTES: 5* That the said incumbent shall be paid a salary of $5*400.00 per annum on a semi­ monthly basis and such salary may be adjusted by Band Council Resolution according to the increase or decrease of responsibility of the position and that this shall be on the basis of a 40-hour week. 6. r Th e a q t u ir th e e d o s f a l h a i r m y o a f nd t h a e l l s f a e i e d s i o nc r u e m m b o e l n u t m e s n h of any act or statute of the Federal or Provincial Government or o o th f e t B h a e n d B . and shall be paid to the Kahkewistahaw Band and credited to the funds of 7. That the duties of the Band Administrator shall* under the general direction of the Band Council and subject to its policies and regulations* be as follows* a) Maintain or cause to be maintained an adequate bookkeeping system showing all receipts and expenditures during each fiscal year of all monies transacted in connection with the business of the Band in accordance with the Band Council and Financial Regulations. b) Ensure an audit of the books is carried out within sixty days after the close of eech fiscal year by an audit firm appointed by the Band Council and Indian Affairs Branch as required. c) o K f e e a p l i l n b y h i l s a o w f s f i a c n e d o of r i a n ll t m h i e n u p t l e a s c e o f ap maintaining an office filing system and index* obtaining* recording and distributing files and other records. Chronological No. Numero con ae cut if KAHKEWISTAHAW NO. 33 H,Q. Reference N ° de ret, d u b . pr. 673/28-7-15 Capital balance Solde de capital $ Committed Engage $ Revenue balance a 1 Hf* He* Tf* vp n i f w Committed E n g a g e $ YEAR - ANNEE t a s ll o f be a p n a y y k m i en n t d i ac n c f r u u l i l n g f t or ell services o f h a i n m y b b y y -vi l r a t w u s e t p h o e i n p t r e o d c e f e o d r i t ng h s i s o p f u r t p h o e s e B * a n t d h C e o o u r n i c g i i l n a b l y s 3
Chronological No. Numero con ae cut if page: 3 KAHKEWISTAHAW NO. 33 H.Q. Reference N ° cfe ref, d u b , pr, BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION 673/20-7-15 RESOLUTION DE CONSEIL DE BANDE NOTE: The words From our Band Funds must appear in all resolutions requesting expenditures from Band Funds. NOTA: L es mots des fonds de notre bande** doivent paraitre dans toutes les resolutions portant sur des dSpenses it meme les fonds des bandes THE c o u n c i l o f t h e KAHKEWISTAHAW BARD Capital balance LE CONSEIL DE LA BANDE INDIENNE Soldo de capital $ AGENCY YQKKTON D IS T R IC T AGENCE Committed En6a6e $ p r o v i n c e SASKATCHEWAN Revenue balance 'Jn/nP rfa fPi/Pfiff A PLACE BR O AD V IEW , SASKATCHEWAN NOM DE L EN D RO IT Committed Engage $ TH IR TEE N TH SEPTEMBER 7 1 DATE AD 19 __________________*____ DAY - JOUR MONTH - MOIS YEAR - ANNlzE DO HEREBY RESOLVE; DECIDE, PAR LES PRESENTES: d) Oversees end supervises the affairs and progress of the Band including, public B w a o n rk d s e n e t n e d r u p t r i i l s i e t s i . es, housing, recreation, law enforcement, land matters and e) u Ma p i n a t n a d i p n a r y e c c o h r e d q s u e o s f i s a s l u l e d e . mployees and time sheets and ensure paylists are made f) Maintain records related to leasee, loans and Band projects. g) Acquaint himself with all provisions of the Indian Act and any other act of the Federal and Provincial Governments that bear upon the well being of the Kahkewistahaw Band or any member thereof. h) Acquaint himself with all by-laws of the Bend and ensure that they are carried out and to bring to the attention of Council, any ease where a by-law is in­ adequate or being improperly enforced. i) Supervise directly any office support staff and provide administrative super­ vision to other Band employees by keeping them informed on the financial cir­ cumstances of the programs and reports to Council cm any problem foreseen in completing projects within assigned budgets. J) TO co-operate with other agencies dealing with the Kahkewistahaw Band, including Provincial and Federal Government agencies such as welfare, health, guidance, placement, economic development end education and other non-government agencies engaged to provide benefits or services to the Indian people of the Kahkewistahaw Band. k
PAGE U BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION RESOLUTION DE CONSEIL DE BANDE NOTE: The words^ From our Band Funds*’ must appear in all resolutions requesting expenditures from Band Funds. NOTA: L es mots des fonds de notre bande doivent paraitre dans toutes les resolutions portant sur des dgpenses Z meme les fonds des bandes THE COUNCIL OF THE LE CONSEIL DE LA BANDE INDIENNE KAHKE&ISTAHAW BAND TORKTOH DISTRICT AGENCY AGENCE PROVINCE SASKATCHEWAN BROADVIEW, SASKATCHEWAN PLACE NOM DE L*E T N H D l R Kt O E IT hiNTH ~SEF, DATE DAY - AD 19 JOUR MONTH - MOIS DO HEREBY RESOLVE: DECIDE , PAR LES PRESENTES: k) To attend all regular end special meetings of the Council and to report as required the activities carried out by the incumbent. l) l a b f f p ai e r r s f o o r r m a s s u c a h s o s t i h st e e r d d u t t o i e h s i m a b s y m a th y OIJGIEAL SIGHED BY : Gillian G. Francis *179 Leslie Sparvier Louis Tcy (C p h o *256 Carlso ( n C ou T n o c y ill p or o t a c t on a # e ' il 2 le 0 r) (Councillor conseiller) (Councillor consei Her) (Councillor conseiller) (Councillor conseiller) (Councillor conseiller) (Councillor conseiller) (Councillor conseiller) FOR HEADQUARTERS USE ONLY - l.TRUST ACCT 2. CURRENT BALANCES - SOLDES COURANTS COMPTE DE B. Revenue Revenu A. Capital FIDUCIE $ $ 6. Recommendec1 Recomman de ..... . *** Date Authorised Officer Foncfiorma'ire autorise IA 135 (1 2 -7 0 ) 7530 -2 1 -023-4662Chronological No. Numero con ae cut if KAKKEWISTAHAW NO* 33 H .Q . Reference /V° cfe re7. d u b , pr, 673/28-7-15 Capital balance Soldo de capital $---------------------------Committed Engage $___________________ Revenue balance Solde de revenu $___________________ TI" Committed Engage i ___________________ YEAR - ANNEE e b B e a n n e d c e C s ou s n a c r i y l . for the conduct of Bend i t ef a t C hef) Urbin Louicon ,-{293 (Councillor c onaeiller) (Councillor conseiller) (Councillor conseiller) (Councillor conseiller) BUREAU PR IN C IPAL 3. Expenditure 4. Authority Autorite 5. Source of Funds D epenses Indian Act Sec Source des t ends Art, de la Loi sur les 1 1 1 1 C #- apital , [ 1 _J 1 Revenue $ Indiens 11 1—' Revenu Date A ssistant Deputy Minister Soua-minie tre adjoint
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