Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

/ The Amalia' nated Saddle lake Band Council Curfew 3vlav covering the Saddle Lake Indian Reserve 125 and the Whitef: sh indien Pq . ̂/q wo. 128, and the Cache lake Indian Reserve iTo 1251. The Ar. nl^arraied Council of the 'Saddle lake Band of Indians at meetinm held larch 7, 1962, in St. Paul. Alberta, makes the following n -law war suant ■\ to paragraphs (c) and (r) of Section 30 of the Indian , Lu-1 aw Bo. 5 op-lav to provide for the regulation of a Curfew in the Saddle Lake Ban Reserve Bo. 125, and Cache Lake Be. 1251, and ILiitefish Lake Bo. 123, the Province of Alberta. (a) Bo child shall be at large or in a public place at nivht within the boundaries of tl rose:rves controlled by the Saddle Lake Band Council without being accompanied by a responsible adult», (b) Bach child shall be in his or her home at night. (c) A child to whom this by-law applies found at large or in a public place without proper guardianship, may be warned to go home by the enforcement officer, and, if after such warning the child is found at largo or in a public place or loitering in a public place, such child nay be taken by the enforcement officer to his or her home. (d) Any person, parent or guardian, who knovdngly or negligently permits his or her child to violate this by-law shall be guilty of an offence under this by-law. (e) A child shall mean a boy or girl actually or apparently under sixteen years of age. (f) A night shall mean the time between 9 o fclock P.H. and 6 o 1clock À.M. (g) Parent shall include a guardian-and every person who is by law or in fact liable to maintain a child. (h) The Curfew by-law shall be suspended during the months of July and August of each and every year. (i) The Curfew bo-law shall be suspended for formally recognised public entertainment and social events at the discretion of the Chief, or a. designated Councillor, of the band on the posting of notices and advice to the A.O.M. Police at least four days in advance of the suspension of the Curfew by-law.
Regional Supervisor Alberta Senior Administrative Officer By-law No. 5 Saddle Lake Band This is with reference to your latter dated December IS, with enclosures from the Superintendent, Saddle Lake Agency, con­ cerning the above-noted by-law providing for a curfew in the Saddle Lake Indian Reserve No. 125, Cache Lake Indian Reserve No. 125A and ohe *hitefi3h Lake No. 123. Please be advised that this by-lav became effective on April 16, 1962, pursuant to section 31(2) of the Indian Act. C» I» Fairholau113/3-10 113/3-10 (Adm.lA) Jan. 3, 19q4 1 / r V
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