Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

6C SLAVES OF THE UPPER HAY RIVER BAND BY-LAW NUMBER 13 The Council of the Slaves of the Upper Hay River Band of Indians at a meeting held on the 27th day of October , 1976, makes the following by-law pursuant to Section 81, subsection (b) and (r) of the Indian Act. By-law number 13. Being a by-law to regulate the traffic on public roads for the safety and welfare of the inhabitants of the reserves of the Slaves of the Upper Hay River Band of Indians. 1. The by-law may be cited as the "Traffic regulation by-law". 2. In this by-law: "Band"means the Slaves of the Upper Hay River Band of Indians. "Band Council" means the Council of the Slaves of the Upper Hay River Band of Indians. "By-law Enforcement Officer" includes: (a) a special constable appointed for duty on the reserve of the pursuant to the Alberta Police Act. (b) a member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Poilce. I "Reserve" means the tract of land set apart by her Majesty within the definition of the Indian Act, for the use and benifit of the Slaves of the Upper Hay River Band of Indians and includes: Bushjie River Reserve #207 Hay Lakes Reserve #209 Zama Lake Reserve #210 Amber River Reserve #211 Upper Hay River Reserve #212 Bistcho Lake Reserve #213 Jackfish Point Reserve #214 "Road" includes any road, bridge, driveway, street, lane, square, highway, avenue, parkway, viaduct, trestle, thorough-fare or other place set aside for, used, or open to the public for the passage of vehicles within the reserve. "Sign" or "Traffic signs" means a sign warning, marking or other device foiF the guidance or direction of persons using the roads. 3. The design, dimension and the erection of traffic signs shall meet the requirements indicated in the "Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Canada", 2nd edition, 1966, as amended, and as prepared by the Council on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Canada and the Canadian Good Roads Association. . ..2
- 2 SLAVES OF THE UPPER HAY RIVER BAND BY-LAW NUMBER 13 4. (1) The Band Council shall, by resolution, authorize the placing of all traffic signs and the resolution shall specify the location of the sign. (2) The Band Manager shall place and maintain, or cause to be placed and maintained, the signs authorized by the Council and shall remove or cause to be removed, signs which are not authorized by the Council. 5. No person shall interfere with or attempt to interfere with the placement or maintenance of any authorized traffic sign. 6. No person shall remove, deface, obliterate, alter or attempt to remove, obliterate, or alter or in ant manner interfere with any sign lawfully placed on a road. 7. No person shall operate a vehicle on a road at a rate of speed in excess of twenty miles per hour unless otherwise posted. 8. Any person who violates any of the provisions of this by-law shall be guilty of an offence, and shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars or imprisonment for a term not exceeding thirty days, or both fine and imprisonment. 9. The Band Council may appoint persons to be called by-law enforcement officers to enforce the provisions of this by-law and for that purpose a by-law enforcement officer has the powers of a peace officer. Harry Chonkolay Chief George Ahnassay Councillor Councillor His Mark X Antoine Providence B. Deedza Councillor Councillor His Mark X Paul Metchooyeah Charles Chisaakay Councillor Councillor W. Danais H. Denechoan Councillor Councillor Charles Chisaakay Witness H. Denechoan Witness
' V . APPENDIX A CANADA PROVINCE OF / l 7/ft_______ •__________ TO WIT 1 __/A Wji/ S,Af Sf/Wr-7- £ôcœi- C-ôû'e/z/p' &t A/)ts//2 (name) , (capacity) res iding at ___ make oath and swear that the paper-writing on (to) which this affidavit is endorsed (attached) is a true copy of a document produced and shown to me and purporting to be the original by-law made pursuant to the Indian Act and signed by & /J JJO P UM û f (J p p (-OOASCi/ and dated Q f f 7 £ the said copy having been compared by me with the said original document. (signature) Commissioner of Oaths in and for the Province °f _q.yWA -_______ C or PAUL KEt Commissioner for the Taking of Oaths Commissioner Tor Oaths ^51914 Commission Expires Cctc/.ior S* 1977 Authorized under Section 108 of the Indian Act.
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