Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

NOTE: The words From our Band F u n ds" must appear in all resolutions requesting expenditures COUNCIL OF THE ERMINESKIN AGENCY EDMONTON/HDBBÏMA DISTRICT PROVINCE ALBERTA PLACE HOBBEMA jo ----------------------------ÿmr.---------------------------------------------72 DATE ______________________ ________________________ AD 19 ____________ DAY MONTH DO HEREBY RESOLVE: and request the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development approve By-law #5, Ermineskin Indian Reserve Zoning Bylaw, to regulate the use of land, location, spacing and use of buildings, and structures within the Townsite on the Ermineskin Indian Reserve #130, in the Province of Alberta. (C ouncillor) (C ouncillor) FOR HEADQUARTERS USE ONLY 1. TRUST 2. CURRENT BALANCES ACCT A. Capital B . Revenue $ $ $ 6. Recommended 7. Approved Date Authorised O fficer IA 135 ( 3 - 6 8 ) 7 5 3 0 - 2 1 - 0 2 3 - 4 6 6 26 21 C hronological No. 1 9 7 1 - 7 ^ 7 ? * * ? S T H.Q. Reference Z - t o j from Band Funds. FOR HEADQUARTERS USE ONLY BAND YEAR (C ouncillor) (C ouncillor) (C ouncillor) (C ouncillor) 3. Expenditure 4. Authority 5. Source o f Funds Indian Act S ec. | | Capital ( | Revenue Date A ssistant Deputy Minister,
r Û j LB v J LL U U Ü i;. : ' n r E R M I N E S K I N Ino^i :r:J fYi~D Affairs I N D I A N R E S E R V E u.A- r̂ia District ZONING BYLAW The C ouncil o f the E rm ine skin Band o f Indians at a m eeting held on 16 day o f Dec. , 1971 passed the follow ing Bylaw pursuant to paragraphs (g)> (h) and (r ) Section 80 o f The Indian Act. B Y LA W NO. 7 1 - 5 A Bylaw to regulate the use o f land, location , spacing and use o f buildings and stru ctu res within the Tow nsite on the E rm in e skin Indian R e s e rv e #138 in the P ro v in ce o f A lberta . Section 1 - T ITLE AND A R E A RESTRICTED This Bylaw m ay be cited as the Zoning Bylaw and shall apply to the Tow nsite on the E rm in esk in Indian R e se rv e #138 shown on the schedule attached h ereto and form ing part o f this Bylaw. Section 2 - SCOPE No building or structure shall h erea fter be built within the designated Tow nsite , except in c o n fo r m ity with the p rov is ion s o f this Bylaw. Section 3 - DEFINITIONS In this Bylaw: nA n c il la ry Build ing11 shall m ean a detached building o r structure not being used as a dwelling, which is subordinate to and on the sam e lot as the m ain building and shall include a private ga ra ge , t e e ­ p ees and other tents. "C o u n c i l " shall m ean The C ouncil o f the E rm in esk in Band o f Indians. "D w ellin g " shall m ean any building used e x c lu s iv e ly for human habitation and supported on a permanent foundation. "D w elling , Duplex" shall m ean a building divided into two separate dwelling units each o f which has separate entrances . " F lo o r A re a " shall m ean the total o f the floor a rea s o f e v e ry r o o m and passagew ay contained in the dwelling but not including the floor a reas o f b asem en ts , attached g a ra ges , sheds, open p o rch e s , verandahs, o r b reezew a y s . "F ro n ta g e " shall m ean the horizontal distance between the side lot lines m ea su red along a public street. W here a lot abuts two
s tre e ts , the l e s s e r d im en sion shall be deem ed the lot frontage. " L o t " shall m ean a p a r ce l o f land w hich fronts o r abuts on a public street. " L o t L in e" shall m ean any boundary line o f a lot. "H om e O ccupation" shall m ean an occu pation c a r r ie d on by the occupant o f a dwelling on his p r e m is e s as a se co n d a ry use usually o f a p erson a l s e r v ic e nature, e. g. b a rb e r , h a ir d r e s s e r . "P r iv a te G a ra g e" shall m ean a building o r s tructu re used to she lter and s tore private m oto r v e h ic le s , but not to s e r v ic e m o to r v eh ic les . " Y a r d " shall m ean an open, u n cov ered and un occupied sp a ce b e ­ tween a main building and the lot line. "F ro n t Y ard" shall m ean a yard extending a c r o s s the full width o f the lot betw een the front lot line and the n ea rest w a ll o f the m ain building. " R e a r Y a rd " shall m ean a yard extending a c r o s s the full width o f the lot betw een the re a r lot line and the n ea rest w a ll o f the m ain building. "S ide Y a rd " shall m ean a yard extending fro m the front yard and the rea r yard betw een the side lot line and the n ea rest w all o f the m ain building. Section 4 - G E N E R A L PROVISIONS FOR A L L ZONES 1. ___ Ow nership The land in the designated Tow nsite as shown on attached Schedule 1 shall rem a in in Band ow n ersh ip and shall not be conveyed to individual m e m b e r s . 2. __ Buildings to be M oved No building or structure shall be m ov ed to any lot in the T ow n site un less e v e ry p ort ion o f the building o r structu re m eets a ll o f the req u irem en ts o f the zone in w hich it is to be loca ted . 3. __ Noxious or O ffensive U ses No b u s in ess , trade o r ca lling shall be perm itted in any zone w hich m a y be noxious o r o ffensive by rea son o f the e m is s io n o r produ ction o f od ou r , * sm oke , dust, re fuse m a tter , w astes o r noise . 4. __Continuance o f Use Nothing in this Bylaw shall a ffect the continuance o f uses w hich w ere estab lished p r io r to the enactm ent o f this Bylaw. 5. __Building in Front Yard No buildings or structures shall be e re c te d in the front yard. - 2 -
6._____Building in Side or R ear Yard A shed, private garage o r any other a n c il la ry building m ay be e re c ted in a side yard or re a r yard provided that it be distant not le s s than four feet from the side lot line. Section 5 « ZONES C la ss if ica t ion o f Z on es : F o r the purpose o f this Bylaw, the following zones are established and the lands included in each zone are shown on Schedules attached h ereto . Z on es : R esid en tia l R1 R2 Institutional C o m m e r c ia l Open Space Section 6 - RESIDENTIAL R1 ZONE a)_ ___P erm itted U s e s : - Single F a m ily Dwelling - Duplex - Home Occupation - A n c i l la r y Building b) Regulations - M inim um width o f lot: 50 feet - M in im um front yard: 20 feet - M axim um front yard: - 30 feet - M in im u m side yard: 5 feet - M in im um side yard on a co rn e r lo t 15 feet f r o m the side street - M inim um lot area : 6000 sq. feet - Not m o r e than one dwelling is perm itted on one lot. c) __Parking - No c o m m e r c ia l vehicle heav ier than one ton is perm itted to be parked in a residentia l lot. Section 7 - RESIDENTIAL R2 ZONE a) __P erm itted U ses : - Apartm ent - Duplex - Home O ccupation - A n c il la ry Building - Senior Citizens* Home b) __ Regulations - M inim um width o f lot: 60 feet - M inim um front yard: 20 feet - 3 -
- M axim um front yard: - M inim um side yard: - M in im um side yard on a co rn e r lot: - M in im u m lot area : c) P ark ing - A m in im u m o f one o f f street parking space shall be provided for each dwelling unit. d)_ ___ Site C over - M axim um site c o v e r shall be 35% o f the lot area . Section 8 - INSTITUTIONAL ZONE a) P erm itted U ses: - H ospital - School - Band Hall - Theatre - L iv ing accom m oda tion when within o r attached to the sam e structure as an institutional use. b) Regulations - M in im um front yard: - M in im um side yard: - M in im um distance between build ings: 20 feet Section 9 - C O M M ERCIAL a)_ ___ P erm itted U ses : - Store - O ffice - S erv ice station and rep a ir shop - F un era l hom e - R estaurant - L iv ing accom m odation when within or attached to the sam e structure as a c o m m e r c ia l use. b) Regulations - M in im um front yard: - M inim um side yard: . / ' - M in im um distance between build ings: 30 feet 5 feet 15 feet from the side street 7200 sq. feet - Com m unity Centre - Church - F ire Hall - L ib ra ry 25 feet 15 feet 25 feet 10 feet, except for a s e rv ic e station w here one side yard shall be at least 40 feet and the other shall be not le ss than 5 feet p r o ­ vided that w here the use is located on a flanking street , the 40 feet setback shall be provided on the side o f the building abutting the flankage street. 20 feet
Section 10 - OPEN SPACE a)_____P erm itted Usesrf - A play a rea - A sport field - A re cr e a t io n area - A n c i l la r y structu res Section 11 - EN FO R C EM E N T 1. The Band M anager shall maintain the or ig in a l o f this Bylaw in an u p -to - date m anner including amendments and have these docum ents available for exam ination in his o f f ice . 2. The Band M anager a n d /o r any other p erson nam ed in w riting by the C ouncil for this purpose shall be e x -o f f i c io o f f i c e r for the en forcem en t o f this Bylaw . 3. W hile all the regulations contained here in b e co m e leg a lly in fo rce on the enactm ent o f this Bylaw, the regulations and p rov is ion s o f this B ylaw can be a ltered , added to, or deleted by passing a new amending Bylaw . 4. A p erson who v io la tes a p rov is ion o f this Bylaw shall be guilty o f an o ffen se and shall be liable on sum m ary con v iction to a fine not exceeding $100. 00 o r im prisonm ent for a term not exceed ing 30 days, or both fine and im prison m en t, as sp ecif ied in clause (r) Section 80 o f The Indian A ct. r K_ - 5 -
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