Partie II - Lois des Premières nations promulguées

Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

CERTIFICATION Pcirsriant to Scztiorl 86, 1ndi:in Act RSC 1085 C'. 1 - 5 : I I a~~ t~cndrnentthsc l-ctll, I ccrt i fy that thc attached c o p of thc Skeetchcstrl Indian Barld 2004 Tax Kates By-law No. 9 datcd thc 7"' day of Junc 200-1, ir a true copy of the said by-law. . I ! -- , ( , - L I . . . .i:, 7'tio'nas Hotvc, Diredtor I f L.arids and Tr1,r sts Serlriccs (a Superintcrident as dctined in Sec 2( 1 ) India11 k t R SC 1985)
On behalf of the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, I HEREBY APPROVE, pursuant to section 83 of t he lndian Acf, the following by-law made by the Skeetchestn lndian Band, in the Province of British Columbia, at a meeting held on the 7th day of June 2004. - Skeetchestn Indian Band 2004 Tax Rates By-law No. 9 Dated at Ottawa, Ontario this 2 f l d a y of 2003.
BAND COUNCIL OF THE SKEETCHESI'N IND1,4N BAND ANNUAL TAX RL4'1'FrSB Y-LAW NO. 9. 200.1 11'1 IEREAS pursuant to subst.ction P3(1 )(a) of tile 11idiar-iA ct, 1i.S.C 1 985, c.1-5, tIlc Council of R l ~ n md a y makc by-ln\$ps for tl-lc. pril.llr)<co f taxn l ion for IocLllp urposes of 1' t ~ do, r intuwsts in Iancl, inclucl i n:; ri;;l~ts tu occup~;l )r>ssvsso r use land in i.t.scr~-Lc3 ncl with rcspcit tu an), 11-1,ltt~al.rsi sii~go ~ t rt ~ulr ancillar\~t o such p u r p i ~ ~ ~ ' ; A N D IYHEKlIAS the Council of t l l ~Sl kcutchtstn I t~rli,~Bna nd vn;lc ted tIirl Skcetc.Iwstn Indian [{dnd Property 'i'axa tion An~cnl!cclR y-I ,a-rv 1995-1t )n Ilcrcrnbcl- 4, 1995. NOCtr t3E 1'1' HEREBY RFSO1,VED that tllc fnllowing by-law be and is hchrcby enacted pursuant to the provil;ic~nso f the Indian Act and in partict~lnr scctlun 83(1) for tht? purpose ot;tblishing nnnt~rl!r ates n f tax R t1'0 1:. 2. I'urs~lart~ t o section 11 of the Skt.ctclic.~tnIn dian Band T-'nlpVrty . 'I'axdtion Arn~r~deUciv 1995-1,t l ~ cta x rntc.5 for cC~cchla ss of 1)m"pcrty ~ l i n l l5 e in accorclanct. 11-ith Schedule "A" rvhich is att;lihvci, ancl forms integr,~lp art r - d the 200-1 Tau R;ltCs Bj.-law No. 9. 'I'HIS BY-LAIV 15 HIIIEGY ENACJ'ED bl, Skretchcstn Inrlinn R a n d Cor~ncila t a cirlly c o ~ ~ v c n cndlw ting held 011 h e 7 th clay c-f June, 20U-1. Councilt.~il. {l- ,~~ilDcy. Dent'arrI t Councilor Archie C. Ucncaul t ........................................ Councilor ?‘err\. r)cl~c\nuli
SCHEDULE "A" 'I'Ilt. C o t ~ ~ ~r lcf i l Skcctchvstn 111~lianB a tlcl 1lt.reby adopt> thc foll(~\vingt i i ~ i ~ t i ~ j l ~ rtitils for thc 2UO-1 taxatior 1 yccw for thc foI101vi11gc 1asst.s of \lrc>prrty. - - - -- COLUMN 1 Class (71 I'rtqwrt y as prescribed unclvr Schcclulc~ Ikltr . of ?'ax a p l l l i ~(~!*lin st cclcl~S 1000.0O (IF the 11 and Section 11 of tlw Skectc11v~t1I1n dian Band i~sscssedv alue? of thc 1a1;d arlcl improvemc~~nt!s I'r opcrty Tax,~tiror~B y-laxv. - dctcrnlineri in accorcianct. with Part V of the Skectchcstrl Indian Rand l'roperty Asscssmc~;~ t 'I'axation By-Law.
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