Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

RECEIVED •• :·•,,ar arxl Nortnem 11 5 Canaoa Aettf 0 a·ueNosn ,ddeCamenaoa PETERBOROUGH DISTRICT Chronolo&•cal No. - Numiro con.sOcutil AHaores onc:loennes et inuit JUN 041987 NOTE. Th~ words ''From our Dand Funds" "Capital .. or '"Revenue". which everts the case, must oppr-ar in all teaolutlona requeltinc expenditure (rom Bnd funds NOTA: L~s mot.r ''rlos fonds d~ notre bande '•Capitol'' ou revmu' ' &-elon le ca.s dolvent pamitte dlJna toute.s lea rOolutlona portent ur de diP.,••• i mente les fonds de!S bDndos THE COUNCIL OF THE CHIPPEWAS 0 F GEORG INA ISLAND Current Capitol Balance L==E_C:..O_N_S_E:.::_:_:IL:...::D..:E:...::L..:A:_:.B.:.:A..:N:.:.D..:E:.....J.:N. :..:..:.D..:IE=N:..._N..:.._E ___ _ ___ __________- --i So/de de capital AGENCY _D_I_S_T_R_I_C__T __________ P _ E _ T __ E _ R __ B _ O __ R _ O __ U _ G __ H __ _ D __ I _ S __ T _ R __ I _ C _ T __ _________________________ , Committed -EnAaAe $ PROVINCE ONTARIO Current Revenue balance --------------------------------------------------------------------------_,Soldederevenu PLACE GEORG INA ISLAND N:...:...:::O::.:M:....:::D:.::E::....::L..'.:::.E.N:.:;..::D::..:R.:.;O::::..:...IT~--- ------------------------I Committed - Enge11e $ DATE third June AD 19 87 DAY- JOUR MONTH- MOIS YEAR - A.NNEE DO . HEREBY RESOLVE . : DECIDE, PAR LES PRESENTES: To appeal By-Law No. 80-1 and accept By-Law No. 7 as per APPENDIX A ' A quorum for this Bande Pour cette bande le quorum est consists of fixe A Council Members Membres du Conseil ·-············cc:;;;;~;;·iii;;;·:::·;;;;;;; ~ili~;r·· ............ . ······ .. ·······c-c:;;;;~~;i·i;;~··.:.:··;;;;;;~;;i;·;~·;r········ .. ··· .............. rc:;;w;;;rii;;~··.::.. .; ;;;;;;;i;·;;;;r· .. ············ ·· ·· · · ·· ·· · · · · · rc:;;;; ~ ;:; 'ii;; ~··.:.:. . ;;;;;;;;; i i·;;; ~> ··· ··· ·· · ··· ·· · ...............r c:;;;;~~;·ii;;;··.:.:··;;;;;;;;;i;·;;;~r····· .. ······· ···············rc:;;;;;;;;rii;;;·.:.:··;;;;;;;;;r;;;;~:;······· .. ·······• I FOR DEPARTMENTAL USE ONLY- RESERVf AU MINISTERE !1. Band Fund Code 2. COMPUTER BALANCES I S OLDES D'ORDINA TEUR 3. Expenditure 4. Authority - A.ulorile 5. Source of Funds Code du compte Depcnaes Indian Act Sec Source doa f ondll I ba d de n e $ A. CDplt:al $ B. R~venue - Rovcnu · Art. do Ia Lol aur loa O Ca ital O Revenue i $ lndiens p Revenu ,6. Rc.•comnu:ndt"d - Recommendoble Arproved - A.pprouvablo I ....................................................................................... ·············oi~············· Recommendins Officer - Reconmando por 1 A 135 ( 579) 75 30·~ t·OU-466 t
. APP(~ D l ~ A .·.f BY-LAW NO. 81-1 IS HERESY REPEALED AND THE FOLLOWING APPLIES IN ITS PLACE. BY-LAW N0.7 .. BY-LAW NO. 5 BEING A BY-LAW TO REGULATE TRAFFIC ON GEORGINA ISLAND INDIAN RESERVE . · 't ,: .. Whereas paragraphs (b) and (r} of Section 81 of the Indian Act empower the Council of a Band to make bylaws respecting the regulation of traffic and the imposition of a penalty for the violation ..t .• .t .eof; ~·· And whereas it is deemed to be expedient to control the passage of vehicles on public roads for the safety and welfare of the inhabitant& of the Georgina Island Indian Reserve No. 33 Now therefore the Council of the Chippewas of · Georgina Island Sand of Indians makes· a thereof aa follows: 1. · · lR this bylaw (a) "Council" means the Council as defined in the Indian Act, of the Chippewa& of Georgina Island Band of Indiana; (b) "reserve" means that tract of land the legal title to which is vested· in Her Majesty that has been set epart for the . use and benefit of the Chippewa of Georgina Island Band of Indiana, and known as the Georgina Island Indian Reserve number thirty-three; · (c) "road" means and includes any avenue, bridge, driveway, highway~ lane, parkway, place, road, square, street, thoroughfare, trestle, viaduct, or other ·lands under the control of the Council which are set aside for, designed for, intended for, used by, or intended for the coaaon use of the members of the Chippewas of Georgina Island Band of Indian. .., or the general passage of vehicles within the reserve, but does not incl~e · any lane, road, or right-of-way held or established solely as a means of eareea .to privately controled landa; ···''
APPEN 1 -IX A BY-LAW NO. 7 (d) "sign" or "traffic sign" means any mechanical or other device, sign, warning or marking installed for the control or routing of traffic or for the guidance or direction of persons using the roads; (e) "vehicle" means any wagon, cart, motor truck, trailer, motorcycle, traction engine , tractor, bicycle, road making, machinery, or other conveyance that is driven, propelled or drawn by any kind of power. 2. (1) The Highway Traffic Act of the Province of Ontario R.S.O. 1980, c. 198, as amended by 1981, c. 48; 1981, c. 54; 1981, c. 72; 1982, c. 15; 1982, c. 28., including the definitions therein and amendments thereto, except as the same may be inconsistent with any Georgina Island Reserve bylaw including its definitions, shall apply to all roads,vehicles, and persons within the Reserve. 3. No person shall operate a vehicle at a rate of speed in excess of forty kilometers an hour· within the reserve and signs to this effect shall be erected. 4. All traffic signs required by this bylaw shall be erected in accordance with Ontario Provincial regulations governing such signs. 5. Any person who violates any of the prov1S1ons of this bylaw shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars or im~risonment \ for a term of not more than thirty days, or to both fine and imprisonment. CHIEF COUNCILLOR COUNCILLOR
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