Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

Ministre des Affaires indiennes et ~~ du Nord canadien et interlocuteur fédéral auprès des Métis et des Indiens non inscrits Ottawa, Canada I, Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern APPROVE, pursuant to section 83 of made by the Stoney Nation, in the Province on the 29th day of May 2012. Stoney Tribal Administration Annual Property Taxation Expenditure Dated at Ottawa, Ontario, this ~ CanadaMinister of Indian Affairs and ~ Northern Development and Federal Interlocutor for Métis and Non-Status Indians K1A 0H4 Development, HEREBY the Indian Act, the following by-law of Alberta, at a meeting held By-law, 2012 day of 1Vf)~jQ~Y~~f 2012.
STONEY NATION COUNCIL RESOLUTION THE COUNCIL OF THE STONE\ TERRITOR’~ TREAT\ PLACE MORLEY, DATE 29°’ DAY V4 HEREAS the Stoney Tribal Council Chiniki and V~ esley Bands: and Vs HEREAS the Stone) I nba! Council 2012; and Vs FIEREAS pulsuant to section taxation foi local purposes of reserve reserve lands, including by -laws authorizing AND WI-IEREAS the Council of law, respecting taxation for local purposes AND WHEREAS Section 56 of propeily taxation by-law to. at least revenues raised under its property NOW THEREFORE the Council 1. 1 his Bylaw may be cited By-lcui. 2012. 2. In this bylaw: Act means the Indian Act and the annual budget means the budget, revenues and projected expenditures Council has the meaning given to First Nation or Band means subsection 2(1) of the Indian Ict: local revenues means money raised property taxation by-law means taxable propeily means property Taxation By-law means the Stoney 3. The Nations annual taxation is attached as a Schedule to this By 4. This By -law authorizes the 5. The grant amounts set out with the Taxation By-law. 6. This By-law authorizes categories 01 expenditures set out in 7. Expenditures of local re~enues Chronological No: 2012.032 File Reterence TRIBE NUMBLR %tVEN SOUTHFRN ALBERTA ALBI RT4 MAY AD 2012 MONTH YEAR is empowered to act for and on behalf of the people of the Bearspaw. has met in quorum aL a duly convened meeting on the 29) day of May, 83 of the Inc/ian ilci, the council of a band may make by-la~~s respecting lands, interests in resei’.e lands or right to occupY, possess or use the expenditure ol local re~ enucs. the Stoney Tribal Administration has enacted the Stone3 Property Tax 83-on reser~e: the Stoney Propert3 Tat Bj -1cm requires a first nation that has made a once each year. make a law establishing a budget for the expenditure of taxation by-laws: of the Stoney Tribal Administration duly enacts as follows: as the Stone) Ii ibal Admimsiration Annual Property Taxation Expenditure regulations made under that Act: attached as a Schedule to this By-law, setting out the projected local of those local revenues during the budget period: that term in the Act; the Stoney Tribal Administration, being a band within the meaning of by the First Nation under a property taxation by-law; a bv-la~~ enacted by the First Nation under section 83 of the Act: in a reserve that is subject to taxation under a property taxation by-law: and Property Tax Bj -laii budget for the 2012 year beginning January 1. and ending December 31. -law. expenditures pro~ ided for in the annual budget. in the annual budget are heieby appro~ ed as expenditures in accordance the expenditure of contingency amounts as necessary within any of the the Schedule. must be made only in accoidance with the annual budget.
STONEY NATION COUNCIL RESOLUTION THE COU~C1L OF THE STONE\ TERRITORY TREAfl PLACF MORLE\ DATE 29~ DAY 8. Nons ithstanding section amending this By-law in accordance 9. Except where otherwise del~ned. to them in the Taxation By-law. 10. Where a provision in this circumstances as they arise. 11. This Byla~~ must be construed construction and interpretation as best 12. lhe Schedule attached to 13. This Bylaw comes into force Northern Development QUORUM: Nine (9) ~LL ~E~7N COUNCILOR REX DANIELS COUNCtUOR~~EIçHOLLOWAY cOUNCIL~J.~oDEel9c HUNTER COUNCILOR KEITH LEFTHAND 1. Fund Code 2. Computer A: Capital S Recommended Chronological No: 2012-032 File Reference TRIBE NUMBER SEVEN SOUTHFRN ALBERTA , ALBERTA MAY Al) 2012 MONTH \‘EAR 7 of this Bylaw, Council may at any time amend the i nual budget b~ with Council procedures and the requirements of the Act ~ ords and expressions used in this Byla~~ ha~ e the meanings gi~ en By-la~~ is expressed in the present tense, the pro~ ision applies to the as being remedial and must be given such fair. large and liberal ensures the attainment of its objectives. this Bylaw forms part of and is an integral part of this B-la~~ and effect upon being approved by the Minister of Indian \tfairs and CHIEF BRUCE’~ABELL~ CHIEF~ERNESTWE~EL Y ~77%~2~’ COUNCILOR COU~~HAN~.CRAWLER (~_ COUNGfC45R CLIFftRD.PdINDERFACE CQIJNCILOR TATER HOUSE COUNCILOR TERRANCE RIDER C NCILOR IIANK SNOW ~-K~ ~ ~J~DJ._ ~ /~q~-~---’_-----’.-.,._ COUNCILOR LIONAL WILOMAN / COUNCILOR HOME,~XWOY~GMEN Balances 3. Expenditures 4.Authority 5. Source ot Funds B: Revenue Capital S S Revenue Approved Date Date
SCHEDULE STONEY 2012 ANNUAL PROPERTY REVENUES Property Tax Levies. Interest & Penalties for Current Fiscal Year Surplus or Deficit Property Tax Revenue Carried over from Previous Fiscal Other TOTAL REVENUES EXPENDITURES Community Development (Housing) Environmental Health Services Fiscal Services General Government Services Protective Services Recreation and Cultural Services Taxes for Other Governments Transportation Grants, Small Business Other Expenditures Services Contingency TOTAL EXPENDITURES A TRIBE TAX BUDGET $ 739,1 86.60 Years $ 0.00 $ 147.80 $739,336.40 $ 702,369.58 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 36,966.82 $i3_9_,3~4_Q
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