Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

CERTIFICATION Pursuant to Section 86, Indian Act RSC 1985 C.I-5 and amendments thereto, I certify that the attached copy of the Little Shuswap Indian Band Assessment By-Law No. 1995-2 being a By-Law to amend By-Law 1992-1, dated February 28, 1995 is a true copy of the said by-law. Richard Frizell Lands and Trust Services, a Superintendent as defined in Section 2(1) Indian Act RSC 1985
Minister of Indian Affairs ~'~`~ 1,2 : 'Ministre des Affaires and Northern Development indiennes et du Nord canadien On behalf of the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, I HEREBY APPROVE, pursuant to section 83 of the Indian Act, the following by-law made by the Little Shuswap Indian Band, in the Province of British Columbia, at a meeting held on the 281h day of February 1995 . LITTLE SHUSWAP INDIAN BAND ASSESSMENT BY-LAW NO . 1995-2 BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW 1992-1 Dated at Hull, Quebec this 3o fG, day of A" 1995 . Dan E .'Goodleaf Deputy Minister Ottawa, Canada K1A OH4
LITTLE SHUSWAP INDIAN BAND ASSESSMENT BY-LAW BY-LAW NO . 1995-2 BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW 1992-1 WHEREAS the Council of the Little Shuswap Indian Band is amending its Assessment By-Law in accordance with directions from the Supreme Court of Canada decision rendered on January 26, 1995 and in particular the reasons for judgment written by The Right Honourable Antonio Lamer, P.C. , Chief Justice, in Matsqui Indian Band and Matsqui Indian Band Council _V . -Canadian Pacific Limited and Unitel Communications Inc. - and -Indian Taxation AdvisoryBoard - and between -Siska Indian Band and Siska Indian Band Council Kanaka Bar Indian Band and Kanaka Bar Indian Band Council Nicomen Indian Band and Nicomen Indian Band Council Shuswap Indian Band and Shuswap Indian Band Council Skuppah Indian Band and Skuppah Indian Band Council Spuzzum Indian Band and Spuzzum Indian Band Council - v. -Canadian Pacific Limited - and -Indian TaxationAdvisorv Board (the "Matsqui Decision") NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the Little Shuswap Indian Band, at a meeting duly called and held, makes as a By-law the following : By-law No. 1992-1 approved and passed at a duly convened meeting of the Council of the Little Shuswap Indian Band held at Little Shuswap Indian Band Office, Little Shuswap Indian Band Office, Squilax, British Columbia on the 24th day of September, 1992, where the Little Shuswap Indian Band deemed it advisable and in the best interests of the members of the Little Shuswap Indian Band to establish, by by-law, a system for the assessment and taxation of land, or interests in land, including rights to occupy, possess or use land in the reserve, such assessment being ancillary to and necessary for the establishment of an equitable system of levying taxes for local purposes on land, or interests in land, including rights to occupy, possess or use land in the reserve, and the same is hereby amended by: (123) 2nd Amen .pf/1
(a) in sub-section 40(3) of the said By-Law, striking out "in addition may be paid the remuneration as may be ordered by the chief and council" and substituting : "in addition shall be paid the remuneration as shall be established by the Lieutenant Governor in Council pursuant to sub-section 48(5) of the British Columbia Assessment Act, R.S.B.C. 1979 c. 21 as amended from time to time with respect to the remuneration of the members of an Assessment Appeal Board (as that term is defined in that Bfitish Columbia Assessment Act) during the term of the office of the member of a Board of Review." (b) in section 40 of the said By-law, adding sub-section (5) as follows : "(5) Unless the member of a Board of Review sooner dies, resigns or is removed from office for just cause by band council resolution or otherwise, a Member of a Board of Review shall hold office during good behaviour for a term of not less than three years, commencing on the date of the appointment under sub-section (1) of this section." APPROVED AND PASSED at a duly convened meeting of the Little Shuswap Indian Band held at Little Shuswap Indian Band Office, Squilax, British Columbia this o2 g day of February, 1995, as witnessed by our signatures given below being a majority of the Councillors of the Band. (Member of the Council) (Member of the Council) er of the Council) (Member of the Council) (Member of 1he Council) (Member of the Council) (Member of the Council) (Member of the Council) A quorum of chief and council consists of (two) 2. (123) 2nd Amea .pf/2
Indian and Northern Allaves Indiennes T Allairs Canada el du Nord Canadt; BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION RI=SOLUTION DE CONSEIL DE BANDE NOTE . The wads 'From our Band Funds' "Captal" a 'Revenue'. NOTA: Les Mds'des londs de ndre bands' 'cepdel " ou'Revenu' sdOn la casdoivere paraare dam taAes les resohrtqna ponanl sur des dApenses 9 mArne les londs des bandes The council of the Le conseil de la bands indenne ~,j'j-pL,E Sl-IUSWAP INDIAN BAND Agen c cy Y CENTRAL DISTRICT Province BRITISH COL -UMBIA Place Nom de I'endroil SQUILAX 7 4 39 "S6 AV~'r, 23 -9 :48 I Date 20th or,y - .ww Dp HEREBY RESOLV : DECIDE. PAR LES PR~SENTES: WHFRF.AS the Chief and Council of the Little Shuswap Indian Band under part 4 Section 40 Subsection (1) of the Little Shuswap Indian Band Assessment Bylaw dated September 24, 1992 the Chief and Council hereby appoint the following members to the Little Shuswap Indian Band, Neskonlith Indian Band and Adams Lake Indian Bard Board of Review: L.E. Revard of Vemon, B.C. Phyllis Bonneau-Ivfiller ofVernon, B.C . Wayne Sundbo of Summerland, B.C. AND THAT in the event that any one of these three is unable to fulfil his or her duties the Little Shuswap Indian Band, Neskonlith Indian Band and Adams Lake Indian Band shall appoint Ron Kennedy of Prince George, B.C. as an alternate Board Member. ANDTHAT this appointment is to hear the appeals filed against the 1993, 1994 and 1995 Assessments; AND THAT the Board of Review shall be paid their reasonable and necessary travelling and out of pocket expenses incurred in carrying out their duties and in addition shall be paid reTumeration equal to the renumeration paid to the members ofthe Assessment Appeal Board pursuant to subsection 48(5) of the B.C. Assessnx:nt Act, RS.B.C . 1979, o. 21, during their term ofoffice; AND THAT every member of a Board of Review shall before entering on his duties, take and subscribe before the administrator or a Notary Public or a commissioner for taking oaths an oath or affirmation in the form prescribed by this bylaw in Schedule "E". A quorum for this Band Pour calls bande le quorum est consists ol TWO lix8 9 Council Members . Membres du Conseil. (Caur.error - Caass7er) (Ca+ncior - conseunl (cauncbr - Caoeaer) lCourcea - Conseaml FOR DEPARTMENTAL USE ONIY - RESERVE AU MINISTE E I Bwrd Fwd Cadn 2 C er anc - d'aEU .eWeur Code au rAmple cM lands n Cw41 9 Ii nnYVmpnMl Am--sift osle Recormre dldca - 8115 (946) 737tf21~e06e592 Cl*oraiopc+r No - N" [onslcul e'r: d G`4'lif- c/ -6'4' 1~=~i 2129 FINRelsrarca - N"do r!Nlrencs chi Anaer w,AurJlever is the case . rnusf appear m a9 resolutions requeslinq expendtures from Band Funds . Curnt Capit cap al Balance ital f Committed f Current Revenue Balance Sdde de revenue f October AD 19 95 c°'"" itted mom - Mas V= ;~-- E~~B lCouncNm - Cormasrl --fCe er - Coraemarl lCounamor - Conxmbrl Icaunaaor - Car""') ICoureaor - Coraenerl (Cwrcft - Caueeol (Counceor - Consemerl J . Expsndtwe - plparup 14, =,= Ac1 SecOOn) SouCO d ! ts Ld v Source dex Fu b n M ds a . Rev*" - Reww 1p trNam E3 Crqdra 0 Reverxra Revvy Lt. - AOPOwBdo A--We Date Oft- - App-"Fist Canada.
. !y 6r;han arwl Norltlern Allaues mdiMUles "T .Altairs Canada -et du Nord Canad$ BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION RIISOLUTION DE CONSEIL DE BANDE NOTE . The wads 'From our Band Funds' 'Capial' p NOTA : Los Mds'des londs de noire bande' 'cepilal' ou'Revenu' salon bandes L T e he co co n u s n e c d il de of ta th b e ande indienne LITTLE ShIUSWAP A Di gency strict CENTRAL DISTRICT' Prov ince BRITISH COLUMBIA Place Nom de I 'endroil S UjL.AX Dale 20th im oar - pp HEREBY RESOLV : DECIDE . PAR LES PR~SENTES : The Chiefand Council ofthe Little Shuswap Indian Band agrees to contract the services Ray Foisy of 261 Country Estate Drive, Vemon, B.C. V1B 2V3 to be the registrar for the Little Shuswap Indian Band Board of Review. Duties of the Registrar will include: " to notify all those appealing ofthe date, place and time or hearing " to notify all patties to any appeal of the decision ofthe Board ofReview " to provide each member of the Board ofReview with copies of the letter of appeal " obtain a contrad for the Little Shuswap Indian Band with the B.C. Assessment Authority for production of the 1996 Assessment Roll " to provide assistance or advice on matters relating to taxation/assessment for the Little Shuswap Indian Band as may be agreed to ANDTHAT as Registrar for the Board of Review, the Little ShLLswap Indian Band agrees to pay Ray Foisy the following renumeration : " $200.00 per day " travel upon receipt at .40 cents per kilometre " meals at forty dollars per day " hotel accommodations upon receipt " reasonable disbursements at cost A quorum for this Band Pour cette bande le quorum est consists ol ~O GuA a Council Members . Membres du Conseil. ICOwKlar - CmreMrl ~ (\~ (CeurtNa ICourcAlor - Cmeodal (CounMor - Corroeiv) (Cwrcaa - Co-40) FOR DEPARTMENTAL USE ONLY - RESERVE AU MINISTERE 1 e .nd Funn Com z C0-WW - aVane+.ur Coa9 canps eu cM IxvMe A. Cepnd e Rmwars - lyvary fl qecmyomded - ReCOnxnarcaEle Date --- Recon-mrr" OIICer - RecopmianE! Ws (9d161 7S7P21~078682 c1vaukxpcN No N° ca.wum 2128 File Rslararc" - N" de 4lb"rce Au Ooavw -Revenue'. whrchever i5 the case . must eppem in a1 resolutions requesting expenbtures hom Band Funds to cas donerl pareAre dans laules Ws resokdlons porlarnl slu oes dApenaes 6 mbne les londs des Current Capital Balance INDIAN BAND Solder de capital E E ~ s _ Current Revenue Balance Sdde de revenue October AD 1s 95 Committed EngagA Monm - uon rv - Arnee of - rusfw) , leoun'ren - Comeaal I'Ca~FrJOr - Corie~erl (Councdor - Conreaer) (caxrceo - Conreuer) (Courr,,ln - Corneasrl (Counc4r - Came~exj ~ K4-ft - Coreauer) a e .penolw . - oeperso ~ A,xho,a, fI~ naen Au secba,) soa.aa a Furdh AuO 46 1=ae ra Lti sw Souca on bwa le2 11,ok oCeMar 0 Fl= AOPpftd - Apprwvaqe per Dal! ACGrr! Oftm - and par Canada
ey Indian arul Nor111em Allarres urdrelures . `r Affairs Canada of du No rd Canada BAND COUNCIL RESOLUTION RtSOLUTION DE CONSEIL DE 9ANDE NOTE: The words "From our Band Funds' 'Caplal' a 'Revenue'. whichever is the case . must appear in an resolutions requesting expenddtures from Band NO TA : Les Mots 'des londs de noire bende' 'Capital' Ou 'Revenu' selon bandes the counc d il of the LB conse de la bande i ndienne LIME SHIJSWAI' INDIAN BAND A gent: District CENTRAL DISTRICT Province BRITISH COLLIMBIA Place Nom de Pendroit SUILAX Dale 20th Jour Dayr - DO HEREBY RESOLA DECIDE . PAR~E g S re P e R I:SENTES: . t0 appoint Ray Foisy of 261 Country Fstate Drive, Vernon, B.C. ViB 2V3 to be the registrar for the Little Shuswap Man Band, Neskonlith Indian Band and Adams Lake Indian Band Board of Review. Duties of the Registrar will include: " to recommend names of persons or potential members of the Board of Review " to advise the appointed members ofthe Board ofthe date, place and time of the hearings " to advise the area Assessor, B.C . Assessment of the date, place and time of the hearings " to secure the location ofthe appeal hearings " to schedule the 1993, 1994 and 1995 Assessment Appeals ANDTHAT as Registrar for the Board of Review, the Little Shuswap Indian Band agrees to pay Ray Foisy the following renrnuneration : " $200.00 per day (divided between the three bands) " travel upon receipt at .40 cents per kilometre (divided between the three bands) " meals at forty dollars per day (divided between the three bands) " hotel accommodations upon receipt (divided between the three bands) A quorum for this Band Pour Celle bande le quorum est cunsists of '1W0 IixA 9 Council Members . Membres du Conseil. Icamca« - Cauea"l rcourouur - r.arsamep tcouncea - cmseAerl ICwncAOr - corueaeit FOR DEPARTMENTAL USE ONLY - RESERVE AU MINISTERE I 9en1NM Code 2. m - SdOm C'adnarsu Code Ou cpnpe A Cepaai M Iwrae 9 Ravanw - Rsrenu f Rrc:munendM - RecnnvnerraMa Doe R ecanmer4Or4n - RewmiaM! ee~5 (3e61 75.7P21-0]&e5e2 Cl+axib(pfi11 No - N° cdnLCNa 2127 No Ral"r" rc " - N " d ~Mb "nc" du CWS .r Funds le Ces deiverl pera4re dens routes les resOhArone porlan stir des dAperses A mime les londs des C S urrent Capital Balance dde de capital $ Committed E ngagA Current Revenue Balance Sdde de reverxre October AD ts 95 commiued EngagA Month - LAM V" - w.b" IcourK.,eor - C.-Maw) (C-COW - Cowxun) rCeuea - Ccoe,j ~ ICsuncnb, - Consecerl Icwneea - con+anal tcauno0ar - caneseq J. E"pMtun - Dlpaneas s -nf' ~SSkr Secuar) d Funds ANaaO t~uUS do q Lo w sw~ta On IoM7 ras 1,06M ~CepW ~Revmae SOru R AapwaC - Mvwsw Date AOphce, - wvA Canada`
r,~, hidian and Northern Allaees indleloles . T Affairs Canada ' at du Nord Canada BANO COUNCIL RESOLUTION RtSOLUTION DE CONSEIL DE BANDE NOTE : The words 'From our Band Funds' 'Capdal' a 'Revenue'. NOTA~ Los Mots 'des fonds de noire bande' 'caplaY ou 'Reverlu' salon le cas dorverlt paredre dans routes le! r9soluhona ponanl sur des dApentee A menleles lorlds Dardes The council of [he LI'['[Z,E['ZE SHtSWAP INDIAN BAND Le Conseil de la bands indi enne A Di g s e tr n i c ct y Y CENTRAL DISTRICT Province BRITISH COLUMBIA . Place Nom de I'endrdl SQUII.ea1X Dale LUM Day - Jour Dp HEREBY RESOLV : DECIDE, PAR LES PR~SENTES: THAT the Chief and Council ofthe Little Shusrv'dp Indian Band do hereby rescind B.C.R #2080 dated December 7, 1994; TI-1QtMRE Don Brothers, David Sparks, Larry Rivard and Ron Kennedy will not sit on the Little Shuswap Man Band Board of Review for Assessment Appeals. A quorum lor this Band Pour celte bande Is quorum est consists 01 TWO IixQ a Council Members . Membres du Conseil. (C.-d. - CmsMe) (Cwrcbr - Ca-lm) (cwrr,eer - Con-ft) (CwrrAn - coneeeer) FOR DEPARTMENTAL USE ONL - RESERVE AU MINISTERE 1 eanJ FurM Code 2 . er aMarc - sports a" aanareur du comps God. Mf franca A Ce(Hel 9 Revenue - Revenu r, RecommenOsd - Recarvnercrtle Dais Recommerd Ofecm 905 19aa61 75]P21~0769582 Cl-erogrnl No - N" canaeCUM 2126 Fb Relerer¢e - N" de rdMlrenceduemw whichever is ale case . must appear in an resehnronq requeslirlg espenrftufes from Band Funds. des Current Capital Balance Solde de capilal f Committed Engagb s ' Current Revenue Balance Soldier de revenue Committed O AD 19 95 EngagA Moren - MW Year - Amae S cv~'w fCpmcAOr nrsuerl (Courcea - Cornemer) (Crurcaor - cm-Mr) tcourcuor - Co-4.) icwnNmr - Cornamao ICounder - Cornemeri (Councaaa - Calaener) (councilor - Conseaer) a. E.peroawe - Oaperqee 1 4 Amlod, 0maeAea seclon) ~ source d Funds AMnaaa (IUCb de la lo w Swee on londs be InWni E3 Cseaam E3 RR=eee Approved - Apprwvede - RecornmaneE par care App Oacm - ouve Callada
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