Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

Ministre des Affaires . indiennes et du Nord canadien i ~S~4 On behalf of the Minister of Indian Development, I HEREBY APPROVE, the Indian Act, the following amendment Kanaka Bar Indian Band Taxation Indian band in the Province of British held on the 15th day of May 1992. Kanaka Bar Band Bylaw Dated at Hull, Quebec this day of Ottawa, 4) Minister of ndian Affairs ~, and Northern Development Affairs and Northern pursuant to Section 83 of to Schedule A of the Bylaw, made by the said Columbia, at a meeting 1992T02 1992. Harry Swain Deputy Minister Canada K1A 0H4
SCEED1JT~F. n-escrlhni For tbr flasa at 1. Rcaidcgadal 2. UtliltIci 3. Vnrnana5cd P0mg Land 4. Major Zcdostr7 5. Lit): Tndnstry 6. Businen/othszr 7. Mnn*5cd Forw Lend fib Rc.natiunal hupmrty/lWon Profit Organization 9. Farm at i-i KNOWN mat this fly-law Taxation passed by Cblcf and t9fl, that bring a by-law in establish Kauaka ~ar Sand for Vie mit and equitable in land includin; the rights w ~cupy, reserns is hereb7 enacicd as byaIaW 19fl-TOZ Baud at a duly wnnned meeting or the Wigiess chief fiun Witness Counclllor ~ )1(~ddt Witness Atm Ta~ Rates Taxauon Year 1992 Tar flatt l5372l 553243 12.01 l2St 4t!91R £15 L1,S4~4 &SS cadtlal the Ratcs tylaw which fbrms part of the Council and approval by the Mlnlnr M.rvh 9th, by by.Iaw a system on the gwrvc lands of the inativo flit lucil purjwncs of laud, or lnttrrsts ~MJS6Cfl or usc lands within In bocndnrtcs or the by the Chic! and Council of die 14anaka Bar said council irn Liii, 15th day of May i~2. ~‘Z~’zh/ Coon or
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