Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

Ministre des Affaires autochtones Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and et du développement du Nord Northern Development Ottawa, Canada K1A 0H4 I, Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, HEREBY APPROVE, pursuant to section 83 of the Indian Act, the following by-law made by the Carry The Kettle First Nation, in the Province of Saskatchewan, at a meeting held on the 21st day of August 2014. Carry The Kettle First Nation 2014 Tax Rates By-law Dated at Ottawa, Ontario, this // day of ' J 2014. Canad'â.
I+1 Indian and Northern Affaires indiennes TT Atlairs Canada et du Nord Canada ;Chronological no. C.T.K. B.C.R. 14-15/1664 BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION I File reference no. NOTE: The words "from our Band Funds' 'capital" or "revenue", whichever is the case, must appear in all resolutions requesting expenditures from Band Funds. Cash free balance The council of the Carry The Kettle First Nation Capital account Date of duly convened meeting (YYYY-MM-DD) Province Revenue account $ 2014-08-21 Saskatchewan DO HEREBY RESOLVE: Carry The Kettle First Nation 2014 Property Tax Rates By-Law WHEREAS pursuant to subsection 83(1)(a) of the Indian Act, R.S.C. 1985, c.1-5, the Council of a band may make by-laws for the purpose of taxation for local purposes of land, or interests in land, including rights to occupy, possess or use land in a reserve and with respect to any matters arising out of or ancillary to such purpose; AND WHEREAS The Council of the Carry The Kettle First Nation enacted the Carry The Kettle Property Assessment tuai Taxation 13v-law on April 24, 2003; BE IT RESOLVED THAT the following by-law be and is hereby enacted pursuant to the provisions of the Indian Act and in particular section 83(I) for the purpose of establishing annual rates of taxation. 1) This by-law may be cited for all purposes as the Carry The Kettle First Nation 2014 Tax Rates By-law. 2) Pursuant to section II of the Carry The Kettle Property Assessment and Taxation By-law, the rate of tax applied against the assessed value of property for the 2014 year shall be a. For pipelines 1.72% h. For commercial & industrial resource 2.30% b nl~ 7 This by-law is hereby enacted by Council at a duly convened meeting heals on August 21, 2014. Quorum 4 (FOUR) (Chief) _ ~:< (Çouncillor) (Councillor) (Councillor) (99 ill (Councillor) (Councillor) ' ' (( uncillor) l (Councillor) (Councillor) FOR DEPARTMENTAL USE ONLY Expenditure Authority Source of funds Expenditure ; Authority Source of funds (Indian Act Section) (Indian Act Section) Capital Capital Revenue Revenue Recommending officer Recommending officer Signem,e Dale Siguulurr Date Approving officer - Approuvé pal Approving officer Signature Date Signature Date INTER 80005 E 2007-03-01 Cana&
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