Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

WHEREAS THE CHIEF AND COUNCIL of the Paul Band are interested in the continuing economic welfare of the Members of the Paul Band; AND WHEREAS THE CHIEF AND COUNCIL have approved an economic development project that will be for the use and benefit of all the Members of the Paul Band; AND WHEREAS it is necessary that the Chief and Council to zone portion of the Reserve to be used solely for commercial/recreational purposes for the use of this economic development project; AND WHEREAS this economic development project consists of a golf course and other related commercial and recreational activities; AND WHEREAS Section 81 (l)(g) and (q) of the Indian Act give the Chief and Council the power to zone all or portions of the Reserve and to regulate the construction of various types of buildings; BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the Council of the Paul Band hereby enact BY LAW # _7___ .
SECTION 1 - DEFINITIONS In this By Law, the following terms shall mean: a. BODY: Shall man a Government, Municipality, or other legal entity that is recognized in law. b. BUILDING OR STRUCTURE: Shall mean anything that is built or constructed. c. COUNCIL: Shall mean the Chief and Council elected by the Peoples of the Paul Band. d. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROJECT: Shall mean anything related to the golf course and any commercial, recreational services related to the support of the golf course, and any commercial, recreational conveniences provided for the clients of the golf course. e. RESERVE: Shall mean Wabamun Indian Pseserve No. 133 A» f. WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION: Shall mean a form approved by Council in which any terms, conditions, restrictions, or specifications are set out in which a person, corpora­ tion, or other body is authorized to build or use any of the land specified under this By Law. SECTION 2 - TITLE AND AREA RESTRICTION This By Law may be cited as the Commercial/Recreational Zoning By Law and shall apply to the part of Section 31, Township 52, Range 3, West of the 5th Meridian, as indicated on the map appended hereto and marked "Schedule A.v Nothing in this By Law shall affect the continu­ ance of uses which were established prior to the enactment of this By Law.
SECTION 3 - SCOPE This area shall be zoned strictly for the use of this land as a golf course facility including such related services as a driving range, pro-shop, restaurant and licensed lounge, and any other related commercial- recreational activity that has been approved by the Council of the Paul Band and has been included in the economic development project. SECTION 4 - GENERAL PROVISIONS 1. OWNERSHIP: The land in the designated area shall remain for the use and benefit of all Paul Band Members and shall not be conveyed to individual or corporate ownership. 2. BUILDINGS OR STRUCTURS: No person, corporation or any other body shall erect any buildings or structures without the written authorization of Council. All build­ ings and structures within the defined area must be con­ sistent with the purposes for which this land has been set aside. 3. USE OF LAND: Any person, corporation or other body requesting use of land in this zone, may apply in writing for the written authorization of Council for approval of use of land. Council may grant such approval in writing providing the use of the land is for the purposes for which this land has been zoned. SECTION 5 - WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION The Council of the Paul Band may authorize any person, corporation or other body to use the land and/or erect buildings or structures, if such use is consistent with the economic development project , and in writing, impose any terms, conditions, restrictions, or specifi­ cations on such person, corporation or other body, that
is necessary to ensure that the lands are used for the use and benefit of the Members of the Paul Band. SECTION 6 - ENFORCEMENT The Chief and Council, or any other person appoint­ ed by Council in writing, shall have the responsibility for ensuring that the provisions of this By Law are carried out. SECTION 7 - VIOLATIONS Any person, corporation or other body found viol­ ating any section of this By Law shall be liable of an offence under Summary Conviction of a fine not exceeding One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) or imprisonment for a term not exceeding thirty (30) days or both.
CHIEF: WITNESS -----COUNCILLOR -L A rU ^i.'L / f /’ i.tL, COUNCILLOR ^ g h ^ o *n COUNCILLOR UNCILLOR l C ydA ar COUNCILLOR w COUNCILLOR WITNESS DATED at the Village of Duffield in the Province of Alberta this day of __U. - A.D., 1987.
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