Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

p . a x 1 * *7 TIio Council of the Iaul*3 Baud of Indiana at a Hooting held on June 27, 1957, on the Webonun Keoorvo nakoo the following by-law pur̂ vunat *-0 paragraph (b) and (r) of section SO of tho Indian Act* by- lav do. 1 A b -law to provide for tho recitation of traffic in tho pbaiaun Indian osorve, in the Province of Alborta* (a) io vor.iclQ shall bo operated at a rate of opeed in ôxcooj of thirty uiloa un liour within any part of the Jabaoun Indian Reserve bo* 13.3A, (b) So vehicle ahull be operated at a rato of speed in oacocu of fifteen ni Ion per îjour within any residential area % or school sons désignâtovi and aarkod as such by the council of t + i O O U i l d . ^ (c) Any person who violates any of tho provisions» of this by-law shall bo cuilty of an offense and shall bo liable on sunnary conviction to a fino not oxeooding ton dollars, or iav.rioonaent for a tern not exceeding oovon days, or both fine and inprioonnont* Chief Councillor Councillor Councillor
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