Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

Pursuant to Section 86,I ndian Act KSC 1985 C.1-5 and amendments thereto, I certify that the attached cupies of t t x KarnIoops Indian Band 2004 Property Rates Bylaw dated Ju ly 13. 2004 are true copies of the said by-law. ~l,o;n$sH are Director, Lands and Trust Services, a supcriritendent as defined in Sectior~2 ( l ) I nd~anA ct RSC 1985
P,rl~r~isdl:ees Affaires i i ~d~c r -~ente s .,. - , I,L~ Nord c;in:jd~eti et inI~rt!jcuteufrk d6raI . . .. aklprbs 2 , rlcs Ivlztls et des Ir:d~cnsn on inscrits -, . .-a . ., > . . . " I' (lltr~mCra~nart,c !: h l A [.:HLl I, the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, HEREBY APPROVE, pursuant to section 83 of the lridian Act, the following bylaw made by the Kamloops lndian Band, in the Province of British Columbia, at a meeting held on t h e 73th day of July 2004. Kamloops Indian Band 2004 Property Kates Bylaw Dated atOttawa, Ontario this .J4&d ay of .: t. I - , , - PJ~r;~s!er of I ncli,?n 17ft;lirs and , > , - , , Narthern Developmer~al nd t ~:j+r;il Interl~:~c.u!r!~ , - . for Meti:; and No;)-Status Ir~(!i;ir~s CP~.L,,~2C00~4. ,;
2004 Properlya! Taxat:io~
KAMI,OOPS INDJAIV BAND 2004 RATES BYLAW Bylaw No. 2004-0 1 In 1990, thc Kamloops Indian Band Assessment Bylaw was passed pursuant to Sectiotl X3 of the lt1 Jic1?1A cr. Thc Kamloops Indian nand has pnsscd the Taxation Amendmcrlt Bylaw, the Property Rates, Classification and MiscelIaneous An~endmentB yla~va, nd various othcr bylaws rclated to lllu assessi~lenta nd taxatioil within the rcservcs, pi~rsuant o Section 83 of'thu Ijrclinn A d . NOIT THEREFORE BE IT HEREBY RESOLl'ED: That the Chief and Council of the Kamloops Indian Rand enacts the following Bylaw pursuarit to thc Indian Act, and in particular Section 83 (1 ), (a), (;1. I ) , 3rd (g) of the Ir~dia~Azc l. 1. SBOR'I' TITLE This Bylaw may be cited as the 2003 Property Rates Bylaw 2. Pursuant to Section 7 of the Ki~mloopsI/ ldicirr Brrncl Propr& Trts-crtion the lax rates for each class of property stla11 bc in accordance with thc attnchrneilts to and fbnns part of the Bylaw. Region 1 Sun Rivers Lands Sdledule "A" Region 2 Shus~vapL anding Lards Schedule "B" Rcgion 3 Charlie %'ah Lands Schedulc "C" Rcgion 4 ticneral KIB, GSLM, Silvcr Sage and Paul Schedule "D" Lakc Lands
JCAhT1,OOPS INDIAN RAND 2001 RATES BYLA\?' Bylaw No. 2004-01 Hereby authorized on behalf of the Kamloops Indian Band at Kamloops Indian Rescrvc 8 I on thc 13t h day of July, 2004, Chief -. . - - . -- - - - .- . .. .- . .. - - . . -- - . Councillor C:ouncillur Councillor ..- ,- - . -. Cuuncillor Couilcillor Being the majority of those members of the Council of t l~cK amloops Indian nand present. There are ten (10) Council rnenlbers and a quorum ofCouncil is five ( 5 ) ~nembcrs. Number of n~ernberso f thc Council prescnt at the mecting: -7.
KAhlLOOPS INDIAN BARD 2004 RATES PSYLA\\I Bylaw No. 2004-01 SCIiEllULE "A'' Rntcs o f t:lu :~pplicda gainst each S 1,000 o f Nc t Tn~nblcj' al11c of I 'ropcrty Class 1;~l 14.420 Clnss 1 . 1 Rcsidcntinl l!nrlcucloped 14.429 Clnss 2 lltilitics N \i Class 3 1Jnmanagt.d forest I:md Clnss 4 hl l~ jurin dustry Class 5 Light intluqtry Class 6 Business ;ind other Class 7 Mnnagcd forcst land Class S Rccrcational properly/ nun-profit organization Class 9 f a m ~
I<AhlLOOPS IhDIAN BAND 2004 RATES BYLAIT Byl:~nN o. 2UU4-0 1 Classes o f Prcscribcd Property Rntcs nf tax npplicd against c a c l ~ $1,1100 nf Nct Taxnhlc Vnlrrc of Propert?- Illere arc no rntcs fur this region applied due to the revoka t io~o~l - de~~gna~nirolJr l rclinquishn~cnto f leascs.
KAMLOOPS INDlAN BAND 2003 RATES Rlt'1,AJ'I' Bylaw No. 2004-01 SCHEDULE "C" Classes of Prescl-ibcd Propcrty Itatcs of tau 3ppIicd against cach 5;1,1100 of Nct '1'al:lblc Valuc of' Pt4c>pcrty Cllnss 1 Rcsirltntial N:A Class 2 Lltjlitics 20.302 C:lass 3 C'nmnnagcd forcst land N::',A Class 4 hl;lior indus t ry N:':l Clnss 5 Light industry h;:A Class 6 Busine~sa nd other 18.603 Class 7 hl imaged forest Innd ?Ju'::'h Clnss 8 Rccrcatiorial propcrtyl S::'A non-profit org;lrlrzntior> farm
KAhILOOPS INDIAN BAND 2004 RATES 13YLA\j7 Byla~yh o . 2004-01 Iicgiori 4 Gencl-a1 ICl13 Lands Classcs o f J'rcscrilrrcd Propcrty Rates of tns applied against each $1,000 of Nct Taxable 'C'aluc o f Propcrty Class 1 ICesidentinl 7.970 Class 2 Utilities 27.151 Class 7 Unmanagcrl forest larid NlA Class 4 Major industry N:A (:lass 5 Light industry 20.761 Class 6 Business alld other 19.151 Class 7 Managed forest land N! A Class S Recreational propcrtyl 9.32 non-profit orgarlization Class 9 h r m
KARILOOPS INDIAN BAND 2004 RATES BYLAIIr Bylaw No. 2004-01 SCHEDULE "D" liatcs of tax applicrl against each S1,000 of Nct Tasablc Yaluc o f Property Cllass 1 Rcsirlcrltial 7.62 Class 2 U ti1ities N/A Class 3 Un~nanagedf ~orcstl and N :!A Class 4 Major industry NiA Class 5 Light industry N/ A Class 6 Business and other N !A Class 7 Managed forest land N/A Class X Iiecreational property/ N/A non-profit organization Class 9 fanrl
I < A h l L 0 0 P S INDIAN BAND 2004 ILA'I'LS Bl'LAW h4larrN' rr. 2004-01 Region 4 C;&Wl La~lrls Classes of Prescribed Property Rates of t:ls :~pplicda gai~lstc a c l ~ Sl,OOlr of Nct Taza1)lc \'aIuc of Propcrly (:lass 1 Residential 7.61 5 Class 1.1 Kesidential Undeveloped h- !A Class 2. Utilities KIA Class 3 U~~managefodr cst land Class 4 hlajor industry Class 5 Light industry Class 6 Business and othcr Class 7 Managed forest land Class Y Recreational property! non-pro ;1 1 organizatioil Clnss 9 farm
KAhlLOOPS INDIAK BAND 2004 R4TES BYLAM' Bylaw No. 21)04-01 Clnsscs of Prcscribcd Property Rates o f tax applied against cach $1,000 o f Net T ; ~ x i ~ b~l' c; - ~ I I I co f Property C'lass I Residential 7.6 17 Class 1 . I Rcsider~tiall lr~dcvelopcd K;,+l Class 2 lltili tics N '.4 Class 3 Lnmanaged forest 1a1ld NIA Class 4 Major industry N!A Class 5 Light iridustry N/A Class 6 Business and othcr N!A Class 7 Managed forest land N::'A Class 8 Recreational property/ N:'A non-profit organization fann
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